A Silvery Proposition

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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by Alanston »

"Is that not the point of elected representatives? To work for the people on their behalf?

"Regardless, thank you for removing the point. I believe that everything is in order then. Shall we draw up a contract to sign?"
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by NCR »

<<Yes! Let's do that.>> He replies with enthusiasm.
In the following hours, a document detailing the reached agreement is redacted, and signed by Mr. Morgenstern.
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by Alanston »

Nelson looks it over, before signing the document as well.
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by NCR »

After the ratification of the treaty, General George Blims and other officers under his command are sent to Deseret to start the integration of the Deseret Armed Forces into the common command.

Additionally, funds are allocated for the construction of various projects, starting with a new railway to connect the NCR and Salt Lake City directly and some military bases.
A squad of surveyors is dispatched to start examining the various terrains needed.
They are careful to give their best image to the locals, and to respect possible landmarks, features or sites of religious interest that they care about.
Last edited by NCR on Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by Alanston »

Major General George DeWight of the Deseret Armed Forces arranges a meeting with General Blims, inviting him to meet at the military base outside of Salt Lake City to discuss integration.

[Just as a general heads up, you'll be limited to around 20-30% of Deseret's forces for integration]
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by NCR »

<<It's a pleasure to meet you>> the General says.
<<I noticed that we share our name. I hope that, after today's work, we'll also be able to share a home.>> he concludes, presenting his hand.


After finishing the survey, the appropriate tracks and materials are ordered. While the first workers for the railway are dispatched, work for the bases will wait for progress on the military agreements.

[you mean under direct command or in general? eg. during a war, will I be able to command 30% of their military and they will control the rest?]
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by Alanston »

DeWight grunts in response, shaking the General's hand with a firm and solid grip. "Are you here to express pleasantries, or to discuss our military? If it's the latter, shall we get down to business? First, my military consists of solely men, no women. When you integrate us into your military, I expect this to be respected. Women are a distraction, and are only good for servitude jobs. They do not belong in the army. You may have your own rules and regulations, that is fine, but our men will only serve in companies of men, no women. Our religious beliefs will be respected, this includes our special underwear. No exceptions. With that out of the way, we can begin."

He would then begin walking through the base. Throughout there are various soldiers and the like training, chatting, and working out. As DeWight walks through they would stand at attention, before returning to their duties once he is passed.

"Our men are highly trained, and well disciplined. I am very proud of them. Tell me, General, what are your plans for my troops, how do you wish to go about this?" DeWight asks, stopping in the middle of the base.

[Basically you get a total of 20-30%, the rest go home. Since you're taking over their foreign affairs, you are responsible for their defense now. Their own military that isn't being integrated will be dissolved. This is the same if you had directly annexed the land, with the military being completely dissolved, unless you do an RP to integrate it, in which case you get 20-30% of it. In this case, the 20-30% should be used exclusively for the defense of Deseret, but that ultimately depends on how the RP progresses.]
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Re: A Silvery Proposition


Post by NCR »

The General nods. <<Your men will be able to continue to serve in male-only companies, since I intend to keep the Deseret forces as their own. However, they will also be trained to fight with our own companies, which will be mixed more often than not.
As for the underwear or other similar needs, as long as it's reasonable the men could wear boxers, swimsuits or even little daisies: it matters not for me nor for the suplly offices. What does matter is the increased morale things like this grant to men, and of that I care.>>
he concludes.

As DeWight shows the base, Blims takes meticolous note of the various relevant things he sees, preparing for a detailed report.
He also pays attention to the troops' general mood when he passes, and to their behaviour, as to monitor sentiment towards the NCR and/or the integration.

When the DeWight asks for the integration plans, he nods and answer:
<<Firstly, as I mentioned I intend to keep the Deseret forces as their own, at least at the beginning. These men learned to fight bravely with each other and their superiors, and I have NOT the intention of breaking that. They will mostly be stationed in Deseret itself, since nothing motivates soldiers to fight like defending their own home, I'll tell you that; the Romans also understood this very well. However, I will organize joint drills and various kinds of joint trainings, and as such cyclically each company will train with NCR companies; meaning, at any given time some of your companies will be training in NCR territory and some NCR companies will be training in Deseret territory.
We will focus on fighting in each other external borders, as to be prepared for the worst. But of course we will also use the various difficult terrains both our nations have, and other training grounds.
Lastly, it's imperative to begin standardization of your men's equipment with our own as soon as possible, for obvious reasons. The appropriate logistical channels will be established. The first kind of training the men will receive will be regarding any equipment they may not be used to.>>


Work on laying the railway proceeds. Special attention was paid in designing it, since due to the very hot temperatures that could be reached in the desert regions particular care is needed to avoid tracks deformation due to thermal dilatation; not only that, but often desertic areas have a very large gap in day/night temperatures, which needs to be accounted for.
Regardless, the work proceeds fast.

Work is also started to lay the power lines needed to power the railway. Special care is given in the design process for the same reasons, but also due to the need of powering nearby buildings, should that be needed in the future.

[since I'm guessing this is for balancing reasons (correct me if I'm wrong), will I be able to recruit more of them in a future thread to restore their military size as it was before integrating?]
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:14 am by Alanston


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