In Defense of Our Waters

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In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

Minister Damarwulan, in coordination with Prime Minister Raharjo, has ordered the construction of hydrophone arrays throughout the seas surrounding Nusantara and its immediate surroundings. These arrays are for oceanographic research, and will allow for the studying of the sea floor and monitoring of marine life in the region.


The arrays will be connected to fiberoptic cables, to allow for quick and efficient communication and monitoring times. The arrays will be mounted near the sea floor, and connected to various stations on the shores and coastlines of Nusantara. The arrays will serve the (classified) purpose of monitoring for submarines in the region. They will be located within the sensor range of other arrays, in order to eliminate any gaps in the network. The main seas they will be located in are as follows: Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal, Java Sea, Banda Sea, Malacca Strait, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, Coral Sea, Solomon Sea, Bismarck Sea, South China Sea, Philippine Sea, and the Eastern Indian Ocean. Work will remain in international waters, as such neighbouring nations will be made aware, but only to the extent that Nusantara is conducting oceanographic research in their area. Work will be done to ensure the arrays do not damage native marine life in the areas they are deployed.

Work will begin immediately on the laying of the cables and planting of the arrays, with ships heading out to begin work, one region at a time. Due to the economic power and large naval fleet of Nusantara, 3 regions are able to be worked on simultaneously. The first three will be the Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Eastern Indian Ocean. As various research facilities already exist, extra work is not needed to build new ones, and the cables will be connected to both these facilities, as well as various military installations throughout the nation. However several specific oceanographic facilities will be set up along coastal areas, and work has begun on their construction.
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Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

Work on laying cables and planting arrays in the first three locations has been completed, due in part to the large fleet of vessels participating in the project. These cables have been connected back to the Nusantaran mainland, with sensors being hooked up to detect any foul play or subversive actions taken by third parties. Following the completion of the plantings at the first location, the Nusantaran fleet continues along to the next set of three, being the Java Sea, Banda Sea, and Malacca Strait. They will being laying the cables and planting arrays immediately, with work expected to be easier here, due to these locations being within the territorial waters of Nusantara.

Meanwhile, work on the oceanographic facilities is progressing at a steady pace, with the foundations having been laid and the main structure of the buildings going up. Special researchers and military engineers are recruited and trained, and will man these stations when the time comes. Work on the advanced electronics is also being done at a separate location, so they can be installed when the time is right. The cables are also being connected to these facilities on land, which will further assist in the final stages of these facilities. Cables are also being connected to several military bases throughout the nation, allowing for a more streamlined detection system.
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Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

The arrays have been successfully laid in the second group of three locations and connected to the Nusantaran islands, and the vessels have moved on to the next set of locations. These locations are the Timor Sea, Arafura Sea, and Celebes Sea. As with the previous locations, the vessels will lay cables and plant arrays throughout these regions.

Following the construction of the main structures for the research facilities, the electrical work begins, while the final stages of the buildings are being completed. Work on connecting the buildings to the cables is also completed. The various researchers and military engineers have been recruited, and their training is nearly completed. Several soldiers are trained for security purposes, and will further man and occupy the research facilities, ensuring they are protected and defensible. An air defense system is also being set up at the various research locations, in order to defend their capabilities against potential military assaults.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

Following the successful laying of the arrays in the second set of locations, the Nusantaran military continues on to the next location, being the Coral Sea, Solomon Sea, and Bismarck Sea. Due to these seas being slightly further away, extra care is done to ensure the vessels remain in international waters, and do not pose any threats to the neighbouring nations.

Finally, the various research facilities are completed, with the researchers and military engineers having been fully trained. The researchers and engineers are then sent to their various facilities, where they begin monitoring and recording data from the already established arrays. They would also take over the monitoring of the laying of the other arrays and cables. The air defense system is also fully connected, thus ensuring the research facilities are defensible.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

With the next stage of arrays and cables laid, the vessels turn to the final three locations, being the Sulu Sea, Philippine Sea, and South China Sea. Again, extra care is done to ensure the vessels remain in international waters during the laying of the arrays and cables.

As with before, the arrays and cables are connected back to the various research and military bases throughout the nation.
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Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

The remaining cables and arrays have been laid, with the ships now returning to the main islands to attach the final links for the cables. With all seas in the immediate vicinity of Nusantara now connected, and the research facilities and military installations connected, final tests are conducted and the system is calibrated to ensure the system is ready to be brought online. As this is a confidential project, no official announcements will be made once the system is brought online.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: In Defense of Our Waters


Post by Alanston »

With all stages of the system having been laid, and final tests being completed, the system is brought online. This will enable the Nusantaran military to monitor for ocean traffic and submarine presence in the waters surrounding the nation, as well as those in nearby areas. The system is kept highly confidential, with it being extremely unlikely that other nations are aware of it.
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