An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours

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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer smiles, "Of course, where are we going?" She asks, following Peterson out of the conference room.

Blanchet shrugs, "Things are well. We are looking to pass some electoral reforms in the near future, to keep Canada free, of course. But otherwise there is not much to report. There are a few disagreements between the Quebecois and Acadiens, as there always are. I wish they would realize that we are all Canadiens, but alas, I guess not. How are matters here in Toronto?"
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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Just a short tour of the council buildings

Peterson states, smiling and leading the way. Walking through the hallway Whitmer would see paintings and maps of Toronto and Ontario, along with some of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, even Maps of the territories, Eastern Canada and Western Canada. Artifacts in cases along the walk would reveal the tools and materials either made or discovered in the Atomic Region.

You seemed a bit surprised at the start of the meeting, why is that Whitmer?

He says, chuckling slightly to make it sound as a joke and not an interrogation.
To be expected, you can never please everyone!
Chucking slightly
overall we have been doing alright, sadly I’ve been having some difficulty with protests outside of the CN Tower and Ministry
Ford smiles, tapping the table once with his fist
Actually, I was hoping we could discuss a little more about my problem, maybe you could help
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer would follow Peterson around, admiring the building and artifacts. She would raise her eyebrows a little at the question, "Only slightly. Your propositions took a different turn then I had anticipated. I was coming here expecting you to demand my country join yours, which I was prepared to slam down and accuse you of neo-imperialism, or something of the sort. Instead I was pleasantly surprised for that not to be the case."

Blanchet smiles, "I'm sure we could come up with something, what sort of problems did you have?"
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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No of course not, to demand you succeeded your lands to us, sounds rather, authoritarian in comparison to a friendly neighbor.
Peterson will stop in front of two large doors, opening the one on the right leading into this Office at this Council building. Oak flooring with a red square carpet around the desk and leading up to it. The Flags of himself and his fellow states will be seen along the walls with a large bay window overlooking the lake. Peterson will allow Whitmer to enter first, while they walk and Peterson approaches behind his desk he will say;
However, I would like to make an offer to you if that is possible, please take a seat
Gesturing to the nice rotating black chair in front of his desk

It's been occurring for quite some time actually, even before my own government and each has failed to fix it.
With a tone of disappointment
My constituents have been barraging my governments and the ones before about the ability of Torontarians to visit family in the North and how they cannot travel to Manitoba unless it is by Aircraft, I was hoping we could seek further cooperation through something beneficial on both sides. We would like to offer you 5 Billion for Northern Ontario, the Atomic Alliance will recognize French-Canadien as an Official Language with a 5-Year Renegotiable (Renewable) agreement to keep Northern Ontario companies operational in French-Canadien with 50% of personal tax revenue from Canadien-Passport holders going to your government, they will not require any visas in Northern Ontario as well if they wish to continue working in this region or living.

This of course with our previous agreements of Free Trade and further Military Cooperation to learn from each other to better the Defense of North America.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer would breathe a silent sigh of relief at Peterson's response. Once in the room, she would take a seat in the implied chair. "What sort of offer would that be, if I may ask? Is this to do with South Western Ontario? Though, why it's called South 'Western' Ontario, when it's in the east, I'll never know."

Blanchet's smile drops almost immediately, "This is completely unacceptable!" He stands and crosses his arms. "5 Billion, for the vast territory that is Northern Ontario? Outrageous! Not to mention that you leave no distinction for my people gaining Atomic citizenship, or anything of that nature. If your people have trouble visiting their families in the north, then why don't you join Canada? I will grant all your people Canadien citizenship, allow them to be dual citizenship holders, give them each $500,000, purchase their homes at 35% above market value and provide them funding if they wish to relocate, invest in a new highspeed rail network, and more. Plus I will give your government 35 billion dollars, which is more than reasonable considering the land Canada would be getting." He slowly sits down, shaking his head at the outrageous offer, his arms still crossed.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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A matter of perspective I would guess
Smiling, Peterson would grab some paperwork from within his desk and place it on top
But yes, regarding South Western or "Eastern" Ontario, as you call it, it is of great importance to Greater Toronto and we were hoping to come to an agreement for the territory. Reading his paper slightly. How would 40 Billion sound to your government, any citizen who does not wish to remain in the Alliance will be provided 20% Above Market for their land within 1 Year of the Transfer.
I apologize, Blanchet, I may have said that incorrectly I meant 50 Billion along with all my previous benefits, for your concern about obtaining Atomic Citizenship the regulations remain as lax as our current agreement however we would be interested in expanding such an agreement, plus we can match your offer to any citizen who wishes to relocate, possibly open travel of our citizens between Northern Ontario? Perhaps even all of our borders, and if we can work on a successful deal the people of Northern Ontario would have the choice to either reject Atomic Citizenship or accept dual citizenship.
Ford states quickly and nervously realizing he has made a mistake
We would also be interested in a High-speed rail network between ourselves in any situation, as such would provide much easier travel to work/home/family for our people, possibly a Joint Project Blanchet.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer nods hesitantly. "That sounds reasonable. Would those living be granted Alliance citizenship as well? And this would be all land east of Detroit and the St Claire River, correct?"

Blanchet laughs. "Now you're parroting my offer back to you. I am not allowing open borders between our people. If anyone wishes to stay, they are welcome to the Alliance. No, high speed rail was a joke, we all know it isn't financially feasible here in the north, the distances are too great and the amount of people who would use it too sparse."

He pauses to give Ford a hard look. "You want the rest of Northern Ontario. Fair enough. Let us have a serious discussion about it. It is sparsely populated except for Sudbury and Thunderbay. The majority of the population outside of these two centres is Indigenous. Very few actually speak Canadien, especially further west. I am not interested in some sort of joint business venture or anything like that with you. If you want the land, we can hold a referendum on it. If the people vote 'yes', you will pay me the money, and the land will be yours. If they vote 'no', it stays with Canada. Is that agreeable, or would you like to negotiate further?"
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


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Yes that is correct, any citizen who wishes to remain in the Alliance will have the option to obtain dual citizenship.
Peterson states enthusiastically, handing the agreement paperwork to Whitmer for review and to sign.
It is wonderful that we have made such great strides in this meeting, I hope to see us making this much progress again in the future.
Ford will sigh.
Is that not what you wish to hear, you made such a large offer why shouldn’t I?
Changing his stance to return blanchets stare
We can hold a referendum, however the sale price would be 25 Billion, any Canadiens who wish to leave will get 10% Above Market and we will pay any relocation costs for moving their belongings. It’s quite the shame your not interested in looser restrictions, a North America is freer when the people can go where they please. Dual Citizenship will be provided of course.
Turning his gaze to a nearby window for a short second before returning to Blanchet with a more calm face
A High Speed rail is meant for ease of transport not a business venture, for something you believe is frivolous we believe is an Infrastructure of the future so our people can work where they please in the alliance. Nonetheless, the offer stands if you ever change your mind.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer looks over the documents, before nodding her assent. "This looks all good to me. I look forward to future business with the Alliance." She affixes her signature to the document, before handing it back to Peterson.

Blanchet shakes his head. "Fine, we will agree to your terms. But let it be said that I am in disagreement with them. I disagree with regards to your 'freer North America', for such freedom only leads to the collapse of individualism and cultural identities. I am still opposed to your high speed rail proposals, as well, they are just too expensive to be a feasible option for us to consider, and there are not enough people who would use them. If you draw up an agreement, I will arrange the referendum."
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Peterson will sign the document himself, proceeding to stand up and reach out to shake Whitmer hand.
I will have our Foreign Offices communicate the payment and such, would you like to join myself and some ministers for lunch in the CN Tower to celebrate?

Once the meeting is complete, Petersons assistant will grab the paperwork and forward it to the foreign office.

Hopefully our ideals can align closer in the future Blanchet, and your disagreement will be noted. I will have my assistant draw up the paperwork for us to sign.

Shortly after, an assistant will enter with the documents, placing them infront of Blanchet first so he can read them. Clarifying the sale, conditions and requirement that the referendum process begin proceeding the meeting.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer would shake Peterson's hand in return. "I would love to have lunch with you in the CN Tower. But first let me relay the information back home so everyone is aware of the land sale." She would pull out her phone and make a brief call, relaying the sale of South Western Ontario and the arrangements signed with the Alliance, before hanging up and following Peterson to the CN Tower.

Her government would then promptly begin the ceding of South Western Ontario to the Alliance, with government announcements going out to the phone's of everyone living in the region, informing them of the sale, dual citizenship, and the rest. Majority of those living there would agree to stay, though some would leave.

Blanchet would read over the documents with scrutiny, before nodding and signing them. "Unless you all learn French, I don't see how our ideals can ever align." He states simply.

[Skipping ahead...]

Later, once Blanchet has returned to Canada, he would pass a bill in conjunction with the agreement signed with the Alliance, promising a referendum in Northern Ontario. A week of preparation is announced, after which the vote will be held. During the week of preparation a lot of Francophone propaganda is sent out, trying to convince people of how terrible the Alliance is, and how they will take away their rights, among other things. Although some Alliance advertisements would be permitted, they are regularly suppressed by the Francophone media. After the week the referendum is held, in which all those living in the region are encouraged to vote against joining the Alliance. After the votes are tallied the results are announced publicly: Almost every single Canadien voted no, whilst many Indigenous and Anglophones voted yes. In the end the results are close, but around 56% voted in favour of joining the Alliance. Most Francophones would, in the following days, announce their intentions to move out of Northern Ontario and stay in Canada, rather than join the Alliance. Blanchet would then return to the Alliance to sign the handing over of Northern Ontario.

"Well Ford, it looks like you got your way. Though why anyone would ever vote to join the Alliance, I'll never know." He states upon his return, shaking his head. "Anyways, let's get this over with, shall we?"
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Peterson will begin to clean up his desk while Whitmer makes a call, taking a short moment to text the “Inner Circle” on his encrypted device that they will be meeting at the CN Tower with the Republics Delegate. Once Whitmer is finished her conversation Peterson will stand up and join Whitmer in waking to the convoy, the route would follow the same path as before but stop at the CN Tower. During the drive Peterson would engage in conversation with Whitmer.

Once they arrive at the CN Tower, General Secretary Peterson will exit first before turning around and offering Whitmer assistance out of the limo. Standing atop the small staircase to the CN Tower entrance will be Commandant Harper, Minister of Public Safety Johnson, Commissioner of Atomic Research Cooper and Minister of Foreign Affairs Beyer.
Welcome to the Atomic Alliance on behalf of the Atomic Military and may I say that we are looking forward to our future cooperation.
Commandant Harper states, wearing a white uniform with 5 stars on a golden bar placed on his shoulders, some ribbons will be present and the “Commandants Seal” just below. His cap will feature a golden atom with a gold wreath surrounding it. Others are just wearing their typical suits.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Affairs office will begin the transfer of payment to the Great Lakes. The Atomic Alliance would start TV Adverts in these regions informing the citizens of the transfer, how to obtain Dual Citizenship, and reminders to register for Health and Transport assistance with the Alliance. Those who choose to leave will be provided a contact in "Atomic Services" to begin the sale of their land to the state.

The Alliance may surprise you, Blanchet, they are more accepting than this enemy you have envisioned.
Ford will states, completing a response to his statement prior to leaving.

Once the announcement that 56% of Northern Ontario has voted to join the Alliance, many citizens in Greater Toronto started to celebrate, dancing in the streets and large gatherings throughout the cities within, similar events would be seen in Manitoba and in Saskatchewan celebrating the strides of the Alliance. With Blanchet returning to the Alliance, Ford will think about rolling his eyes at Blanchet's remark on the Alliance, providing a slightly annoyed expression
It would appear that way my friend, I know you disagree but I hope one day you can see the benefits of a stronger North America.
Ford will place the transfer paperwork in front of Blanchet, his signature will already be upon the Alliances spot with the General Secretaries.

Shortly after, TV Ads and Phone Calls will be made to residents registered in these areas informing them of their right to obtain Dual Citizenship and how to do such and reminders to register for Health and Transport assistance with the Alliance. Furthermore, for citizens registering for Government Purchase of their land to leave, the Atomic Alliance will offer these residents 50% of their Land Value and Tax-Exempt status for 2 Years if they remain in Northern Ontario, if they refuse they will receive the agreed offer.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Whitmer would shake hands with the generals, "Thank you Commandant Harper, I too am looking forward to continued future cooperation between our people." After the greeting, she would follow them into the CN Tower.

With the information easily accessible, almost all citizens in South West Ontario would utilize the new services to apply for dual citizenship, register for health and transport assistance, and those who are leaving would connect with Atomic Services to sell their land. Though many would be in a cheerful mood about it, and despite selling, some would request dual citizenship anyways.

Blanchet, refusing to make any comment, would simply grunt, before signing the document. With his signature on the page, Northern Ontario now belongs to the Atomic Alliance. Shaking Ford's hand briefly, Blanchet nods respectfully, before leaving Toronto as quickly as he can.

Those remaining in Northern Ontario would be quick to take advantage of the benefits of the Alliance, though it would be noted that almost 40% of those remaining would not sign up. If investigated, the Alliance would discover that these 40% are rural Indigenous people who have unregulated electrical connections, and thus unable to receive the tv ads and phone calls. Of the Francophones that opt to leave, a couple thousand would counter the proposed offer, requesting to be allowed to move elsewhere within the Alliance, instead of remaining in Northern Ontario, whilst still receiving the 50% land value and tax exempt status.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by English Channel Union »

Upon entering the CN Tower, Whitmer would be greeted by the sight of Actors, Politicians, and Wealthy individuals who will all be enjoying their meals. Quickly, a host approaches the group and welcomes the leaders of the Atomic Alliance along with the Delegate from the Great Lakes,
Welcome, We have a reserved booth for you right in the Northern Window section, please follow me and I will get you started.
The host would be professional, however, a clear sign of nervousness could be seen in the presence of such high-ranking officials.
What can I get you to drink first?
The group will order some wine, inquiring Whitmer about what type she enjoys the most

Those who chose to sell their land and return to the Great Lakes Republic would be informed they can still acquire Dual Citizenship and are provided links on how to apply, the process of GL Citizens is relatively easy and simple with all information available on a handy smartphone app for those with access (Atom4All) or through an Internet Browser or an Atomic Office/Mission. Citizens would be granted Dual Citizenship within 1-2 weeks if no discrepancies are found.

Those making a counteroffer would be informed that they could receive 50% land value and 1 Year Tax-Exempt if they wished to move into different Atomic Regions.

The Atomic Ministry of Public Service will notice the deficiency in remaining residents who did not sign up for Health or Transport benefits and would order an analyst team to discover the reason for this. Shortly after, the team will provide an answer to the Management team informing them that the residents in those regions do not have access to the advertisements that the Alliance provided due to lack of infrastructure and recommends that we send some envoys into the region to speak with residents and discover their concerns so we can better serve our new citizens. Once this recommendation is made the Public Service Ministry will dispatch 4 teams of 5 persons to cover different sectors of known habitation and will knock on the door of each dwelling. These Envoys will be wearing All White uniforms with a Red Belt and the Atomic Seal on their shoulders and an Atom upon their caps, they will be carrying iPad-Type devices.
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Re: An Envoy is sent to our Neighbours


Post by Alanston »

Ever a keen observer, Whitmer would notice the nervousness of the host, and smile politely at him, doing everything she can to put him at ease. Taking her seat, she would admire the view over Toronto. "I would like something from the Niagara region please." she would reply when asked about wine.

The Great Lakes citizens who stay would promptly go through the process of applying for dual citizenship and the like, eager to get their new lives started. Those who sold, but still wanted dual citizenship would be pleased to hear that they are still eligible, and would fill out the paperwork necessary to get their dual citizenship.

Those who made the counteroffer would take the 50% upon hearing that they could move anywhere, with many moving to Winnipeg or Toronto.

In some of the towns the teams would encounter people who only speak Cree or Anishinaabe languages, whilst most other people would speak either French of English. Once information is provided, those speaking French or English would point out their lack of infrastructure, point to failing buildings and polluted water supplies, and complain about high food prices and lack of reliable roads. However they would be generally cheerful about their new government. Those speaking Indigenous languages would refuse to recognize the Alliance as their new nation, requesting independence for their people and lands, along with reparations for the hundreds of years of colonialism.
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