Bornean Dreams

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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by English Channel Union »

During Maharaja's walk through the city to the hotel, he would see unregulated power lines running above the streets with many unregulated intersections, only major ones were marked and regulated with primary motorcycles or aged cars with very few new vehicles on the streets. Many buildings appeared aged and cracked, in the distance, however, the Maharaja would spot a few skyscrapers made of glass with the logos of Oil, Mining, and Forestry companies all in a foreign language than the native. He would also encounter some homeless individuals on the streets, some would approach him asking for food/money. Halfway through his walk, the Maharaja would begin to hear a buzzing nearby and if investigated he would find one of the unregulated powerlines occasionally arching to a nearby metal light pole.

Maharaja, it is a pleasure to meet with you. I share your sadness for our people and seek a brighter future, the city of Balikpapan is the most developed since it's our capital, the further from its core the worse the living conditions. The city of Palu is in a similar condition to Balikpapan and a host for some more buildings for these Oil and Mining companies, however, most other cities including Manado and Sorong have seen many collapses and road infrastructure failures, and some homes on the outskirts no longer have access to power similar to those in our rural environments
Batara will laugh, looking out the window in the conference room towards the visible skyscrapers, some logos could be visible such as Shell Global and BP.
All our failing buildings while these tycoons build glass skyscrapers everywhere, you know these companies were supposed to help our people, our ancestors thought they were agreeing to a lifetime of cooperation, not just a couple of homes and infrastructure improvements that would be forgotten about, not to mention the disregard for human life at these refineries or drilling rigs and a focus on profit.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

Subroto would be saddened by the state of affairs in the city, and would stop once or twice to make notes of the situation of things. When asked for food or money, he would pause and go out of his way to help the people, offering small amounts of money and purchasing food from street vendors for them. He would be shocked by the unregulated power lines, and would make note of them as well.

"I must admit to being appalled by the sheer dichotomy between the way your people live, and the way these tycoons live. I am greatly saddened by the state of affairs here, and it pains me to hear how much worse many of the other cities and towns are. I want to work to help make things better, and I even have sworn statements by my government attesting to that. And yet Mas'ud refused my help... Tell me, what would be the first steps we can take to help your people begin to recover, and to put them on the road to thriving once again?"

Subroto would then pull out the signed statements, one for development and one for buying out the foreign companies, as well proof of ongoing development projects in Majapahit, and hand them to Batara.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by English Channel Union »

Batara will examine the paperwork handed to him by the Maharaja, ensuring he reads every detail
Mas'ud claims to work for the people, but he has been corrupted by living in his Palace, he refuses to recognize that our people NEED external help and he continues to advocate that our people alone can overcome this hardship without the help of others as our people are meant to rise above all else.
Turning his attention back to the Maharaja
First, I will have to get in contact with my coalition representatives and discuss this agreement with them, if they are all okay with these terms then we will have a 45% minority, so I will have to work on the Indonesian Conservatives so they will leave the Indonesian First parties coalition and join our movement so we will hold a 75% majority, this shouldn't be too difficult if they are aware your nation is interested in investing into our businesses and infrastructure other than our existing corporations, the only reason they are with Mas'ud is that he promised to return money to local industries from these large corporations.

He will clear his through slightly
Now, this is the hard part, once we have a Majority we will pass this agreement in Parliament and the Senate will sign off as they always do, the President of Parliament will likely VETO the bill, but as it has for the past 5 Presidents who did this with over 2/3rds majority in opposition, this will result in a Vote of No Confidence since 75% of the representation voted in favor of the agreement. This will result in Mas'ud being removed from office and the position being vacant, our constitution allows laws to be passed in the absence of the President if 2/3rds vote in agreeance (66%) so we will be able to move forward.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

Subroto nods slowly, "I understand. Once the bill has been passed, we can begin our investments and begin buying out the various companies' stocks and returning control to the people. Tell me, once Mas'ud is removed from office, when will the next elections be held, and who will run?"

He pauses, as if searching for the right way to phrase his question. "Further, how do we ensure this new government is not marred by corruption, and that the proceeds, development projects, and wealth actually goes to the people, rather than the pockets of businessmen and bureaucrats?"
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Re: Bornean Dreams


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Discontent will fill the representative's face
I apologize, Maharaja, however, I cannot guarantee any stability, I can promise you that this deal will please our Parliament and that I will have it passed, however, what comes after depends if you follow through on these promises and the lives of our people improve, if you win their trust they will likely vote in parties that favor your influence, if your fail, we will likely continue to see a rapidly changing government with declining conditions.

I do wish I could promise you more. Batara states. But I believe this is our way to a better life and I hope our people can truly cooperate after all this time, we do share similar histories.

Batara will await his response, while also grabbing his cell phone to prepare and make a phone call to start the proceedings in parliament.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

"I wish I could say I was surprised to hear that, but it does fit with what I have seen and learnt today from the people here in Borneo. I can promise you, however, that my government will do everything we can to ensure that we follow through on our promises. Would you like to sign anything with regards to our discussion, or leave it here and promise to reconvene in the future?" Subroto states solomnly, still rather saddened by the situation in Borneo.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


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I cannot sign anything currently, but I will take the agreement papers you have brought today back to Parliament with me, upon its approval it will receive the signature of our State in agreeance with the document also being forwarded to your state for signing and finalization.

I believe that is all, I hope to see you again Maharaja Subroto of Majahapit
Batara will make his phone call to begin the procedure
[In the future....]
Batara will secure the support of the conservatives and form a 75% Majority coalition, entering the agreement into the discussion and passing it with over 2/3rds majority, President Mas'ud will VETO the bill as expected triggering a vote of no confidence once again seeing a 75% vote against Mas'ud resulting in his removal, subsequently, on the same day the Parliament will once again propose the same agreement and pass it with a 75% majority, including the signature of the State of the document and forwarding it back to the state of Majahapit, Batara will have a note attached for the Maharaja stating "Our people need true governmental leadership, I hope to see these promises upheld. We will meet again."
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

"Of course, I understand. I shall leave you for now, and hope to hear back soon." Subroto would bow respectfully, before leaving the hotel room. He would then take a cab to the airport, where he would fly directly to Surabaya. There, he would await the results of the vote, making plans for the next steps.

Upon receiving the signed document, Subroto would present it to the Nusantaran parliament. "The people of Borneo have voted in favour of our proposals for assistance and help. With your approval, approval that you pledged I might add, I would like permission to divert whatever resources are necessary to help invest in the development and growth of Borneo. I would also request that we arrange meetings with the various companies that are in possession of the natural resources of Borneo in order to buy them out."

After some grumbling from the parliament the motion is passed, and Subroto is granted permission to oversee the project.

To begin with, Subroto would reach out to Batara and the Bornean government, informing them that they will be commencing right away. The first stage would be a massive development project, including the planned construction of schools and hospitals for the people, as well as the construction and repairs for roads throughout Borneo. The project would also include the connection of power lines between Majapahit and Borneo, as well as several nuclear power plants (to be overseen by Nusantaran engineers) to provide stable power to the nation. Railway lines would also be repaired and laid, connecting the nation together.

Work would begin shortly thereafter, with a major roadway being constructed and/or upgraded around the island of Borneo, as well as on Sulawesi, North Maluku, and West Papua.
- The road on Borneo would begin at Bengkalaan-Melaju, connect to Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bontang, Tanjung Selor, Tawau, Sandakan, on to Kota Kinabalu, connecting to Bandar Seri Begawan, Miri, Bintulu, and Sibu, before meeting up at Kuching where it would connect with the main Nusantaran road network on Borneo. The road network would, of course, also connect all the smaller towns and villages along the way. Roads would also be built/upgraded to connect to the various smaller villages and towns on Borneo. The rail network (including a high speed rail) would follow the main road along the outside of the island for the initial project.
- On Sulawesi surveyors would begin crossing the border at Makassar, Parepare, and Palopo, and would begin scouting out the island for where best to lay the road. After they finish, work would begin on a road network that spans the entire island, connecting various cities and towns together. This network would, of course, also be mirrored by a rail line, although a high speed network would not be planned as part of the initial stages.
- Road networks in North Maluku and West Papua would also be planned, with work beginning almost right away. These roads would also be between the major cities and towns and villages throughout the islands.
In all locations work would be undertaken in order to invest in the paving and upgrading of existing road infrastructure. Work on upgrading the power lines alongside the roads would also be undertaken.

Construction on nuclear power plants in key locations would also commence, with these locations including: Balikpapan, Tanjung Selor, Tawau, Sandakan, Kota Kinabalu, and Bintulu on Borneo. Palu, Kendari, and Manado on Sulawesi. Sorong, Jayapura, Agats, and Merauke on West Papua. North Maluku would be connected to the plant located in Ternate. Work to connect the power grid between the two nations would also be undertaken, with the goal being to ensure power is connected and stabilized in Borneo.

Having a strong economy and large population (>275 million), Majapahit is able to begin work immediately, and starts sending workers across the border right away. Similarly, however, the Maharaja would have job advertisements send out throughout the various cities, towns, and villages in Borneo, offering work as a construction worker to anyone who is interested. Pay for Bornean workers would begin at a level comparable to their current economy (as to not cause rapid inflation), but the contracts would include statements that the pay would be scaled up gradually to the equivalent of what Nusantaran workers are paid. In order to not detract from vital infrastructure in Borneo, and to prevent workers from abandoning other vital jobs for these better paying ones, he would also arrange for funds to be funneled to the various other positions, to gradually bring their wages up to Nusantaran standards as well.

Maharaja Subroto would then reach out to the various companies that are in possession of the natural resources of Borneo/Indonesia, and request a meeting with them in Surabaya, offering to personally fly out their CEO's for the meeting. If they suggest an alternate location, he would agree and fly to that location. Upon their/his arrival, he would greet them with a polite bow, before taking a seat before them, waiting silently for them to speak first.

Unlike his meeting with Mas'ud and Batara, where he dressed in a more simple manner, as one would with friends, Subroto would be dressed in full regal dress, with the purpose being to impress and to show his wealth.

[secret, mostly]

As one might expect, work of this magnitude would cause the Nusantaran government to begin running a decent deficit. For now this would be offset by an increased production in various manufactured goods (especially electronics), but Subroto would be warned that if these investments do not lead to the desired outcome, they would have to be cancelled and other means would have to be investigated.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by English Channel Union »

Once Majapahit begins its development investments and the construction begins, citizens will take immense notice of the magnitude of this project realizing the dedication the Majapahit are willing to put in to help the people rather than to continue their suffering. While some in the older generation continue to hold resentment for the "Abandonment", the Middle-Aged and Youth have begun to support the Indonesian Unification Movement with support growing 25% in just one night according to independent polls.

Shortly following the agreement and the construction, the Parliament will announce a new election will be taking place for the President's Office, many across the country will prepare to vote once again, some have advocated that voting is "Useless" at this point, some pledging to refrain from the election and encourage others to as well, since clearly, no one deserves the office.

The election has been scheduled and will take place shortly (Next Post)

Shell, BP, and BorneanGas will accept the invitation, to attend the meeting by arriving in their luxurious 737-BBJ2s, one in a (Shell) Personal 777-BBJ. These men will be dressed up in their wealth, the Shell official will be dressed similarly to a cowboy, with a Golden Belt, Gold-Lined Boots, and a Gold-Lined 3-piece suit, he will also be wearing multiple golden rings. The others will also be dressed very fancy, but not as much as the shell CEO.

Bornean Mining Co. and the NAMU (North American Mining Union) will also respond by agreeing to meet. They will arrive in small private aircraft.

ILC (International Logging Corporation) and the ILG (Indonesian Logging Group) will also agree to the meeting. They will arrive in small private aircraft.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

Noting the increase in support for the unification movement, the Nusantaran government would invest heavily into their party and the movement, with advertisements being put up throughout many of the construction sites, encouraging people to support the movement. Radio, tv, and newspaper ads would also be taken out, detailing how working with the movement can help make things better for people in the short and long term.

The leader of the unification movement, Andika, would also receive specific funding and support from Majapahit, with the government offering him anything he needs both officially and unofficially in order to help his party win the upcoming election.

Meanwhile, work on the roadways would continue at a steady pace, with the existing roads being repaved and expanded, and work on laying new ones being well underway. The new rail lines have been plotted out, and work has begun on laying the tracks and power lines. In other regions, where survey work was done first, the surveying has been completed, and now work has begun on the roads and railways themselves.

Work on the powerplants is also proceeding at a steady pace, with the two grids being officially connected. This is likely to eliminate many rolling blackouts on Borneo and Sulawesi, as well as some islands on North Maluku.

Work on hospitals and other vital infrastructure, including schools and education centres, has also commenced, with new and upgraded medical equipment being brought in, and the buildings receiving generators and upgrades to basically every aspect of their operations. Affordable medical care is also being sponsored by Majapahit, thus allowing the people to get the (necessary) medical procedures they need. Optional and cosmetic procedures are not being funded at this time, unless recommended by a doctor. Similarly, pay for doctors would be slowly increased as well, with many receiving up to date supplies and equipment.

As the CEOs and businessmen arrive in Surabaya, they would be met by the Maharaja's personal assistants (mainly well dressed women) at the airport, and taken via limousines to the Grand Empire Palace (hotel). There they would be brought to the grand ballroom, with the walls lined with gold embroidery and designs. There Subroto would be waiting for them, seated on a rich red chai, with golden pillars surrounding him, and a golden table next to him. Behind him would be several servants, waiting on his every whim. The CEOs and businessmen would be guided to comfortable seats across from the Maharaja, but slightly lower than him, so they have to look up at him. Each CEO and businessman would receive their choice in beverage upon arrival.

"Thank you, all of you, for coming, and welcome to beautiful Surabaya! I am sure you are all wondering why I called you out here today, but first, let me say what an honour it is to meet with you all today. Now, I understand that each of your companies hold the rights for the natural resources of Borneo. I also understand that these resources are profitable. It is my intention today to open discussions on personally acquiring these rights from your companies."
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by English Channel Union »

With work continuing openly on the improvement of the nation's roadways and railways, the restructuring of their power grid, and other visible investments the Bornean People would become ecstatic, many already reporting an improvement in life just by seeing these investments, some in regions where the power grid would have seen major work would praise the Majapahit Electrical Companies for improving their quality of life. This would result in an increase in support, currently holding steady at approximately 62%, the election would be in its mid, and one more poll will be conducted prior to the commencement of the Federal Election.

The Majapahit Government would begin to receive reports about lay-offs at many of the refineries or drilling sites in the Bornean Region, some stating they were fired for no reason and the company has been reporting record profits, some have come to believe it is in retaliation to the Majapahit improving their living standards and have begun protesting outside these facilities, others who are loyal to the company regardless argue that the Majapahit is raising the operating costs of the region and they are the result of the lay-offs, the tension between these groups have begun to rise.

CEO of Shell, Benjamin, will scoff at the Maharaja's statement, immediately responding
You have no right to these resources, the Shell Corporation will continue to hold its majority share of the Bornean Oil Deposits and not sell it to some over-reaching government.

The Oil & Gas CEOs will echo the statement, others will simply nod their head awaiting the Maharaja's response.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

Work would continue on the improvements and investments without any holdback from the government.

Work on the roads would continue at a steady pace, with several having been completed already. The paving of the new roads has begun, and is proceeding without incident. Work on the rail lines is continuing as well, with power lines having been laid, and the tracks being laid out as well. Similarly, the power grid has been further expanded, with the powerplants in Sulawesi having been completed. Work on the powerplants in West Papua, North Maluku, and Borneo would still be ongoing.

The expansions for the hospitals, schools, and other vital infrastructure is also proceeding at a steady pace, with new equipment having been brought over and installed at medical clinics near the Nusantaran border. Transportation is provided for those who can not yet reach the upgraded medical centres.

Noting the increase in support, the Nusantaran government would invest in interviews with the Bornean people whose lives have been improved, airing these interviews on the radio, internet, and tv, so other people can hear about the improvements and how they are benefiting the people of Borneo. Similarly, investments in advertisements for the unification party are maintained at high levels.

Aware of the recent layoffs, the Nusantaran government offers to subsidize the incomes of these people until they can find another job. The government also points out to the supporters that the companies were just taking their resources and not doing anything to help the people out. Further, evidence is given of how Nusantaran refineries or drilling sites are able to manage and maintain a decent level of employees, regardless of supposed high operating costs due to higher standards of living.

Similarly, the companies would be publicly criticized by various Nusantaran mining, drilling, and refinery companies for their mass layoffs (these companies would not be acting on behalf of the government). These companies would point out the high profits of the companies and in turn question the needless layoffs. A relatively small tech company located in Medan would begin an online smear campaign against these companies, raising international publicity about the layoffs and how the companies are stealing the wealth and money from the Bornean people. Some photographs of various Bornean cities (including ones with electrical poles leaning against buildings, garbage strewn about, people living in poverty, the condition of the roads, among other things) would be shared online, especially through social media, with the smear campaigns raising the question of why these companies aren't doing anything to help the people. As an added benefit, another group would then come along and point out how the Nusantaran government has stepped in and is helping the people in ways that the companies never did. These posts would be made in English, French, and Spanish, and shared across several popular online forums and media sites. The goal of these smear campaigns would be to erode public confidence in these companies, and encourage investors to sell their stocks internationally.

Presuming the campaigns work, even relatively successfully, a third party in Majapahit would step in and begin buying up shares in the various companies as they are sold. This third party would be a non-profit NGO with the purpose of returning the mineral rights to the Bornean people.

Subroto smiles slyly, "You see, Mr. Benjamin, your company has no right to these resources either. In fact, none of you do. The only people who have the right to these resources are the Bornean people. Have you seen how these people are living, Mr. Benjamin? They live in squalor. I personally visited their capital of Balikpapan recently, and spent time walking their streets and talking to their people. Your mineral and oil deposits are profitable, that is a well known fact. And yet why are their people living in squalor still? Why are your funds not going back to the Bornean people?

"All you do is take their resources and money, and keep it for yourselves. You call my government overreaching, and yet that is exactly what each of you does, time and time again. You are all leftover vestiges of European Imperialism.

"It is my hope to return the rights for these deposits to the Bornean people. Now, what is your price?"
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Re: Bornean Dreams


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Support will only continue to grow with the support of the Majapahit Government, spiking once they provide subsidized income for those laid off by the Bornean Companies. Those who had been arguing against their support have fully converted to supporting their state and the Unification Movement. Polls are now showing a 77.25% holding of Unification Supporters.

With the Criticism of the Oil & Gas Industry and the combined Market Instability the Shell Corporation in Bornea will experience major stock sell-offs with many Shareholders expressing concern with the CEO's blatant irresponsibility, many on the Board will publically condemn the current CEO and announce they will be voting to remove him and replace him with a more compassionate individual. The other Oil & Gas industries will see some sell-offs but nothing in relation to Shells.

CEO Benjamin will simply laugh openly, essentially mocking the Majahara for his statement. However, the CEO will become humbled once his Silences phone rings, indicating someone with Emergency Priority was contacting him, typically a Board Member.

One moment.
He states, standing up and turning his back to the Majahara. Mumbling will ensue followed by a large outburst of anger and ending the call in the middle. Benjamin will simply turn around once again to the Majahara

How may I help you, your Majesty, the Shell Corporation is would be willing to lease the minerals and profits from the Minerals with the Majahapit in exchange we keep our Rigs and Refineries along with some of the profit. I will... Benjamin clears his throat. Step down.
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by Alanston »

As work continues, many of the roads would be nearing completion, with paving completed and only the painting of lines remaining. The rail lines are also nearing completion, with the rails having been laid, along with the power lines, leaving only final tests before full operation begins. Work on the stations is also nearing completion as well. The powerplants in West Papua and Borneo have been completed, with those in North Maluku nearing completion. As a result the blackouts would be almost completely a thing of the past, except for in cases of severe storms and other acts that are out of the government's control.

Work on the hospitals, schools, and other vital infrastructure is also almost completed as well, with medical centres being upgraded throughout the smaller cities and towns, as well as the larger cities and towns.

As per before, the advertisements continue, with it being likely that more people can see them now. With support at an all time high, Subroto would be eagerly awaiting the results of the coming election.

All the sell-offs of the stocks would be purchased by the Nusantaran NGO, which would be holding the stocks in trust for the Bornean people. The smear campaign would continue until the CEO announces his resignation, after which it would begin to wind down, making it clear to the world what happens when you disrespect the rights of a local people group. They would finish up with a warning to the other oil, gas, and mineral companies.

Subroto frowns slightly, but responds with a positive tone nonetheless. "I think that would be the best outcome. What would be your price for this lease?

"As for the others here, what do you say? Will you sell, lease, or shall we negotiate further?"
He would ask, looking each of the other CEOs in turn, he would especially pause in front of the CEOs for the Bornean Mining Co. and ILG. "What about you? Will you continue to withhold your funds from your own people, using them to further imperialist western ambitions?"
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Re: Bornean Dreams


Post by English Channel Union »

The vote will begin, and a tense night of final debates will take place followed by the polls opening at 0800 and closing at 2000 hours, workers will begin to tally the votes while many citizens anxiously await the reading of the results.

The Next Day...
0930 Hours
Bornean National News

The votes have been counted and a winner has been selected, we are now going to the Bornean Palace for the announcement of the next President.

The news will switch to a Camera view of the Palace, with representatives exiting on the Front Steps in front of a microphone

People of Bornea, a long night of tallying up the votes and I come to you today with the results of your election

He states, retrieving a note from within his pocket

The next President of Bornean is... Andika of the Unification Party with 90% of the Popular vote!!

Following this announcement, Andika will enter the stage and provide his victory speech, thanking the people of Bornean for voting for a more stable future and such. However, support of Mas'ud (10%) will take to the Internet/streets violently claiming the election was rigged by the Majahapit and demanding a recount without interference. Only about 500 people will be counted across the country actively protesting.

Andika will contact the Majahapit Government.

The citizens will begin to regularly use the Majahapits infrastructure, pleased with the improved treatment many have begun denouncing the protestors against the Majahapit, some have been involved in physical altercations and concerns of this escalating without intervention have begun growing.

The Shell CEO would place a reasonable price of all their oil assets on the table within a contractual agreement, he will provide the Majahara a pen to sign with, providing a defeated look while he awaits the signature.

The other CEOs will quickly opt to sell their land to the Majahara, seeing the increasingly negative views of foreign companies operating in Borneo. The Borneo company's CEOs will glance at each other before indicating they would be willing to reform their operating and community outreach operations in line with the Majahara in exchange will retain control of their resource claims.
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Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:16 am by Alanston


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