A Matter of Urgency

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English Channel Union
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A Matter of Urgency


Post by English Channel Union »

The Atomic Alliance will contact the state of @Agartha within urgent diplomatic channels.

Representatives of The Antarctican Independence, Commandant Harper of the Atomic Alliance would like to request a formal meeting with Prime Minister: David H. Marasco immediately. The Commandant of the Atomic Alliance has already boarded a C-17 Globemaster and is en route to the Independence.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Deleted User 284

Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by Deleted User 284 »

The Co-operative Republic of Agartha will gladly respond positively to the request of the Atomic Alliance, and as such we open the doors of the Senate Palace to be able to carry out this first meeting between nations, where Prime Minister Marasco and his cabinet will be waiting to receive the en route entourage upon their arrival.
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English Channel Union
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Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by English Channel Union »

After many refuelings along the way, the Atomic C-17 will arrive at Agartha's nearest airport to the Senate Palace, once the Commandant disembarks the Globemaster he will be followed by the Minister of Defense Pearson, Air Marshal Isabelle, and Fleet Admiral Keara of the Alliance. They will be accompanied by Captain Bishop and Commander Phillips.

The Commandant will lead the way, heading toward the welcoming group established by Agartha and observing what is visible around the airfield, structures/infrastructure.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Deleted User 284

Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by Deleted User 284 »

The reception group is made up of David H. Marasco Prime Minister, Frederick Seba Minister of Press, General Elena Menken Minister of Defense and Carolyne Lynott Minister of Foreign Affairs, as well as a small group of no more than 10 reporters.

Although Shambhala is the political and cultural center of Agartha, the vast majority of the nation's dependencies (such as the military and research branches) are not located on the island itself, so the vast majority of infrastructure that can be Being observed, although functional, tends to respond a little more to the aesthetic side than to the strategic one.

With expected cordiality, they are invited to enter the palace, where a small stage is set up for a press conference, but not before asking that a couple of photos of this first meeting be taken.

It goes without saying, but any talk that will take place on this encounter will be at the open doors of the Senate Palace, as was mentioned in a first reply.
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English Channel Union
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Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by English Channel Union »

(What island are we on?)

During the travels to the Council, the delegation will be mentally noting the layout of the capital and how the structures appear within their path to the building. Once inside, the Atomic Delegation wearing their Military Formals will agree to some photos with all providing a lack of emotion, the Commandant will stand next to the Prime Minister with an Attention posture.

Once the photos have been taken the Commandant will ensure he is the first to speak.
Prime Minister, it has come to the attention of the Atomic Alliance your organization has established quite the independence in this region, tell me, how is the Protocol on the Environmental Protection or Madrid Protocol doing within the independence?
The Commandant will state sternly, maintaining eye contact with the Minister.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Deleted User 284

Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by Deleted User 284 »

(Adelaide Island, now renamed Shambhala)

The relatively relaxed atmosphere inside the palace breaks the moment the Commander finishes his question, still approaching with a smile on his face, the Prime Minister begins to enunciate his answer.

"Looks like you're not one for foreplay, am I right?" He says with a small laugh, trying to reduce tensions between those present, rechanneling the attention of the press and to the utter horror of both Mr. Seba and Mrs. Lynott. "To concisely answer your question, Commandant Harper. We, the people of Agartha, have complete and total contempt for the ancient Antarctic treaty."

"Now, don't get me wrong, though I, for one, would love to think, that at some point during the formation of the Protocol the intentions of the participants involved may have stemmed from the nobility of their hearts. The cold, cold truth is that as such for years, towards us Agarthians, the treaty had been nothing more than green colonialism in its most revolting expression."
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English Channel Union
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Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by English Channel Union »

Commandant Harper will seemingly chuckle slightly at the Prime Minister' joke, before returning to his previous state, listening to his statement the Commandant would become disappointed. Harper will gesture to Commander Phillips who will provide the Commandant with an Official Communication from the Atomic Alliance, signed by the General Secretary and the Commandant.

Minister Marasco, the Madrid Protocol is no agreement to make a mockery of, the International Community has shown time and time again that the Antarctic should be preserved, these ice sheets hold hundreds of years of history and keep the terrain beneath it untouched by civilization. This Independence has no right to destroy an environment that should be preserved by humanity for as long as possible and I believe enough damage would have already been caused by your presence.

The Commandant will clear his throat, presenting the Communication from the Alliance to the Prime Minister.

The Atomic Alliance is hereby commencing a complete Embargo against the Antarctican Independence, the Embargo will be in effect for two (2) weeks from this date banning all trade between our states, if the Antarctican Independence continues mining upon the Antarctican peninsula the Alliance will enforce a full Naval Blockade to prevent any commercial travel between the Independence and International Ore Market. The Alliance urges your state to cease your illegal actions in violation of the Madrid Protocol, failure to do so will likely escalate this situation in the International Community.

Harper states confidently, before handing the Communication to the Minister, awaiting his final response to the commandant's Ultimatum.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Deleted User 284

Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by Deleted User 284 »

"You don't know the sadness that hearing those words inflicts on my heart, Commandant Harper."

"I really expected, that..., well, I really don't know what I expected." The prime minister said, turning from a smile to a blank expression, erasing any trace of emotion from his face.

"I'm sure you and your team had time to draft this Ultimatum with the environment in mind, as you burned over 21,000 lb of fuel per flight hour on your way here."

"With this declaration it is clear that, once again, colonialism is knocking on our door, and we shall rage against it as we always have."

"This land is ours, it is our heritage and our future. Never again shall this beautiful land and its inhabitants experience oppression under the interests of others." As for the rest, I believe that you and your entourage have already exhausted our hospitality and are no longer welcome in Agartha, at least not until you can accept the sovereignty and the right to self-determination of this nation."

"Have a safe trip, Atomic Alliance." Terminated the Prime Minister.
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English Channel Union
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Re: A Matter of Urgency


Post by English Channel Union »

The Commandant will smile at the drain of emotion from the Minister's face, once he terminates his statement the Commandant will turn around followed by the entourage, leaving the Communication behind in the hands of the Agarthans. As the Commandant is walking out of the Council Building, he will reiterate

Two Weeks Minister, or else.

The Commandant and entourage will board the C17 once again, flying back to the Atomic Alliance. Once the team is aboard the C17, Captain Bishop will send a Communication to the Defense Headquarters informing them of the Agarthan Response.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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