(Super)Critical Simulations

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(Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

Very few in the world know about The Facility.
But those who do, place on it big expectations.

During an hot, californian day a military truck enters the building.
The precious package it carries is transported inside, and then deep underground.
Here beats the real heart of The Facility: powerful lasers, particle accelerators, and, of course, supercomputers.

After all, why announce to the world your nuclear weapons program with direct testing, when simulations are both faster and cheaper? Their only disatvantages are tied to the expertise needed to build something so complex... But it's an expertise which the NCR happens to have.
The last fissile material is finally unloaded, and The Facility officially starts its operations; the first of many simulations finally begins.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The Minister for Research and Technology was a busy man. Contrary to many other countries' approach to this position, Edward Allari is considered one of the most important ministers in the NCR, and as such he also had a sizable budget, of course.
That came, however, at the cost of having a lot of hard work to do.
Such is the way of science, he thought; despite our ancestors hopes, the universe is so complex... And he knew that, better than most, as an engineer himself.
Escorted by some serious looking military officers, he descended deep down into the bowels of The Facility. After more than a month from the start of the operations, their work progressed enough that a visit was warranted.
What he saw was beautiful.
Now, a part of him was actually horrified at this sentiment. After all, the objective was the production of literal wmds! But the scientist in him... Was fascinated. So much advanced technology, all in one place! Working like clockwork, men and machines, all devoted to one common goal, efficient... Beautiful.
Thus, his eyes were shining while he assisted to the simulation. And apparently, the researchers managed to produce a reliable, controlled, case-study miniature explosion. That was so interesting...
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The Director of The Facility was happy of how the ministerial visit went.
The Minister left satisfied of their progresses, and as such he was satisfied in turn.
Now, it was time to start branching the simulations:
In the following days they would be testing the behaviour of different enriched fissile materials, in particular uranium and plutonium of course, in a wide range of contitions and concentrations.
Using the most promising data, they would then simulate various bomb types and general designs (eg. gun type, implosion type).
The Director sat down in his office, and started delineating plans for the next phase.
After all, they had busy weeks ahead.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


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Up until now the simulations done have mostly been almost physics-only, kind of, since they focused more on optimizing the results, expanding the understanding on how to obtain them, etc. etc.
In reality, however, complex engineering is needed to achieve those results: as such, from today The Facility would focus mostly on expanding the engineering capabilities needed to manufacture a proper weapon.
Designs would be thought, subsystems forged, prototypes assembled.
And of course, all of them would be simulated and tested.
This was the crux of this phase: so easy to explain the work to done in words, but probably the hardest part to complete.
But of course, The Facility would not be stopped.
The Director would make sure of that.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

Months had passed since Mariah had accepted her new job.
At the time she couldn't have known, but now she was aware that her work consisted mainly in moving enriched fissile material, be it uranium or plutonium, from some of the enrichment plants to some of the manufacturing plants. She was vague in her wording, since of course she had no idea of how many plants there were, nor of how many drivers had such a job. Regardless, while she now knew what she was transporting, she still had no idea of... Well, anything else, really.
And one of the things that most confused her is that sometimes not all the cargo was unloaded at the manufacturing plant, and she had to take a detour towards another mysterious building to leave one, maximum two, crates only.
Maybe it was a sort of sampling center?
She really had no idea...

The engineers of The Facility were in a crunch period.
After weeks of small-changes iterations, they finally had distilled the end design. Or, rather, designs, since the idea was to produce an uradium-based bomb and a plutonium-based bomb.
And now... Now they had to build working prototypes.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

After a long and arduous work, the main job of The Facility was finally over: the engineers had completed the final designs and prototypes.
All the simulations gave positive results, the prototypes seemed to be exactly right: now it was time to prepare for... more direct testing.
Two holes had to be excavated deep undergroud, far away from any population centers and from any water source that may transport pollution.
In the meanwhile, the manufacturing plants would have to assemble 10 copies of the prototypes onto as many already-existing ICBMs, to deter possible aggressions in case of hostile international response.
Of course, in the meanwhile The Facility would keep working, focusing mostly on research and fine-tuning and optimizing.
This way, more data would be obtained, and if a new version would ever be needed they would have an head start.
As such, the Director signed off the authorization to proceed to the next phase.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

During an hot day in the desert, a drilling squad was packing up equipment.
While the trucks of the squad were leaving the site, the hole finally drilled, their job completed, other trucks were settling in.
One of them carried the whole reason of the hole's existance.
All was done.
The prototypes were ready and mounted; all the sensors and cameras were set up.
The two test bombs were about to get positioned, and then...
The testing would happen.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

At 05:59 the sun had yet to rise over Test Site Alpha.
And yet, sunddenly, at 06:00 o'clock a new sun rose from underground.
Trillions of joules of nuclear energy where suddenly freed in a fraction of a second; the earth was violently pushed and, as if angry of having been struck, it started shooking.
As such, a seismic station detected an earthquake with an epicenter in the north.
And after exactly 60 seconds, the earth shook again; but this time, the seismic station sensed the epicenter in the south.
The earth, wounded, moved again after being struck at Test Site Beta.
On the morning of this fateful day, the sun almost rose thrice.
Both tests were a complete success, the real results aligning perfectly with the simulations.
The personel at The Facility, monitoring the results in real time, holding their breath, finally exulted.
The Director, smiling, proceeded to make a call.
It would be his honor and pleasure to give the good news.
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites.

Assembly level of Bombs: 10%
Expansion of Plants: 20%
Construction of Silos & other Storage(s): 20%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites.

Assembly level of Bombs: 20%
Expansion of Plants: 40%
Construction of Silos & other Storage(s): 40%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites.

Assembly level of Bombs: 30%
Expansion of Plants: 60%
Construction of Silos & other Storage(s): 60%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites.

Assembly level of Bombs: 40%
Expansion of Plants: 80%
Construction of Silos & other Storage(s): 80%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites.

Assembly level of Bombs: 50%
Expansion of Plants: 100%
Construction of Silos & other Storage(s): 100%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites, if needed.

All the needed storages are completed.
The 1st expansion of the manufacturing plants was completed. The expansion will continue at a steady pace.

Assembly level of Bombs: 65%
2nd Expansion of Plants: 20%
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Re: (Super)Critical Simulations


Post by NCR »

The tests being successful, it is up to the manufacturing plants to complete the first order of 5 weapons.
In the meanwhile, expert construction squads will expand the plants and build any needed remaining sites, if needed.

All the needed storages are completed.
The 1st expansion of the manufacturing plants was completed. The expansion will continue at a steady pace.

Assembly level of Bombs: 80%
2nd Expansion of Plants: 40%
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