East Asian Defence Pact Meeting

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East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

With all the nations around Siam becoming more vocal, Kamon Wattana, Prime Minister of Siam, has reached out to the leaders of @Majapahit, @Blue Dragon Republic, @Japanese State and @Republic of Dayue (Nanyue), hoping to put together a Defence Pact among the East Asian nations. She has requested that they meet in Bangkok at their earliest convenience to draft an agreement.
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

Interested in seeing what this defence pact entails, Prime Minister Raharjo boards a plane to Bangkok to attend discussions.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Dayue »

Receiving the invitation with interest, Premier Suen boards a plane to Bangkok.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

When the two world leaders arrive in Siam, they find that a car is waiting for them each outside the airport. They are taken to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Bangkok, where they are shown to their rooms. A little while later, the Prime Minister knocks on their doors.
"Pardon me, but I have a message I would like to pass on. As you might be aware, you are one of two people that has arrived so far. I hope you don't mind if I give the other nations a week to send their delegations, and if they do not respond we shall get on with the talks. In the meantime, please enjoy our wonderful capital. They don't call it the City of Angels for nothing after all."
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


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Interested in seeing what this defence pact entails, President Ryeo Hyo boarded a plane to Bangkok to attend the summit. Hoping to build better relations with his neighbors.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

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IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


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After having waited a week with no sign of a delegation from the islands of Japan, the leaders all have a knock on their hotel room doors. Upon opening, they find a smartly dressed butler holding a tray with a card on it. Upon inspection, it has the Prime Minister's official seal embossed in the left hand corner, and is printed on fine creamy paper. The swooping handwriting reads,
Dear [name], Since we have waited a week for the arrival of the Japanese delegation and it has not arrived, we shall go ahead with the talks. A car is waiting outside to take you all to Sappaya-Sapasathan, where we can start our discussions. Please, enjoy your ride through the jewel of Siam, and I hope to see you soon."
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

Raharjo would read the note, before telling the butler that he would come immediately. Quickly collecting his bag, he would head to the waiting car. As they travel through the city, he would look around and observe the city, admiring the Siamese architecture.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Ryeo Hyo gathered his secret service detail and headed for the car. Getting in he took the time to take in his surroundings. This was a beautiful country and hopefully the start of a beautiful alliance.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

After welcoming the two leaders from Majapahit and Blue Dragon Republic to the table and offering them a drink, Kamon waited a suitable amount of time for the delegation from @Republic of Dayue , but no party came.
"And then there were three." she laughed, "Gentlemen, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today. As you already know, I have called you here because I want to discuss the idea of an East Asian Defence Pact between our nations. Before we move any further, I hope we are all in agreement to joining and you may ask any questions you have."
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

President Hyo took a sip of his drink he smiled. "Thank you for your hospitality, it is greatly appreciated. The first question I would like to bring up Is this. How do you see Chimera playing a part in this?" He says looking between the delegation. "Nuclear Autocratic nations to our North and a Japan who has struck a deal with Western Europe. Their loyalty lies with European powers that seek to rebuild their former colonies in return for a share of the spoils." He says leaning forward. "That's why the BDR and PLC created this pact, to combat this new Axis." Taking in the room after what he thought was a strong start, he awaited the responses.
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

Raharjo frowns, turning to look at the BDR representative. "How does forming a pact with a European nation that is blatantly aggressive towards its neighbours combat perceived European imperialism? In my opinion, your deal with the PLC is no different than your apparent anger towards the Japanese for signing a deal with Western Europe. Personally I believe that this pact should be amongst East Asian nations only, with no European nations allowed to become involved. However, I also believe that nations should be free to create alternative deals and pacts with other nations throughout the world, at their leisure. Though this proposed defensive pact should take priority."

He pauses for a moment, taking a drink of coffee. "That said, I don't believe our host has fully explained what this pact would be like. So before we commit to anything I've just said, perhaps it would be beneficial to hear what this pact will entail?" He turns to Prime Minister Kamon expectantly.

[You don't need to necessarily call people out for not attending. Sometimes people are busy IRL. In this case you can leave it and let him show up if he wants. Just for future reference.]
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

"I side with President Raharjo here. As we are close geographically and culturally, we must stick together and defend our region first and foremost. However, any other alliances you wish to make are of course up to you, and we will not meddle in your affairs." Pausing for a sip of iced tea, she continued, "Now, onto the actual content of the pact. I have drawn up a draft modelled on the former European defence pact of NATO, but of course, we can debate to change these points." She pulled up a copy of the pact on the slides behind her, and indicated the copy printed in from of each leader. It read as follows:
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IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

As Raharjo reads through the proposed pact, he frowns. "I have several issues with this proposal. Allow me to start at the beginning:
  • For Article 1, what if the opposing party refuses to a peaceful resolution? Are we supposed to roll over? And what if for a 'peaceful resolution' they insist on us ceding land or giving in? Maintaining a peaceful outlook, I think is acceptable, but forcing us to always resolve conflicts peacefully just will not work in all situations.
  • I have no issues with Article 2, 3, or 4.
  • For Article 5, what if one of us are attacked outside of East Asia? Also I have a couple concerns about having to report all our military actions to the Council, would that not be surrendering matters of national defense to another body?
  • I also take issue with Article 8. There are times when it is necessary to enter into international engagements in order to uphold the integrity of our nation, or to uphold international stability.
  • For Article 10 I think we should allow nations to request to join the Treaty should they so choose, rather than just being invited by unanimous consent. I also take serious issue to Siam being the head of this organization. If this new pact is to be equal for all East Asian nations, then centreing it in Siam, just because you proposed the pact, instantly defeats that purpose. I think we should: a) have this so-called 'instrument' be deposited with the Council we are forming, rather than one of our sovereign governments. b) not allow any one government absolute influence or control over this pact. and c) either have a rotating council meeting between the capitals of various member states, or come up with a centralized location for the council to permanently reside.
  • Again, with Article 11, I take issue with Siam being the one to hold the instruments of ratification.
  • For Article 12, parties should be able to revise and update the Pact as needed, without needing to wait 10 years.
  • Continuing from that, with regards to Article 13, it is important that parties be permitted to withdraw from this pact at any time they wish, without having to undergo lengthy withdrawal periods or informing the Siamese government.
  • Again, for Article 14, I take issue with Siam being the one to hold the records of these articles.

Raharjo pauses for a moment, looking Wattana in the eyes for a moment, before continuing. "Prime Minister, if I may be so bold, it seems as if you are trying to project Siamese influence and power beyond your borders, in an attempt to influence and control much of East Asia. I have no issues with a defense pact, but this is not a defense pact that you have proposed. No, what you have proposed is akin to tying one of our hands behind our backs and covering one of our eyes. If we are to sign a pact for defensive purposes, then it should be solely focused on defensive purposes. Not on expanding Siamese influence and prohibiting those involved from conducting military operations or from exercising their own national security."
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

"Ah no no Prime Minister, you misunderstand. That was actually one of the things I was most willing to debate. You see, since it was drawn up in Siam, it made most sense to put Siam as a placeholder nation for that spot. I apologize for the confusion, as I should have made that more clear. As for your other points:
1. Of course we shall always strive to end conflict peacefully, but if they want to take land, then of course there is the right to go into war.
5. I see your point about surrendering national defence matters, and so I propose we make it so you may call for help from your fellow East Asian nations. As for being attacked outside of the region, the nearest defence troops will be mobilised to join the conflict, but that may of course take a while.
8. I see your point with this also, and I understand that international issues must be addressed. What we mean to say is any international dealings that conflict this pact, i.e. fighting on the opposite side of one of the East Asian nations."

Prime Minister Wattana looked at Raharjo sincerely, "Prime Minister, it was never my intention to expand our influence. Simply a little misunderstanding. Now, let's discuss where we shall really store these documents. I propose a neutral location, but the question is where."
IC Year - 2020
Prime Minister - Kamon Wattana
Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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