East Asian Defence Pact Meeting

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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

Raharjo shakes his head. "A defensive pact is a good goal. But what you are proposing goes beyond a simple defensive pact amongst nations. You are proposing an almost complete declawing of East Asia. If we are to be beholden to these terms, including subjecting ourselves to a mandatory peaceful outlook at all times, as well as to lock us in to this pact for a lengthy period of time, even any period of time, then this can no longer be considered just a defense pact. But rather it becomes much more then that, and threatens the ability for each of our nations to look out for our own interests. Thus, I am going to have to refuse the terms you are proposing. However, as an alternative, I would like to make the following proposal:
  • A purely defensive pact amongst our nations. Where if one of us are attacked, the others will be obligated to join in. No restrictions as to region or who attacked us. The only restriction being if we are responsible for the attack due to negligence or malintent on our part.
  • All nations involved in the pact will work together for the joint security and safety of the East Asian region, including regular maritime patrols and joint military exercises.
  • Member nations will support each other in military actions taken, provided they are for the stability and security of the region. All other military actions will be voted upon before support will be given. This support will initially take the form of official statements, but members can propose a vote for all members to partake in the case of more significant conflicts. Members can always join conflicts of other members at their discretion.
  • All nations will, if needed, take action to uphold the security and safety of the East Asian region. This includes direct military action to protect minor states and push back foreign imperialist actions.
  • All nations will agree to an economic security agreement, with the goal of free trade and increased connectivity between members. All members will also work towards increased economic cooperation amongst themselves, with an easing of requirements for work visas and travel between members.
  • All members will work on investing in each others' economies with the goal of increasing development between members.
  • All members will disclose any land claims they may have, and work towards eliminating any overlapping claims, and subsequently support each other in peaceful pursuit of these claims, whenever possible. These disclosures are to be confidential.
  • As for the headquarters for this alliance, I propose Surabaya, primarily due to its status as a key city of trade, and as the second largest city in the world, with a population of over 35 million. However, if Surabaya is not agreeable, then I propose we establish several headquarters - a political one in one city, perhaps Beijing, and an economic one in Surabaya.

"What are your thoughts on these terms?"

After making his counter proposal, Raharjo turns to President Hyo. "To begin with, what are your nations' ambitions with regards to the Feng Empire? I understand that a large portion of your population are Han Chinese, rather than ethnic Koreans. What sort of rights do these people have within your nation?" @Blue Dragon Republic
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Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Republic of Siam »

Kamon listened intently to Raharjo's proposal, and nodded at the end, "I can see the advantages to such a deal, and I do have some suggestions to add.
1. The definition of "East Asian". I propose that the region of "East Asia" will be anything east of the westernmost part of the Indian Subcontinent. See this map I have drawn up here.
2. I think the headquarters should be split, as you said, into Beijing and perhaps Kuala Lumpur, as then we have one in the south and one towards the north."
IC Year - 2020
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Location - Modern Day Thailand, parts of Laos and Cambodia

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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: East Asian Defence Pact Meeting


Post by Alanston »

[I don't know if @Blue Dragon Republic is active anymore]

Raharjo would ponder the amendments, before responding with a nod. "I think that definition works well for our needs. Though we will then need to discuss the Tamil Trifecta and their ways, and what actions, if any, we will be taking against them. As for the headquarters, I think we put our political one in Bangkok for now, and our economic one in Surabaya, is this agreeable?

"We also need to come to a consensus with regards to how new members will join our alliance, and what our alliance shall be called. To this extent, I propose the Alliance of East Asian Nations, or AEAN. Alternatively we could use the East Asian Defensive Alliance, or EADA. As for joining our alliance, I propose that we only consider nations whose capitals are in the East Asian region, as we have now defined, to join. This is to prevent colonial and/or imperial powers from attempting to join our alliance. Further, only nations that are committed to freedoms for their people should be permitted to join, to prevent nations such as the Tamil Trifecta and Feng Empire from joining."
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:16 am by Alanston


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