Japan-South Africa free trade act.

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California Republic
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Japan-South Africa free trade act.


Post by California Republic »

Japan invites representatives of South Africa to formalize the Japan-South Africa Free trade agreement.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Japan-South Africa free trade act.


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

South Africa readily accepts. Foreign Minister Andries Van Straaten and his retinue head to Tokyo to formalize the agreement. Should he arrive ahead of schedule, he would take the time to tour some nearby sights in and around the city.
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California Republic
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Re: Japan-South Africa free trade act.


Post by California Republic »

After touring the location, and the obligatory sharing of tea has been handled, the Japanese representation presents the articles for free trade between the two nations and signs them, handing them over to the South African delegation.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Japan-South Africa free trade act.


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Van Straaten signs the treaty, smiling and shaking the hand of his Japanese countersigner.
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California Republic
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Re: Japan-South Africa free trade act.


Post by California Republic »

After formalizing the conventions, both parties return to their nation states.
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