Expanding our Capabilities

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Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

With the completion of various shipyards throughout the nation, as well as the expansions of various factories, and the increase in connectivity throughout the nation, the government has passed a bill authorizing further spending on the military. With the funding secured, advertisements and recruiting propaganda would begin, with the goal of recruiting more people into the military, to serve the army, navy, and airforce. Similarly, several new ships are ordered, including several submarines, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, and 2 carriers. Similarly, in order to protect their interests in controlling one of the most lucrative trade routes in the world, and to uphold the Strait Regulations, several additional missile boats, patrol boats, fast attack craft, and corvettes have also been ordered.

In addition to recruitment propaganda, work will be undertaken to utilize the recent development projects to finally interconnect the islands and remove the restrictions in fielding a combined military force. This will eliminate the extra time it takes to mobilize the Nusantaran forces, and allow larger overall units to be formed.

Several aircraft have also been ordered, with the goal being to increase the Nusantaran fleet and expand their capabilities of providing for their own defensive needs, as well as to uphold their values of democracy in the region.
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Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

[The specifics of what is ordered is highly confidential, though anyone in the area would likely be well aware that the Nusantaran military is being expanded]

Work on the new ships is well underway, with materials being brought in and the shipyards being worked hard, as the workers are hard at work putting together the various ships that have been ordered. These ships include:
8 Nagapasa submarines
2 Type 094 submarines
8 Type 032 submarines
8 Type 093 submarines
12 Type 055 Destroyers
12 Martadinata Frigates
12 Type 054A frigates
24 Diponegoro Corvettes
1 Shandong Carrier
40 Sampari Fast attack craft
24 Dorang Patrol boats (for defending against piracy)
40 Komando Fast assault craft (for defending against piracy)
6 Makassar Landing platform docks
2 Type 815A Spy ships

Meanwhile, the Nusantaran factories are working at producing the requested amount of aircraft, with cash and materials being readily made available for the required order. These planes include:
44 F-18's to go with the Shandong carrier
6 B-2 Spirit bombers
12 Su-35S fighters
12 F-16 fighters
12 F-15E fighters
12 J-20 fighters
2 C-130J transport/refueling craft
24 C-295 patrol craft (for defending against piracy)
24 C-235 patrol craft (for defending against piracy)
24 Wulung drones
24 CH-4B drones
24 Anka-S drones
24 Aerostar tactical UAS drones

Elsewhere in the nation, recruitment propaganda is paying off, as thousands of citizens sign up to join the military. These new recruits are brought to various training centres, where they will be trained in joining the military, and brought up to the national standard for soldiers. It is estimated that around 50,000 personal have joined up, and are eager to serve their nation.

Work on utilizing the recent development projects is well under way, and it is expected that the nation will be able to be well connected in terms of the military within the near future. In the meantime, special military transport trains are purchased, and simulations and tests are conducted to facilitate the expected logistics of increased mobility between the various islands.
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Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Funding and materials continue to flow as work at the shipyards continues at a steady pace. Engineers and builders would work in tandem to build the ships at the various shipyards throughout the nation. Due to the previous development projects that were completed, almost all of the ships are able to be worked on simultaneously, allowing for a slightly expedited construction period for the various ships and submarines. While the ships are constructed, new recruits for the navy would be trained throughout the nation, with most utilizing existing vessels for the training purposes. Work on the carrier is expected to take longer, due to its nature as a larger vessel.

Elsewhere, Nusantaran factories would continue to work diligently on the various aircraft requested. Although the C-130J's would face some delays due to their intricate systems [and the fact that they're worth 6 aircraft each]. Despite the delays with the C-130J's, work would be continuing at a decent pace. As with the naval vessels, work on most of the aircraft would be undertaken simultaneously throughout the nation. Pilots for the new aircraft would also be trained throughout the nation, so they are ready to go once the aircraft are completed.

Further, the 50,000 new soldiers would be undergoing rigerous training exercises, with them being broken into smaller groups of 10,000, and transported to various islands and regions to undergo training in different environments. Smaller groups would be transported to the Antarctic Territory to undergo extreme stress training in harsh conditions, and to prepare them to face adverse weather conditions (such as snow and cold) that they would not be used to back at home. Training locations would include: lush jungles, barren volcanic islands, urban settings, tiny islands, beaches, mountains and hills, and all of the above. Several soldiers who show potential would also be trained as paratroops for potential aerial assaults. Other soldiers would be trained in beach landings and naval assaults.

Work on increasing the mobility between the islands of the nation continues at a steady pace, with simulations and tests proving promising. The special military trains are put into service, and testing is underway. With work ongoing, it is expected that the recent development projects will have been sufficient to reduce the increased mobility times throughout the nation. However the system will actually need to be tested by mobilizing part of the actual military, once the simulations and testing have been completed.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Handoyo Lihwa, a Hakka Chinese worker at the shipyard in Kuching, would arrive at work on morning, ready to start her day. Her daily activities would be fairly straightforward, involving punching in, gathering her toolbelt, and heading to work. Much of the work on the ships would be done via assembly line, but not all of it. Today, her task is to check over the electronical equipment, before passing it along to be installed. A fairly monotonous routine, she does it with pride, after all, she is helping to support her nation and ensuring its future. As she goes through her day, she would find the occasional electronics component that is flawed, which she would remove and toss in a junk pile. When she breaks for lunch, she would eat a company provided meal of soto banjar with several of her friends. They would laugh and talk about various happenings in their lives, ranging from the lack of westerners in Kuching lately, to the fact that Majapahit was lost both of its matches in the World Cup. After an hour break, she would return to work. At the end of the day, she would bring her bin of flawed electronical components to a general collections area, where they would be sorted and assessed, before being sent back to the factory for reuse.

Work on the various planes continues at a steady pace. Similarly, the various new pilots would be going through flight training and simulators, being given enough training to ensure they are ready when the time comes to man the new aircraft.

Owing to the large population in Majapahit, an additional 75,000 people throughout the nation have also joined the general training and recruitment processes. These people are also broken down into various groups for training throughout the nation. Of the original 50,000, they would have just completed the training at their first location, and would be brought back and mixed in to the groups of the other 75,000. This would be to ensure cohesion and adaptability with regards to the soldiers and their working together.

After several detailed tests and simulations, it is deemed that the new system of reducing mobilization time is ready for proper testing. As such, a full scale mobilization order is given, with all 150,000 current troops to be mobilized. 50,000 are to mobilize in Java, 50,000 in Sumatra, and 50,000 in peninsular Malaysia. The goal will be to overcome any potential restrictions in mobilization time, due to the various islands.
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Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Handoyo Lihwa returns to work again. Today she is assigned to assist with the installation of the computer motherboards into the ships. This would involve her travelling onto the bridge of the ship, where she would work with several other workers and engineers to help hook up the motherboards and install them into the mainframe of the ships. As there are a lot of electronic components involved, each ship would take roughly a full day to work on, due to the complexity and attention they require. At the end of the day, she would clock out and head home once more.

The factories for the planes continue their work, with the first few beginning to roll off the assembly line. These planes are given to new pilots, who will finish their training in them.

Training of the new soldiers continues, with the groups having completed training at their second location. This time the groups are not broken up anymore, as these new teams will be who many of the soldiers work with throughout their careers. They would continue on to the third training locations.

Mobilization is continuing well, with the troops having no issues in transportation to their various locations. Full mobilization is expected to be completed shortly. If any international observers question the mobilization, the official reason is stated to be for internal military exercises.
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Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Handoyo Lihwa would stand at the docks as she watches the ships she had been hard at work on roll out into the ocean, ready for official duty. Smiling, she would wave at the crew from the show, pleased with the work she, and her coworkers have done. All throughout Majapahit the sight would be the same - various ships rolling out from their docks, ready for active duty.

Elsewhere, the planes have been finished, and are ready to roll out into active duty. Their pilots have been trained, and are ready for duty.

The training of the new soldiers has paid off, and they, too, are ready for service. The training in the various locations has paid off, with the soldiers well equipped and prepared for the various environments they may encounter.

The full mobilization has been completed, and the troops have successfully reported in to the bases throughout the nation, officially eliminating any logistical issues that previously existed due to the island nature of the nation. The troops will remain mobilized, and undergo various training activities.

With work on recruitment and construction completed, the new vessels are currently undergoing logistics in order to fully incorporate them into the Nusantaran military. This is expected to be completed shortly, and once done all the new vessels, planes, and troops will be fully integrated parts of the Nusantaran military.
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Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Finally, after a lengthy period of development, training, and testing, the expansions to the Nusantaran military are fully completed, and integrated into the military's logistical network. With the expansion officially completed, Prime Minister Raharjo orders a military parade to take place in Surabaya, officially demonstrating the Nusantaran capabilities, and in no way in response to Chinese activities. The parade will include thousands of soldiers marching down a main street in the city, followed by several tanks and other military vehicles. Overhead several planes will do a flyover of the city. The planes will also do a flyover of other cities in the nation as well. In the harbour, several of the new vessels will stand at attention, proudly waving Nusantaran flags. Blanks will be loaded and fired out to sea from the various vessels as well. The day would be declared a temporary holiday, with the local population encouraged to attend the parade. Raharjo and many other government officials would also be in attendance, watching the parade.

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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Expanding our Capabilities


Post by Alanston »

Following the military parade, the newly trained military forces would be fully integrated in to the Nusantaran military, with the training officially completed. Many people would gather and cheer as the new ships and planes are rolled into active service, proud of their nation and its military. The ships, planes, and troops would remain mobilized for 'training purposes'.

The final numbers recruited and built are:
125,000 troops
244 planes (+10 for the C130J's - 254 total)
561,936 tonnes
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:16 am by Alanston


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