The Northwest Frontier

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Grand Serene Republic
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The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The Most Enlightened Doge of the Republic of San Romolo invites the governments of Oklahoma and Kansas to a Conference in Nea Zena
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

President Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma would receive the invitation, and open a debate in his parliament about the meeting, before finally agreeing to meet in Nea Zena. Boarding a plane, he heads to the city for the conference.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Laura Kelly of Kansas would be a little more reluctant to meet with the Italians. However after a few days to think about it, she also agrees to meeting in Nea Zena, albeit hesitantly, boarding a flight to Nea Zena at her earliest convenience.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

(skipping to the meeting)

"Honourable President Stit, Honourable Prime Minister Kelly: I'm happy to see that both of you have accepted to meet me. Before we start what will surely be an historic moment for all of us may I offer you some refreshments? "

Say the Doge with a smile on his face as he welcomes the pair into his office.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

President Stitt would nod and smile, "Yes, please. May I have some tea?" He asks as he takes his seat.

Prime Minister Kelly frowns, taking her seat. "I would like some water. But more importantly, I wish to know the purpose of this meeting. I'm a busy woman, you know."
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Excellent choice President Stitt, we have an excellent selection of both Black and Green tea"

As the tea is being served to President Stitt the Doge would talk to the Prime Minister

"Sure, well since we are being this... Direct I will not sugarcoat it: I brought you here with a proposal of Unification. Now i would like you to not jump to conclusions and to consider what the Republic is offering: first of all investments, especially in the Petrochemical, Refinery and Natural Gas Extraction Industry, those investment will lead to the Expansion of both your economies and create massive employment opportunities for the locals. In addition to this you will have access to the ports on the Gulf thanks to the Mississippi and that will lead your trade up.

I also wait to point out that you will join as full fledged Provinces with all the rights and protection that status entails: which means legislative autonomy aside from a few matters reserved to the National Assembly.

Speaking of the National Assembly both of your states will be rappresented, and both of your government will remain in charge as the new Provincial Governments.

Of course there will be an adaptation period, but I'm sure we can find an agreeable solution to make all things go smoothly"
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

President Stitt would take some black tea, before settling in to listen to the discussion. Once the Doge makes his ideas plain, he would be the first to speak. "I believe this proposition could benefit my people. Investments in our petrochemical industry would definitely be very beneficial to our nation. Though would these investments also benefit more ... practical matters? Such as health care, transportation, and education? And what of defense? As you know, my nation is small, defense would be of key importance to my people. Finally, what of language? You speak Italian, the Californians speak English, my people speak a mix of both. Would the English speakers in my nation have to all learn Italian?"

PM Kelly would then make her statement. "I knew it! You just wanted my land! Why should Kansas join your nation? We don't even border you? And as for petrochemical investments, those are great an all, but they don't really help us. Our main industry is agriculture, making up around 90% of our economy. Sure, we have some other industries, but agriculture is the predominant industry in our nation. Unlike the Oklahomans, who seem ready to hand over sovereignty at the whim of their leader, my people are a bit more independent minded. What would we gain under your government that we don't already have?"
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"I will address your concerns in order, starting with those of President Stitt: Of course as a Province of our Republic you shall revieve your share of the budget to invest in all the three areas you have mentioned, that plus the profits from the reignited Petrolchimical sector i can safely say that you shall be able to better the quality of life for your citizens by a significant margin. Regarding the language issue we don't want to force your citizens to learn Italian, infact even in schools we shall require it only as a second language just for the sake of easier communication. For defense of course the Sanromolese Armed Forces would provide their protection to both Oklahoma and Kansas, infact we are soon to launch ahot modernisation program, It would not be difficult to inser in it the integration of your armed forces with Sanromolese ones in it.

Now Madam President Kelly, it isn't a problem for my government to invest into Kansas agricolture, but o also want to point out that Kansas has one of the largest deposit of natural gas of the continent, and I'm sure that by extracting it we can create more jobs as well as providing more differentiation to the economy."
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

"I find these things acceptable. The investments you are promising are especially promising, and would likely go a long way to improve our standards of living. Not to mention the coastal access that joining would offer us."

"How dare you! Don't you know how much mining natural gas harms the environment? Our people are perfectly content in the agricultural sector. Next you'll be suggesting we invest in our education sectors! What if I am content with my economy as it is?" President Kelly replies with a harsh voice. The fact that only about 40% of her population graduates high/secondary school not seeming to bother her at all.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Excellent, President Stitt you can sign the agreement here" The Doge says as he pushes toward the Oklahoman President the papers.

"Well Madam President, I am sure that your economy is more then solid, I'm just saying that with such an agreement your people would only benefit. Even if we decide to not extract the natural gas that is in your soil, we could start producing bio-gas using Kansas's crops. That would immensely increase the value of the Agricultural sector.'

The Doge wouldn't mention the worrying situation of Education in Kansas, as he wouldn't mention how the political landscape of Kansas would radically change after Kelly's term was over
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

President Stitt would look over the documents and nod, before signing them and handing them back. "I look forward to working with you in the future.

President Kelly would be about to launch on another tirade, before getting a phone call. "One moment please, I must take this.

"What is it, I'm in a meeting? ... What do you mean they're protesting? ... So tell the banks to give the people their money! ... What do you mean they don't have any? ... That's absurd. ... No, you listen here! Solve the problem, or I'll come back there and solve it for you, and remove you from your position."
She hangs up the phone shaking her head. "Stupid people, protesting because the banks are out of cash, outrageous. Anyways, where were we? Right, production of bio-gas. It would be beneficial, but I'm not about to sell my nation to you just for that. Could you not just invest in our economy without us joining your nation? Show us some good will, perhaps?"

As she is talking President Stitt would also receive a text, informing him of the worsening financial situation back at home. Trusting that San Romolo would take care of things, he sends news back home, asking the government to publish positive news about the financial situation, and how San Romolo is going to help their economy weather the storm.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Well as a gesture of goodwill I can offer Kansas help in withering the financial storm that is upon us.i think your citizens would really appreciate that."

The Doge said calmly
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

Kelly would frown. "Fine, we will accept your help. You may send us the money as soon as possible." Her phone would ring again, but this time she would ignore it, more interested in the help offered by the Doge.

Unbeknownst to her, back in Kansas the people are in the process of storming the government building, keen on removing her from power.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

"Excellent, in that case Madam President you can sign here, and we will start sending you the funding immediately"

The Doge would be mostly satisfied by the agreements reached, even if he is still ignorant of the new events unfolding in Kansas
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Alanston »

Kelly's frown continues, but she signs the document anyways. "I had better see funding right away, or I'll be coming after you myself."

Meanwhile, the people have successfully stormed the capital building, and have removed Kelly's government from power. After hastily deciding amongst themselves, they have selected Javion Randolph to represent them. He is an African-American, and received a formal education in Nea Zena in his youth. Finding out where Prime Minister Laura Kelly is currently, he would pick up the phone and call the San Romolese government, requesting to speak with the Doge.
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Re: The Northwest Frontier


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

As the Doge was dismissing his guests his phone would ring, given the fact that if such a call was able to reach it had to be quite important he answered the call
"Hello Lorenzo Dofour, Doge of San Romolo, speaking, with whom I have the pleasure to talk to ?
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