Southern Voyage

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Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

Under the cover of darkness late one night, several Nusantaran ships would depart from the Cocos Islands, heading south. Travelling through international waters, they would avoid all international shipping lanes.

These ships would consist of an icebreaker (Type 272), several research vessels (KRI Rigel, Type 927), several cargo helicopters, and several cargo vessels. Four Diponegoro class corvettes would also be part of the expedition. The cargo vessels would have their payloads covered by tarps, but if anyone were to look closer, they would consist of several odd looking structures.
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Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

After a roughly 6,000km voyage, the ships would reach their destination. The Diponegoro class corvettes would be on guard nearby, whilst the helicopters would fly several men onto the nearby lands. The very first thing that would be done, would be to plant a Nusantaran flag. Following that, the tarps would be removed and work would commence on deploying the foundations for the first of several bases for research on this barren land in the south. No public announcements would be made yet.

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Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The foundations would have gone up fairly swiftly, with the next stages of the research bases being underway. Due to the modular nature of these initial bases, they would go up without much of an incident. To begin with a simple generator would be installed to provide power, but plans for a more permanent generator are underway, and work is being done back on the main islands in order to prepare the permanent generator(s). The workers would also install several short range air defense systems into the region, with the goal being to defend the Nusantaran holdings against any potential hostile agents.

During this time, the research vessels would have been conducting scans and research, including mapping the ocean floor in the region, with the goal of being able to provide accurate readings on the new Nusantaran holdings.

Meanwhile, a second set of vessels would be prepared, with another collection of the modular buildings and basic generators, with final preparations underway before it is sent out as well.

Still, no announcements have been made.
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Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The establishment of the short range air defense systems would be nearing completion, with the final stages of the research base being underway. The generators on the main islands are ready, and are loaded onto ships and sent out to the new research base. Several researchers also board a vessel to make the voyage down to the new research base. Work on a seasonal airstrip is also underway, with the plan being for the base to be accessible by plane and boat.

The second fleet of vessels would be sent out, heading to another location slightly to the east of the first location. It would have the same set of materials as the first fleet had, including the ice breaker and several corvettes.

The oceanographic vessels would continue their research, going along the route between the first base and the potential location for the second base.

The Nusantaran government would announce a press conference to be held in the coming days, but no further details would be given at this time.
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Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The seasonal airstrip has been completed, and the final stages of construction have been completed. The ships containing the permanent (diesel) generators, as well as various researchers, have also arrived at the first base. Work is immediately undertaken to set up the generators in order to provide permanent power to the base. The previously established generators will remain, and will serve as backup generators for the project.

Elsewhere, the other vessels would reach their destination, and begin the same stages of setting up as the first vessels did. This location is meant to be a sister station to the first, and will contain roughly the same equipment. As with before, the first thing that would go up would be a Nusantaran flag, followed by the preparations for the new research facility, with helicopters serving to bring the equipment in and workers setting it up. Unlike the first station, this station would have the permanent generators from the start. Several radar antennae would also be installed at the second location.

Various other radar systems are also installed across both locations.

With both bases claimed, the Nusantaran government would hold their promised press conference, with the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, Cahaya Sucianty Indrajaya, hosting the event. "Thank you all for coming today. I am pleased to announce that the Nusantaran science committee has secured government funding to further our investments in research and scientific understanding of our planet. As such, we have undertaken, and are currently in the process of fully establishing, two research bases in Antarctica. Along with these, we are announcing out claim on a small portion of Antarctic land between these two stations, and extending outwards 250km from each base. Our claim is roughly pie shaped, converging inwards towards the centre of the continent from our two bases. These bases are solely for research purposes, in order to better understand our world and the nature and environment of the Antarctic. Unlike others, we will not be extracting any resources there, and whatever we bring in, we are committed to bringing out again. We desire to study a virgin land, one that is uncorrupted by humans. This is why we have committed ourselves to this endeavour, and we hope that our research will go a long way towards furthering scientific understanding of our planet.

"Thank you all for coming out today, here is to the future of scientific research and understanding of our planet! Further information will be made available online within the next 24 hours."

With that, the press conference is ended, and Minister Indrajaya would return to her offices, preparing to make the necessary information available for the public.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The generators brought in for the first base have been fully set up, and are now operational. With the first research base operational, several snowmobiles and polar snow crawlers that were brought in for use at the base, are sent on an expedition to explore the area, and to fully map out the new claim. Radar beacons will be established at regular intervals along the border, along with motion sensing cameras and infra-red cameras. These will serve the three-fold purpose of marking the border, border security, and conducting scientific research on native life and weather conditions.

Work continues on establishing the second base, with the modular buildings having been put in place. Work is currently underway on connecting the buildings and setting up their electrical wiring and other features. The generators are being brought online, with less delays than the first base, due to the full powered ones having arrived at the same time as the rest of the equipment. Having already set up one research base, this base would go a fair bit quicker, although the scientists and engineers would ensure no corners are cut on the establishment of the base. As with the first base, short range air defense systems would be installed at the base for security and defensive purposes. These, along with the defensive systems at the first base, would be considered highly confidential.

Meanwhile, the government website is updated, outlining the Nusantaran claim on Antarctica. The website would outline the purposes of the bases and the territorial claim (research, no mineral extraction, preservation of the environment, etc), the fact that the land will be considered as an overseas territory of Majapahit and defended as such, and include a map of the territory claimed. The website would also include a section where foreign countries and researchers could apply to stay and research at the station. Another section on the website would include potential plans for another research base further inland.

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Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The snowmobiles and crawlers have reached the southern most points of the Nusantaran claim, and are now circling back around to the second base. They continue to lay radar beacons along the boundary lines of the claim. Research observations, including air temperature readings and basic ice and rock sampling is also done throughout various points in their journey.

Work on establishing the second base is nearing completion, with all that remains being completion of the airstrip and final testing of the wiring and security systems. The generators are already established and up and running.

At both bases work on the various radar systems is also nearing completion.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Southern Voyage


Post by Alanston »

The snowmobiles and crawlers on the expedition have finally reached the second base. Their voyage officially marks the delineation of the Nusantaran claim, which is now surrounded by radar beacons at regular intervals. The research done on the journey is also invaluable, and the materials are gathered for research back in the main islands.

The second base is also now established, with all functions operational. The scientists have now settled in, and will begin research activities in Antarctica, alongside the other base. Similarly, the various radar systems are also completed.

With both bases complete and operational, the construction teams, oceanographic survey ships, and corvettes load up and begin the journey home. The snowmobiles and crawlers will remain in the region, for use between the two bases and other scientific endeavours in the region.
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