The Antarctic Base

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The Antarctic Base


Post by PLC »

*Due to the arrival of the PLC, the base has now been set up and the oil drills have been set up stably, from the PLC comes an extra modified ship which has a refinery directly on it to convert the oil to the station until the arrival of the new special engine with the oil to be able to supply, hoses were laid that are extra cold-resistant in order to bring the oil with enormous pressure into the refinery and from there as quickly as possible into the base, a little oil brought along from the PLC enables the engine to run bring and slowly but surely heat the base, the base has also fenced off an area to conduct research there in peace, because the electricity is now working, you can slowly start, after a very long time, the refinery ship Chernobyl is finally arriving and begins after the drills are connected to him with the transformation and the continuation to the base, the vehicles have been heated and now l Slowly the research process is going on, only a few things need to be finished like the radar for snow storms and also the hangars need to be heated up, the new ice drills set up for research purposes are already slowly starting to drill through the hard ice while in the PLC new ones drills will be constructed to facilitate this process in the near future, all research will be sent directly to the main headquarters in Lublin and from there the studies will be made*
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by PLC »

With the discovery of the Antarctic oil fields the drills were now activated and hooked up to the refinery ship which immediately began converting it to usable fuel for the Arctic base which was now affixed with steel which can be heated by the oil to prevent it from freezing Radar is permanently under heating to detect snow storms and warn the base about 20 minutes in advance so everyone can get to safety quickly, the labs have now been set up and heated and the hangars for the snow cat nest are also heated, the snow cats now have warm fuel and can get to work while the ice drills started to drill a few centimeters into the ice and send this ice through hoses to the labs which started to examine them, in the base also the bathrooms, bedrooms and the small plantation for food were heated with it they at least have something to eat before the ships leave the PLC have arrived with new food, the nuclear engine to be specially made for the base will take a long time because the protection so that it does not radiate too much heat is not ready yet, it is thought that this will take another 2 months until this too is finished, for the sake of nature no seals or other creatures from Antarctica are killed, with the completion of the base Polska 1 is now the first base of the PLC on Antarctica for environmental research
Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Holy Roman Empire
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

The Australian government makes a formal protest against the PLC's attempts to exploit the Antarctic. An envoy from the expedition is requested to visit Australia immediately and cease operations, otherwise naval assets may be deployed to stop the operation.
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by PLC »

*the envoy is sent to Australia and the military convoy that was actually on its way to Asia was diverted to Antarctica to protect the base there, a few hours later the frigates, the aircraft carrier and the two submarines reach the Antarctic base and secure it thus laying the groundwork for attack, the Minister for Environment and Research arrives in Australia with Royal Guards as personal protection*
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by Alanston »

The Nusantaran government also files a formal protest against the PLC's actions in the Antarctic, urging them to halt their mining operations immediately. Seeing as the Australians appear to have things at hand, the Nusantaran government makes no further comments at this time.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

South Africa echoes the statements made by the Australian and Nusantaran governments. The South African government notes its dedication to natural beauty and scientific advancement, with the drilling being labeled as "Unnecessary, erratic, and alarmingly indifferent towards preservation".
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English Channel Union
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Re: The Antarctic Base


Post by English Channel Union »

The Atomic Alliance will denounce the PLC for drilling in the Antarctic, such actions should not be permitted and the Atomic Alliance demands the PLC halt all operations and leave the Antarctic, they have done enough damage. it is clear many nations stand against this too, therefor If the PLC remains and continues to drill, we will be forced to intervene with Australia.
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