Ministry of Atomic Development

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English Channel Union
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Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

McArthur River Mine
Operations Centre

It is a sunny afternoon at the McArthur River mine, with a little bit of snow on the ground the governments of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Greater Toronto are all gathered together at the Operations Centre for this massive operation, the leaders of these governments are standing together upon a stage in the middle of the mines parking lot, with a crowd of Security and Reporters waiting for their announcement to commence, with many anticipating the announcement of a new agreement between these governments.

The Honourable Ford is the first to begin the speech;
Ladies and Gentlemen, Myself and my wonderful colleagues have gathered you all here today for a special announcement!

The Honourable McGuinty speaks next;
After months of deliberation and discussions amongst our national parliaments, our governments have recognized a real and present need to unify our individual abilities together to ensure the continuation of our democratic principles and the absolute assurance that our people will be protected from more aggressive counterparts.

McGuinty will be followed by The Honourable Wynne;
These discussions lead us to our current agreement, we believe one of the greatest assets our governments can provide to our people is the unification of our armed forces. Due to this, each nation will undergo a major reform of its military command to integrate each together and to pave our path to success.

Ford will speak up once again;
Please welcome the new General Secretary of our Alliance, David Peterson.

Thank you, Thank you!
Peterson states as he walks upon the stage to the podium, placing his notes below the microphone while adjusting its position

People of Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Greater Toronto I am very glad to welcome each and every one of you to the newly formed Atomic Alliance, that is why our meeting is being held here at the McArthur Uranium Mine. Now, you may be wondering why a Uranium mine is our selected location to announce the new military agreement
Peterson states, with a slight chuckle

During the planning stages of this alliance, our governments decided on the best method to preserve our democracy and enhance our nation's technological abilities, the decision was to heavily focus on the Atom, our Alliance is based on the principle that our best method of defence from hostile nations is a strategic reserve of nuclear weaponry. This method is known as Mutually Assured Destruction since our alliance is not the most populous among the international community our military would not have the same access to manpower as others, therefor we must prioritize our defences by minimalizing the need for a human army but rather a missile army.
Peterson will shuffle his papers around before clearing his throat

Due to this, it is important that our alliance is formed on the basis of Atomic Research, it is believed that the Atom can benefit our nation in every way imaginable by providing electricity to our cities and vehicles, providing us with an undeniable defensive strategy and unlocking the secrets of the universe.

That is why I am happy to announce the founding of the Ministry of Atomic Research which will be primarily based in the City of Saskatoon and have Forward Operation Facilities at all Uranium mines and any further atomic facilities founded within our alliance.

Now, I will hand you back to your Prime Ministers to announce the second stage of this agreement.
Peterson will step back as Ford takes his place

Now, with the unification of our Armed Forces a National Council is also being formed and will be headed by a General Secretary of the Alliance, this body will determine the funding distribution of our military and the appointment of all military officials. The Commandant is an honourary member of this council. Now, because this is a newly formed Council our nations will be holding individual elections to elect our state representatives in the council who will then select a General Secretary to represent them. We will now take questions

Following this, Commandant Peterson will leave the stage as the Prime Minister of each government answers the questions of each reporter on site. Peterson will board a helicopter and make his way to an undisclosed location just east of the mine. (Cont. in next forum)
Last edited by English Channel Union on Fri May 05, 2023 7:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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The Atomic Seal
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Upon boarding the helicopter Commandant Peterson will fly over the crowd of reporters as the pilot turns to fly north, flying past Wollaston Lake and turning west once they reach Black Lake, once they pass this point the pilot will contact Uranium Cities Air Command and request a landing location with a swift response from the controller instructing them to land at Kent St command tent.

With the Commadants helicopter approaching Kent St soldiers who have set up a perimeter around the city have begun to look up and watch as the helicopter makes a landing on the street right in front of the cities command tent, Captain Wright will exit the tent and approach the helicopter, once the doors open he will quickly move to attention and salute the disembarking commandant who will provide him with a quick salute back

Captain, lets get this started

Yes, Commandant, our security forces have continued to ensure the perimeter of Uranium City has been secure and prevent any leak of information regarding this city's activities. The engineers have been working quickly on setting up their laboratory in the cities warehouses so they can begin research and development on the planned technology. Housing is no problem, each engineer has been assigned a dwelling and more are planned for additional scientists or other labourers for this project.

Wonderful news, the Atomic Alliance wants to have this completed as quickly as possible so we can focus on other priorities to grow our alliance's influence and further protect our people by providing them with a prosperous life.

Each worker in this city has taken our mission to heart, we have been working diligently to start our research and our engineers are close to completing their blueprints for the necessary facilities that we will require to complete our research.

The Commandant and Captain will continue walking into the command tent where they will discuss the situation in the city and the supplies required to complete their project. Meanwhile, some shipments are already arriving at the Raven St Storage Depo with four Super-Stallions dropping off large pallets of concrete mix, steel beams/rods and carpentry supplies, once these helicopters are low enough labourers will climb atop and unhook the supplies from the helicopter
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Once the supplies are unhooked from the Super-Stallions the labourers will begin to unload them from the pallet, specifically to the location where they will be used to construct a new reinforced housing emplacement, this is one of six facilities that will be constructed here. With the current supplies delivered the labourers have begun two projects, the remaining four will be started once more supplies are delivered in the coming days.

Currently, the labourers have begun laying the foundation and reinforced structure that the concrete will be formed around. Atop this, some specialized tradesmen have arrived to begin building a shielding structure within the concrete confinement for the projects that will take place within these facilities.

Inside the command tent, Commandant Peterson and Captain Wright are still engaged in a conversation regarding the future projects of the Atomic Union, Lt Dan and Sub Lt Murphy are also present in the meeting.

Commandant, our beginning stages are focused on the stable use of the Atom. Due to previous knowledge from other governments in North America past projects have provided us with a leg up in the development of our own nuclear weapons. Happily, Sub Lt Murphy has majored in Atomic Engineering and Lt Dan in Theoretical Physics, these men will be leading our research and development efforts to harness the power of the Atom.
Captain Peterson will state happily

Commandant, our main priority is to follow the same steps of our predecessors in Nuclear Weaponry, we could of course leap ahead and try to develop a Thermonuclear Weapon but we don't have the complete technological analysis on how to build one and it may result in varied outcomes. With this in mind, we won't be developing a Gun Type of weapon but rather an Implosion Assembly, we will then construct a Boosted Fission Weapon followed by our first Thermonuclear attempt.
Sub Lt Murphy states

Furthermore to this, I will be leading our Future Weapons research team, while Sub Lt Murphy perfects the H-Bomb for our nation I will be looking for extended uses of the Atom, both in the generation of electricity for our people through Fusion but also in experimental Atomic Weaponry which is beyond the scope of regular development.
Lt Dan finishes off, with Captain Peterson once again chiming in

This is why priority funding will go to Sub Lt Murphy as he will be developing our primary weapon the Thermonuclear weapon, Lt Dan will develop projects on the side to try and advance our nation's stanidng.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Uranium City will be constructing
-x6 Reactor-Type housing units
-x2 Large(Wide) Reactor-Type Housings
-x4 Control Buildings
-x1 Large Laboratory
-x4 Small Laboratories

The foundations for the x6 Reactor-Type Housing units will be laid first, with labourers laying the steel beams for the reinforced concrete walls and specialized workers preparing the shielding for within the housing units. Additionally, the Two Large(Wide) Reactor housings will also be laid in with a priority in being completed.

Steel Laying: 25%
Concrete Pouring: 0%
Housing Shielding: 5% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 0%

More supplies have been ordered to begin the construction of the remaining planned buildings, such orders have been relayed to Saskatchewan Command and they have begun compiling them for transport.

One of the Temporary Laboratories constructed within an existing building is housing the team led by Sub Lt Murphy who will be studying the Implosion Assembly for a Fission Reaction, these men will have started with a Plutonium-239 shell and a Polonium-Beryllium core. Uranium-238 will surround the core of the device with Boron surrounding the entire inner assembly and Composition B and Baratol as its explosive.

Sub Lt, the weapon is under development quite well, we have begun computer simulations of what we expect to happen based upon our arrangement of a 20kt weapon and we will use this data to compare against the actual explosion once we test it. Currently, we are assembling the core of the weapon and our secondary teams have begun preparing our Fast and Slow explosives to surround the core of the weapon and begin the chain reaction.

Lt Dan's team will primarily be focused on advanced research, mainly being conducted in the form of computer simulations while they await the release of more nuclear material once the basic understanding of its reaction from the first implosion-type weapon.

One section of Lt Dan's team is researching what the Atomic Alliance refers to as a ENW, with a shielding made to enhance the production of atoms within the reaction while controlling the size of the yields of the weaponry. Initial computer testing has shown this type of weapon is possible and further research has been conducted into this theory.

Working in conjunction with the previous team another has been investigating the possibility of directed weaponry using more atomic material, some initial research has begun into the physics of this and previous available studies.
Last edited by English Channel Union on Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

More supplies have arrived at the new advanced research base for the Atomic Alliance, x10 Super-Stallions will be carrying more construction supplies and some pre-assembled parts for housing/research equipment. Labourers will quickly approach the landing helicopters and disconnect their cargo, securing it and beginning to transfer it to each worksite.

The arriving supplies are the more pre-assembled housing materials, building materials for the x4 Small Laboratories along with some additional equipment which will be moved to the temporary research facility while the small laboratories are constructed.

Steel Laying: 75%
Concrete Pouring: 20%
Housing Shielding: 10% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 0%

Steel Laying: 10%
Concrete Pouring: 0%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%
Laboratory equipment installation: 0%

Two Section, researching the DNW would have made a breakthrough! A material was successfully simulated to enhance the generation of atomic material and further research has been authorized and funded into discovering the most optimal design to make an effective prototype.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Once again, another group of x15 Super-Stallions will arrive bringing construction supplies and pre-assembled housing parts, along with some monitoring and testing equipment for the monitoring buildings and large laboratory. Labourers will perform similar actions will unload the supplies and move them to designated locations.

The 4 Monitoring buildings will already have their steel beams laid out and therefore workers will have already started preparing the concrete to be poured into the building's foundation and then continue the construction of the building itself. The Large Laboratory would have just started having the steel beams laid out.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 30%
Housing Shielding: 15% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 0%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 50%
Concrete Pouring: 20%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 0%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 5%
Concrete Pouring: 0%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%

Sub Lt Murphies team has successfully assembled an Implosion-Type Atomic Weapon, with this completion the team has begun stabilizing the device in its weapon housing and connecting its detonating device. Sub Lt Murphy will contact Captain Peterson

Captain! My team has completed their first atomic device and we are ready to schedule its transportation for testing.

Wonderful Sub Lt, this news will make High Command very happy with our work here, soon we will have more scientists and more supplies, being one of the leaders in innovation for our alliance's future.

Shortly after, a message will be relayed to Saskatoon, the Atomic Research Commission through a direct line to prevent interception that the atomic weapon has been completed and they are requesting clearance to transport it to the test site. Shortly after, a response will be made, this message authorized the transport of the weapon.

Captain Peterson will order the team to prepare the weapon for transport, preparing a super-stallion to carry the weapon via a harness to prevent irradiating the team. Another team will depart before the bomb on a Super Stallion, wearing protective gear so they can prepare the test site and lower it into position.

The DNW Team has established an optimal design for their first Battlefield-Grade weapon, once the successful tests by Lt Dans team are completed they will attempt to create this design, in the meantime, the DNW team will continue to refine the material amounts and layout
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 75%
Housing Shielding: 25% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 0%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 55%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 5%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 50%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 55%
Concrete Pouring: 10%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 0%

With the completion of the implosion device, the team will begin to analyze the test data to better understand the correct placement of the fusion fuels and the fission fuels so that they can reach an optimal design. Ultimately, a staged Fission-Fusion-Fission design with an estimated payload of 50kt will be deduced and materials have begun to be ordered for the assembly of this device. Enrichment will be started.

With the completion of the Implosion device, the second team will begin the construction of a Fission-Fusion device following their pre-planned schematics, the internal assembly will utilize a small Pu-239 shell with a Polonium-Beryllium core yielding a total of 1kt of TNT, however, this will be surrounded by large amounts of tritium, the Fast Explosive and Slow Explosive to begin the reactions, this will all be surrounded by a non-reflective casing. Materials will also be ordered for this project and enrichment will be started.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 50% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 5%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 75%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 10%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 5%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 55%
Concrete Pouring: 45%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 1%

Additionally, two super-stallions per cargo, totaling 8 could be seen arriving at Uranium City, they would be carrying large boring machines to begin digging deep into the earth's crust, and an additional 6 Stallions would be dropping off mining equipment along with support structures and more concrete. Architects at Uranium City would begin planning the layout of the new facility that these machines will be used to make, planning what additional supplies will be required

Drilling: 0%

Workers will gather around the planned entry location on the site of a nearby hill, the boring machines will be prepared to begin drilling while other workers will prepare the support supplies to keep the tunnel open.

The Enriched supplies will be transported to Uranium City via Helicopter, once they arrive a team of scientists will surround the helicopters while two suited laborers unload the cargo and begin transporting it inside the temporary laboratory. Once the supplies are safely stored the scientists will return to the pre-assembly stage where they are preparing the layout and explosives charges, others will be separating the Fission and Fusion supplies so that they can be properly weighed.

The Second team will obtain the necessary Fission and Fusion fuels from the arriving supplies as they only require enough to produce a 1kt explosion. The team will begin by assembling the Fission core section of the weapon followed by the Fusion exterior, finalized with the Fast and Slow Explosive and its transparent housing. This device will be slightly larger than a bowling ball
Last edited by English Channel Union on Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 75% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 15%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 95%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 30%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 20%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 95%
Concrete Pouring: 70%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 15%

The Engineers have decided the depth of the facility will be 200m deep, once this order has been relayed the drilling team will start their machines and begin to dig into the mountain in the designated entry point.

Drilling: 10%

The team working on the Fission-Fusion-Fission will begin by assembling the Inner-Core and the Surrounding body, the materials used would be similar to the first Implosion-Type weapon the Alliance has detonated, with this information and the data from the test the team has determined the best placement for the Fission Fuels and Fusion Fuels. The Primary Stage would see a High-Explosive lense surrounding a U238 tamper and a Titium-Based core, once this stage is ignited it will produce immense X-Rays which will be reflected by the devices casing, Neutrons produced by the Tritium and the compression from the reaction will reflect into/compress the Second-Stage "Spark Plug" or Pu239 beginning a Fission reaction in the Plutonium engaging the Fusion Lithium-6 Deyterude, encased in an Enriched Uranium tamper the Fusion fuel will reach an estimated 320million kelvin and above. The neutrons will begin to interact with the Tamper setting off the third Fission stage of this weapon increasing the yield of this device.

Overall, the current estimate is 20kt. The device is expected to have the first stage completed soon, with work on the Second Stage than the overall casing.
Last edited by English Channel Union on Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 25%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 40%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 35%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 85%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 25%

The drilling team has made good progress, the entrance to the mountain has been well defined and workers have begun erecting the basic support structure so they can begin laying the concrete reinforced structure to provide protection to the individuals within and ensure the facility to stable underground.

Drilling: 22%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 15%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 0%

No further progress to report in research
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 50%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 60%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 55%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 48%

The drilling team has made good progress, the entrance to the mountain has been well defined and workers have begun erecting the basic support structure so they can begin laying the concrete reinforced structure to provide protection to the individuals within and ensure the facility to stable underground.

Drilling: 32%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 25%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 5%

With the arrival of 1kt of TNTs worth of U235 the Atomic Alliance will begin to assemble their Fission-Fusion device. The Primary Stage would see a High-Explosive lense surrounding a U235 tamper and a Titium-Based core, encased by more Tritium and a Non-Reflective casing on the outside. Due to the relatively small size of this device (Slightly larger than a bowling ball) it will be completed and secured in a shielded container for transportation. The Ministry will contact the Air Forces logistics division so they can transport the device for testing.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 65%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 70%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 68%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 55%

The Entrance drilling has been completed, the drilling team has now begun opening up the underground area so they can construct Research Facilities, Server Rooms, Offices, and Residency Rooms.

Drilling: 40%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 37%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 10%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 5%

The device has been shipped to the testing site by a Super Stallion.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 77%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 86%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 79%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 67%

The Entrance drilling has been completed, the drilling team has now begun opening up the underground area so they can construct Research Facilities, Server Rooms, Offices, and Residency Rooms.

Drilling: 50%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 47%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 18%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 15%

The data from the test has returned and the team has begun to review the results, many are excited with joy to see the results of this weapon and confirm it has functioned as intended, with the REM measurement showing the device has resulted in a large neutron flux.
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The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 90%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 95%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 89%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 77%

The Entrance drilling has been completed, the drilling team has now begun opening up the underground area so they can construct Research Facilities, Server Rooms, Offices, and Residency Rooms.

Drilling: 60%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 66%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 30%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 25%

With the completion of Project Exterminator, the team will now begin optimizing the warhead from a bowling ball shape to conform into a deployable weapon. Due to this additional task, many of the engineers present on the team prior have been replaced with weapons experts with some remaining
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: Ministry of Atomic Development


Post by English Channel Union »

Further supply runs are continued, with a varying delivery schedule of building/technological supplies.

Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Housing Shielding: 100% (Pre-Assembling)
Housing Sensors: 100%

x4 Small-Laboratories
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 100%

x4 Monitoring Buildings
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 100%

x1 Laboratory Building
Steel Laying: 100%
Concrete Pouring: 100%
Interior Layout (Wiring/Piping/Etc): 100%

The Entrance drilling has been completed, the drilling team has now begun opening up the underground area so they can construct Research Facilities, Server Rooms, Offices, and Residency Rooms.

Drilling: 70%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 75%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 40%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 35%

With the completion of the Reactor Housings (-x6 Reactor-Type housing units, x2 Large(Wide) Reactor-Type Housings), Control Facilities for the reactors (2/Reactor). Additionally, research on all projects has come to a temporary halt while they move into the Large Laboratory and 4 small laboratories so they can be more effective at the research into these projects and have access to more machines to conduct the aforementioned research.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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