An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours

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An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

The Atomic Alliance
Continental Communication to Neighbouring State
Purpose: Request for a meeting between the Heads of the Eastern Canadian region and the people of the South Western (ON) Canadian Region and the leaders of the Atomic Alliance

To Whom it may concern;
The Commandant of the Atomic Forces and General Secretary of the Atomic Council formally invite the representatives to attend the City of Toronto to conduct a meeting regarding the future of the two states' interactions in the Northern Hemisphere and the shared interests of its Western existence in relation to the Atomic Alliance.

This communication is delivered by hand. The Representative who delivered the envoy is awaiting a response to relay back to the Atomic Alliance.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Prime Minister Yves-Francois Blanchet of Canada agrees to attend the meeting in Canada to discuss the future of the interactions between the two states, especially the future of Toronto. He would reply in Quebecois French, refusing to speak any English.

President Gretchen Whitmer of the Great Lakes Republic agrees to a meeting as well, also coming to Toronto for the meeting. Unlike her Canadien counterpart, she speaks English.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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The Envoy to Canada responds to Yves-Francois Blanchet
Votre présence est grandement appréciée

The Envoy will hand over an electronic device similar in shape to an iPhone
Ceci est votre laissez-passer d'entrée, veuillez le conserver sur votre messager à votre arrivée sur notre territoire pour identification. Les forces de sécurité atomiques attendront votre arrivée et vous escorteront jusqu'au Conseil atomique pour la réunion.
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Once the Envoy completes his discussion and provides the meeting date with the Eastern Canadians he will begin to return to the Atomic Alliance, relaying a response to the City of Toronto that the Eastern Canadians will be sending a delegation to the Atomic Council in Toronto.

The same will be repeated to the Great Lakes Republic but in English. Passes will be provided and a similar relay will be sent to the City that the meeting is official.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Blanchet and Whitmer would both board planes to Toronto, showing their entry passes upon arrival and following the instructions of the security forces as they escort them to the council for the meeting.

[Please use English for your RP posts. You can post the other languages in spoilers, but stick to English for the main posts.]
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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Upon their arrival at Toronto Pearson International both Blanchet and Whitmer would be greeted by two persons wearing complete white uniforms, Blue Belt and Stripe upon their cap with a golden Atom on both shoulders (Similar to our Seal on the flag), they would also have sidearms attached to their belts. Each will provide a quick salute before stating.

Welcome State Leaders! The Atomic Alliance is graciously hosting a meeting between our states for future cooperation in the North American Continent! Our goal and mission are to see a less divided America and to see democratic values flourish in conjunction with the necessary defence to ensure those principles are never threatened.
One Officer has a Bi-Lingual patch and will translate the Superior Officers statements

The Security Forces will transfer the Data from each of the traveller's passes to confirm their entry into Atomic Territory. They will upload a Temporary Diplomatic ID so that they may access services throughout the Alliance with ease. Once this is complete, they will turn to begin escorting them to the meeting location, while walking through the airport the State Delegates would be capable of seeing a large solid gold statue of an Atom in the middle of Pearsons Airport Arrival Hall with many informative packets available at the statue along with some greeting officials from the Alliance greeting new guests or immigrants.

Upon departing Pearson's terminal buildings the Security Forces will open the doors to two separate limos for each of the Delegates, surrounding these vehicles are 2 Toronto Police cars leading and 2 Security Forces Vans trailing the convoy. Drinks will be available for the delegates in the limos (Alcohol/Water/Carbonated Beverages). This convoy will lead the delegates through the heart of Toronto passing the CN Tower, Greater Toronto's Parliamentary building, the Atomic Park soon the convoy will find themselves driving down Kingston road for approximately 30 minutes into the City of Pickering, with another short drive down Brock Road the delegates will be able to see the Pickering Generation Station along with the large Atomic Council building newly added off Montgomery Park Rd and McKay Rd. The limo will arrive at the Council building with additional Security Forces opening the doors, each delegate will be able to see a row of SF standing with their rifles in a Salute position leading them into the entrance of the Atomic Council, the doors will be held open as well by officers with the General Secretary of the Council and each State Leaders standing just before the doors

The General Secretary will be sure to get the first words in,
Welcome Delegates, it is such an Honour to have you here in the Atomic Alliance. We hope that our meeting can bring us to an even more productive dialogue and open our nations to further cooperation in the northern hemisphere, as I hope we all share the same ultimate goal, protecting our democracies.
The State Delegate from Toronto will translate for the French Representative.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer would raise her eyes a bit at the required security to enter Atomic territory, but would ultimately shrug and follow along with the arrival instructions. As they travel through the city, she would quietly enjoy her beverage of choice as she looks out the window.

Blanchet, meanwhile, would be rather smug about the fact that the translator is diligently translating everything into Quebecois for him. Though he would be slightly put off by the lack of French signage in Toronto.

Both would enter into the the council building, smiling and shaking hands with those ready to greet them.

Whitmer would smile, replying, "Thank you, I am pleased to be here today. You have a wonderful city."

Whilst Blanchet would simply nod amicably.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Thank you very much Rep. Whitmer, we have worked diligently with the alliance to improve living standards here in Greater Toronto
Ford States, continuing the previous trend of accommodation.

Our alliance is dedicated to the improvement of humanity and the defence of an individuals personal rights,

Peterson states, beginning to gesture the delegation towards the meeting room, two Security Officers will trail the group, however some others can be seen standing post throughout the council building.

It was founded for the collective defence of each states democratic institution, splitting the cost of our defence amongst ourselves and choosing a method that minimizes our own people in the battlefield.

Opening the doors for the representatives, once they enter they will be greeted by a very fancy round table engraved with symbols from every “theoretical” Canadian province/territory along with some atomic symbols mixed in. Four chairs will be placed on the right side with the flags of Greater Toronto, General Secretary, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (in this order), Two chairs at the table on the left with the Eastern Canadien and Great Lakes flags.

Please, take a seat.

Peterson states with a welcoming smile, gesturing to their seats as the other representatives move to theirs.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Both representatives would take their seats, sitting in their respective chairs.

Blanchet would be the first to speak, noting the extra flag present. "Forgive me for not being up to date in the affairs of your nation, but could you fill me in on how your country is composed? Why is there a flag for your General Secretary present? I suppose the same could be said for why each region in your nation gets their own flag. Is your country not one entity?"

Whitmer would display some curiosity at Blanchet's question, once it is translated, but would not appear overly eager. After all, she had gotten a good glimpse of the map as she too her seat, and had a good idea what the meeting was going to be about.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

General Secretary Peterson will be taken aback slightly by the intensity of Blanchets questioning, however, Representative Ford will speak up first, responding in french with an additional translator providing the information to Whitmer.

The Atomic Alliance is a unification of our Armed Forces and Border Control along with a foundation of a shared Atomic Council that is responsible for managing our Defensive Forces, International Border Control, and Trade Relations, this council is comprised of an equal amount of representatives from each state along with the General Secretary and Commandant.

The General Secretary will take over next, speaking in English and ford will translate for Blanchet

Each of our states retains the ability to create its own Criminal/Regulatory laws and tax rates, furthermore, the Council will request funding each year and the provinces are responsible for deciding how much they wish to contribute, these funds will be directed to the council's operation.

Peterson will adjust his voice, before changing the topic

We would like to shift the conversation to a different topic, the Continent of North America in itself is a shield against foreign influence, and the Atomic Alliance aims at exploiting this advantage and offering the states under our direction an unpenetrable shield from outside of North America through open borders and cooperation between the North American States. With this in mind, we would like to open the discussion between each of our states for further Military Cooperation and Civil Cooperation such as allowing our people to cross freely between our borders without the requirement of a Visitor/Work Visa and open trade amongst our borders. If this is of interest to your states we could discuss even further cooperation amongst our democracies, as I believe we share the common goal of ensuring our people have such a right.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Blanchet frowns, "The removal of visas for tourism, yes, I can agree to that. For work purposes? Perhaps, but we only conduct work in French here in Canada, and I am to understand by the lack of signage that you do not conduct your affairs the same way. We could, however, be open to free trade."

Whitmer would be a little surprised, for she had thought the meeting would go in a different direction. "We would be open to a loosening of visa requirements and free trade. What sort of military and civil cooperation were you thinking?"
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Ford would address blanchets concerns first,
We are glad you are open to loosing visa requirements for tourism and free trade between our states, in regards to the use of French while it is not our primary language for our businesses we do have many French-Canadien speakers who I'm sure would love to work in your French speaking industries while your anglophones can commute here for work aswell.

Peterson will speak next
In regards to further economic and military cooperation, we were thinking we hold one operation each yearly in our varying terrain to allow our soldiers to learn from each other, furthermore the Alliance would be interested in signing a Non-Aggression pact between ourselves. In addition to this we would send one atachee each to our military commands to further our strategic knowledge amongst our nations and build cohesion between our soldiers.

In regards to Civil Cooperation, I was hoping we could establish a civil commission to regulate the movement of large vessels in the Great Lakes and operate the locks to ensure the safe movement of all vessels in our shared waterways, possibly some civil advisory committees on cross-border industries to make it easier for our companies to operate within each others borders

Finally, for Visas could we agree removing the requirement for Tourist Visas and Study Visas, remove work visa requirements to conduct Corporate Business amongst ourselves?
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

"There are no Anglophones in Canada. But I suppose I could agree to the easing of work visas, provided they are to be approved by the government beforehand. As for a non-aggression pact, I could agree to that, along with the commission on movement in the Great Lakes. A council for shared military commands and the like, I will, however, decline. Cross border business arrangements may be made, but they must pay Canadien taxes." Blanchet states with pride.

"I have not problems with any of those terms mentioned. They seem reasonable to me. Though, one question, are we still enforcing a hard border, or will this be a soft border, where people can come and go without needing to go through passport control? As if it is the latter, then I am afraid I must decline." Whitmer responds, much more amicably than Blanchet. Though he would echo her sentiment about a soft border.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »


Peterson states, before gesturing to one of the guards to grab the paperwork

Aye, security is paramount and we have no intention of ending your hard border to protect your nation, the only thing to change will be our restrictions on travel through these checkpoints.

The Security Officer will return and place the agreements in-front of everyone

Shall we?

Peterson will sign upon the spot for the Atomic Alliance
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Blanchet would make a big show of reading over the document, before finally signing it.

Whitmer would smile, quickly looking over the document, before signing it. "To a prosperous future between our peoples."
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Peterson will smirk a bit at Blanchets big show, once each party has signed he will stand up, providing a response to Whitmer

To a prosperous North America for us all!

Peterson will turn to Whitmer directly, while Ford will approach Blanchet.

Whitmer, would you please follow me?
Peterson will state, beginning to move towards the door leaving the conference room

Blanchet, it is wonderful to have you here in Greater Toronto, how are things out east?
Ford states delivering a welcoming smile, in French-Canadien of course
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:37 pm by Alanston


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