[NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations

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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

The Bantu delegate would grumble and glare at the South African delegate, mumbling something about entitled white's.

Ignoring certain comments, Tshering would nod and respond to the South African delegates question. "I understand your concern, however from what we have seen the Uluru Confederation has given every indication of being a competent nation, fully capable of running their government and administering their own people. That said, we would wish to ensure that all referendums are fair, regardless of whether they are run by the Aborigine, Nieuw Hollanders, or Australiens. Therefore we would send neutral observers for each referendum, to ensure they are run fairly and freely. Does this address your question?"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

"The idea is that these other states would be incorporated into the Federal Republic with the same federal representation afforded to current states. Their existing political structures can be maintained as the state governing bodies and they could continue utilising their native languages. However, if it isn't already present, major infrastructure would likely have English added to signage. None of these states possesses the population, industrial capacity, or wealth to adequately protect themselves whilst also providing all the amenities a nation should have in high quality. Uniting with the rest of Australia would allow for our wealth, security, and prosperity to be extended across the whole continent. What armed forces they have can be upgraded and merged with the rest of the Australian Defence Force, or demobilised if they wish. Federal standards and taxes would be imposed, but so would funding and aid packages to the states."
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

"Well, that would be acceptable to us. However, as previously mentioned we can't just allow your nation to waltz in and take over with veiled threats of military action. If your nation is willing, we would be open to hosting binding referendums in all three nations on the prospect of their integration into the Republic of Australia."

Emperor Sallilis of Pontus makes a brief comment, adding to what Tshering had said. "Of course, this organization might be able to nudge things along one way or the other, depending how a certain State of Capricornia is dealt with.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

[Consider this a light bump @Australian Republic]

Tshering nods solemnly, "When you are ready, we will host the referendums in the three aforementioned states. Did anyone else wish to make any comments or raise any concerns here at this meeting? Beyond PLC's demands for Estonia or Australia's request to be recognized as the rightful Australian nation, that is. If not, then we can move forward towards the other main topic on our agenda: namely forming some sort of authority to support nations that may feel threatened by their neighbours. Thus showing them that there are other options then just surrendering their autonomy and giving in to a larger power. There would be no obligation for a nation to request this aid, and if a nation is culturally similar, or geographically connected to the other power, such as with Australia and their neighbours, we would work to find a peaceful resolution. Though obviously it is likely that the smaller nation would be encouraged to consider joining the larger nation, provided the larger nation used solely diplomatic means, without threatening war or anything like that. What do those present have to say on this matter?"
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

"I definitely agree that such an organization is necessary. It would be in our best interests to work towards such a proposition. Perhaps a voluntary force, provided by various members and nations, could be offered. This way, in cases where a nation is threatened, and if they so desire, they could call upon this force for their defense. In this way we would be able to ensure nations have the support necessary to consider all their options, rather than just being forced to surrender to the larger nations in question." Emperor Sallilis of Pontus states in agreement. Several other delegates voice their agreement to his suggestion.

"I agree, this way we can ensure the security and safety of smaller nations. And, on behalf of the Russian people, I solemnly promise to offer our support to this project." President Valerian Petrovich Tolmachyov of Russia states, holding his hand over his heart.

"Very good, if we are in agreement, let us hold a vote then. All in favour, say 'aye'." Tshering would then look around the room, counting votes. Majority of nations would support the proposition, with the Tamil Trifecta abstaining. It is uncertain as to whether other nations would voice their support or not. "With most nations in favour, we will implement these changes to the Forum of Nations. This has been a very favourable meeting.

"@Australian Republic when you are ready to open discussions with your neighbours, please reach out to one of us so we can host the referendums. @PLC this is a gentle reminder that we recognize and support the independence of the Estonian people. If anyone else has anything they wish to discuss, feel free to mention it now, otherwise I will officially bring this meeting to a close, thank you all for attending."
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by English Channel Union »

(The Atomic Delegate, who has always been here but has not spoken until now)

Nations of the World, the Foreign Office of the Atomic Alliance has informed me that the Antarctican Independence has openly acknowledged their distaste and direct violation of the Madrid Protocol. The leadership of this Independence decided the best course of action for their people was to begin mining through the ice sheets into the Antarctica Terrain to obtain some Iron Ore, which is accessible in many other regions of our planet that does not require the destruction of an untouched habitat.

The Delegate states emotionally

I Call on the states of the Forum (All NPCs, @Majapahit, @Australian Republic, @Blue Dragon Republic, @South Africa, @PLC, and anyone else interested) to Embargo the Antartican Independence and remove their Iron from the International Market, we do not require this influx of material at the expense of destroying a beautiful design of Mother Nature, I ask each state of this Forum to stand with the Alliance and uphold the Madrid Protocol.
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Alanston »

Tshering, being the defacto leader of the meeting, would frown. "You're saying that they're mining the resources in Antarctica? With no regards for the local environment? That is most disturbing. Can you prove your allegations against them?"

Several other delegates would nod agreement, wanting to receive proof of the allegations before taking any action.

President Valerian Petrovich Tolmachyov of Russia shrugs. "If they want to ensure their nation has some source of income, who are we to stop them? Russia supports their activities. But we won't be buying their iron, we have our own, and ours is much cheaper to produce and acquire."

Emperor Yuan Lei of the Feng Empire would echo the statements made by Tolmachyov. "China also supports their actions in favour of self-sufficiency. But, as with our Russian compatriots, we will not be purchasing their iron. We have our own deposits, and when it comes to importing iron, we can find much cheaper resources that are closer to home."

The Tamil Trifecta delegate, Foreign Affairs minister Thanancheyan, would withhold any comments, instead watching how things unfold, but would make several notes.

[@Agartha if you want to have one of your delegates present at the meeting and respond to the allegations yourself, feel free to do so.]
Deleted User 284

Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by Deleted User 284 »

As an emergency, the government of the Co-operative Republic of Agartha points to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyne Lynott as a designated delegate to the Forum of Nations to be able to protest against the proposed embargo by the Atomic Alliance; having patiently waited her turn to speak, Mrs Lynott is ready to respond to the allegations.

“As a representative of the Co-Operative Republic of Agartha, I would like to begin by deeply thanking the Forum of Nations for the invitation made and that makes it possible for us to meet face to face today, but it also saddens me so much that our first formal interaction is taking place under these circumstances.”

“And it is for this very reason and for the inherent respect that all of you have on our part, is that I can only speak to you with the truth and only the truth, contrary to some others…”

“The cold, cold truth is that as such for years, towards us Agarthians, the treaty and other similar prohibitions had been nothing more than green colonialism in its most revolting expression, as they were harshly used as shackles to keep us chained, submissive and dependent on other nations. They were but specters from the past that, although we hoped to have banished since the triumph of our fight for independence, it seems that there are some willing to bring them back.”

“What we saw in a brief previous meeting with the Atomic Alliance delegation and what we have just seen in this forum it’s once again the rich world telling the global south to stay poor and stop developing, and while we’d like to believe in the goodness of their intentions, we uphold that there should not be a pursue of climate ambitions while losing sight of social justice, which will remain an empty phrase if small countries like ours don’t have the energy resources to raise incomes, resilience, and quality of life.”

“Yes, we are mining, that much is true. But what we do in our industry is not remotely different from what other nations here do on a day-to-day basis, as all projects, processes and productions are properly planned and executed by highly qualified personnel. So what is the difference?”

“Colonialism has many faces, comrades, and here today we are presented with a supposed global election that poses environmental collapse as the problem of the future, a coarse geophysical justification of structures of foreign powers in the services of an alleged greener future. However, in your desire and pursuit for this mirage you are willing to condemn our future, our identity and nation.”

“We are not here to beg you to buy our resources and raw materials, nor are we asking for any kind of material or monetary aid for development. All we are asking for is a chance to fend for ourselves, to survive and thrive on this earth alongside you shoulder to shoulder as brothers.”

“A long time ago, the principles of autonomy and self-determination were established by a meeting, not unlike this one, as maxims of international law to prevent any action that would totally or partially dismember or undermine territorial integrity or political, social or economy of sovereign and independent states.”

“Today all we ask of you is that you honor those principles, and do not let the blood, sweat and tears shed to achieve them be in vain.”
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Re: [NPC Event] A Gathering of Nations


Post by English Channel Union »

The Atomic delegate will await for the Agarthan to make her speech, rolling his eyes at the admission of mining and each Colonialism part.

The Antarctic is not even designed to sustain life for an extended period of time, that is why your nation relies on the foreign importation of food and if you do grow it in your nation you will have to construct entire facilities just to make the environment habitable for these plants! As each representative has just witnessed, the Agarthan State openly and proudly claims its mining actions in the Antarctic, with little to no regard for the Madrid Protocol on the Antarctic.

Representatives of this forum, the Madrid Protocol on the Antarctic was not a move of colonialism but a move by the international community to ban specific actions on the antarctic continent, as no Human is native to this region they have no claim to these lands nor any legitimate claim to destroy its ice shelf in the pursuit of Iron Ore!

Representative Lynott, since your nation has no shame in your destruction of the Antarctic, tell me, how many articles are you violating? Article 3.2 would be one for certain. so, does your mining have adverse effects on the climate? Air or Water quality? Any significant change in the Atmospheric, Terrestrial, Aquatic, or Glacial environments? Any disruption in the operations of fauna and flora in the region? Have you endangered any species on the continent? Degraded any biological, scientific,
historic, aesthetic or wilderness significance?
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The Atomic Seal
Moved from Forum of Nations to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:12 am by Alanston


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