Armed forces of the California Republic

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California Republic
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Armed forces of the California Republic


Post by California Republic »

Grand Army of the Republic


Armored Vehicles

M-3 Grizzly


Description: The M3 Grizzly represents the third generation of California main battle tank design, and is the replacement for the aging M2 Mountain Lion and M1 Cub Main Battle Tanks. The M3 Grizzly is equiped with modern composite armor, a turbine powerplant, and a modern high velocity 127 mm smoothbore gun, capable of firing either conventional or ATGM munitions, and is crewed by four.

M-4 Macarthur


Description: The M4 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Macarthur) is a high mobility wheeled IFV that can house an array of potential weapons options form a 20 mm automatic cannon to a 90 mm anti tank gun, with several options in-between including the option to utilize ATGM's via a box launcher. At 19 tons the vehicle has a crew of 3 with a maximum of 9 infantry carried, it exists in numerous configurations from Frontline fire support vehicles to ambulance or command and control vehicles.

M-5 Hammerhead


Description: the M-5 is a fully tracked amphibious IFV with unusually heavy armor protection and a mas of 29.1 tons, it can carry up to 21 infantry forces and is most often armed with a heavy machine gun paired with an automatic grenade launcher. However the vehicle can also mount a 25 mm cannon or a box ATGM launcher.

Utility & Support Vehicles

Type-01 GPLV


Description: a light general purpose and utility vehicle with a 1/4 ton rear axle and seating for 4-7 depending on configuration. Powdered by a desiel 5 cylinder engine.

M8 Combat Rifle


Description: The M8 Combat Rifle is a select fire rifle with a detachable box magazine (standard size of 20 rounds) chambered in the 7.92x44 mm cartridge effective to a range of 800 meters.

M3A2 Automatic Rifle


Description: The M3A2 is a automatic rifle with a select fire capacity (fast/slow auto, single shot) chambered I'm the 7.92x57 mm cartridge. It is effective to a range of 1,200 meters and is air-cooled.

M6 Handgun


Description: The M6 is a semi automatic, single action, .44 +p+ special handgun, fed from a single stack detachable box magazine with an 8 round standard capacity.

M-1/86 Red-eye Rifle


The Red-eye is an 86 mm recoilless rifle designed to both serve in the man portable anti tank role and as a light assault gun for fortified positions.
Last edited by California Republic on Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:17 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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California Republic
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Re: Armed forces of the California Republic


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California Republic Aerospace Forces


Combat Aircraft

F-15A Eagle


Description: The F-15A Eagle was a result of 10 years of development starting in 1964 as part of the Aerospace Forces NGADF (Next Generation Air Dominance Fighter) program to replace the aging F-8 Condor, and in responce to advances in materials sciences, tactical concepts, and propulsion design. Within a year of its first flight taking place in 1974 the F-15A set and continues to hold records in absolute ceiling, time to climb, absolute groundspeed, airspeed, and in numerous other key areas, according to the Aerospace Forces, the F-15A is the most capable and sophisticated air superiority platform in any nations service.

F-16 Viper


Description: The F-16 is an all-weather multirole light tactical fighter, intended to replace a number of previous light aircraft in a number of roles. The F-16 is the first aircraft in California service to include numerous design features such as a side mounted flight stick and a offset seat angle all in the effort of reducing the effects of high g environments on pilot performance. The F-16 is capable of attacking both air and ground targets, both over land and sea, and includes numerous technologies designed for the F-15 Eagle, such as a digital heads up display, among other features. The F-16 is the first fighter to carry all weapons in internal munitions storage bays, and has no outboard pylons.

F/A-18 Raider


Description: The F/A-18 is a exceptionally large twin engine multi role combat aircraft, it is the largest carrier born aircraft ever designed or opperated. In order to meet the Aerospace Force's "All Domaine Airpower" Docterine, a very large twin engine multirole aircraft was needed to meet the needs of airpower for naval opperations, this aircraft would need a modular design to allow for mission flexibility, significant fuel capacity to enable long staying capacity, and would need to be serviced and re-armed from naval assets in theater, the F/A-18 was the Aerospace forces pick for these requirements. Traditionally opperating on long range missions from land bases, the F/A-18 can also be re-armed by Navy airships to allow for longer staying capacity and for aircraft to be modulated for the specific needs of naval opperational requirements that can present a dynamic threat environment not allowing for long return flights to re-armed.

EF/A-14 Crow


Description: The EF/A-14 is a electronic warfare and attack aircraft capable of incredibly high speed, high altitude flight. The aircraft is designed primarily for bomber escort in penetration missions, suppression of enemy air defences, and can provide EWAR support in a number of situations. While capable of air to air missions, it is not the main intended role for the platform. It is the only aircraft with the range and endurance at speeds required to escort the B-7 without limiting the B-7's radius.

B-7 Cavalier


Description: The B-7 Cavalier is an extremely large, very high altitude, supersonic, six engined, long range strategic bomber. It's the primary high mobility strategic nuclear deterrence of the Republic. Beyond the nuclear missim, the B-7 is also a conventional asset in both strategic and tactical missions over the land and sea Domaine.

S-2 Viking


Description: The S-2 is a modern seaplane designed to perform the maritime rescue and anti submarine warfare mission, it has a very long fuel range, exceptional endurance, can land in all weather conditions day and night, posses STOL capabilities, and can be armed with a number of defensive and offensive payloads including anti submarine torpedoes and sonar bouy's.


AAM-1C Growler


Description: The AAM-1C is a short to medium range air to air weapon, designed to opperate from visual range to 25 Nmi, which is slightly beyond visual range. the A variant was designed for semi active radar guidance, trh B was infer red, the C is an all aspect IR guided missile that can also be fired as a Semi-Active missile from longer ranges, before switching to a IR sensor once Pitbull. The C variant also posses an enhanced lethality fragmentation warhead paired with a radar and magnetic proximity fuze.

AAM-2B Longbow


Description: The AAM-2B is a long range air to air missile designed for beyond visual range combat, it has an active radar guidance system, a large high explode fragmentation warhead, reaches speed of mach 5 in flight and has a maximum range of roughly 100 nmi.

ARM-1 Thunderbolt


Description: the ARM-1 is an anti-radiation missile that uses the body of the AAM-2B with a seeker head and explosive payload designed for attacking radar emitting targets, or posses the same maximum range and flight speed.

AGM-2 Dagger


Description: the AGM-2 uses the same base as the AAM-1, with a electro-optical guidance system in place of an active radar seeker and with a much larger warhead, as a result, it's range is limited to 20 nmi and it does not enter hypersonic flight at any point of it's flight profile. The Dagger being designed from the AAM-1 can fit in the same weapons bays or pylons as the AAM-1, meaning the F-16 and other aircraft with internal weapons bays designed for air to air munitions can also deploy the AGM-2. The AGM-2 can carry a HEAT or Thermonuclear warhead.

GBU-4 Reaper


Description: GBU-4 is a guided bomb unit system, it can deliver a 300 lbs, 700 lbs, 1,400 lbs, or 2,000 lbs warhead into a target area no larger than 10 meters radius no less than 99% of the time. GBU-4 is lock on launch/fire and forget, and posses as secondary remote guidance system in which a operator can communicate with the weapon via Link-16 and guide the weapon from its on board optical sensors. In its heaviest configuration, with a 2,000 lbs warhead (GBU-4/20) the total device weighs 2,450 lbs. The GBU-4 can be employed at ranges up to 25 Nmi depending on altitude and speed of employment. It was designed for use from the F/A-18, F-15, F-16, and B-7.

CBU-5 Iron Rain


Description: The CBU-5 is a unguided cluster bomb unit that contains 247 HEAT (CBU-5A) or HE-Frag (CBU-5B) submunitions. The entire unit weighs 490 lbs, and can be deployed by all combat aircraft in service.

Mk-18 (Series)


The Mk-18 series is a family of general purpose of bombs in 300 (Mk-18), 700 (Mk-19), 1,400 (Mk-20), and 2,000 lbs (Mk-21) warhead capacity. They are typically unguided, but the modular warhead can be installed with guidance packages, such as the GBU-4/14 which is a Mk-18 series with the GBU-4 kit and in the case of the /14 vairent a Mk-20 warhead. Unguided variants of the Mk-18 series include the R classification, such as the Mk-19R, these variants are retarted drag options, or the L series, such as Mk-21L, a 2,000 pound laser guided vairent, and finally the H classification, such as the Mk-19H a 700 pound hardened bomb, meant for enhanced penetration for bunker busting. The Mk-18 series can be employed by all existing combat aircraft in service.

ACM-2 Trident


Description: the Trident is a long range supersonic cruise missile that can be launched by aircraft. It has a range in excess of 300 nmi, a flight altitude between 50 and 5,000 meters, can carry a conventional or nuclear payload of up to 1,000 kg, and can acheive speeds in excess of mach 3.

AMS-I Spectre


Description: the AMS-I is a light aero-ballistic missile meant for tactical use, which can carry a conventional or nuclear payload, at a speed of Mach 3, to ranges of 110 nautical miles.

AMS-II Trident-Thunderbolt


Description: The Trident-Thunderbolt is an aero-ballistic missile designed to be deployed by the B-7 capable of ranges in excess of 1,100 miles, speeds of up to mach 12 and a ceiling of 310 miles. It can carry a conventional payload, submunitions as a cluster delivery system, or a nuclear payload.

Strategic Air Defences



Description: Nike-Hercules is a semi-mobile surface to air missile system that serves as the primary strategic surface to air system of the Republic. Armed with either a 1,250 lbs high explosive warhead, or a 2-22 Kt variable yield thermonuclear warhead, capable of high and medium altitude interception, with a ceiling of 100,000 feet, a speed of up to mach 3.5, and a Range of up to 90 nautical miles, the Nike-Hercules is capable of engaging a wide range of air targets, including serving as the only opperational missile interceptor in the Aerospace Forces. While being a semi mobile system, there are also three major static Nike installations, the San Francisco Bay contains 24 missile launch facilities, 3 underground command bunkers, and 6 radar stations under the command of the 1'st Strategic Missile Wing, the Hiwawiian Islands house the 2'nd Wing, which houses 18 launch facilities, 2 underground bunkers, and 5 radar stations, finally the 3rd wing is in San Diego, with 12 launch facilities, 2 underground bunkers, and 3 radar stations. Each Nike launch facility contains an underground magazine with storage for no less than 72 missiles, the ability to launch and guide 8 simultaneously, and the ability to relode and fire every 90 seconds.



Description: Nike-Spartan is a ballistic missile interceptor that carries a 5 megaton warhead and intercepts ballistic missiles prior to and during re-entry. Two Nike-Spartan missile fields exist, one in Hawaii, and one at Travis AFB, both bases have the ability to simultaneously launch and guide 16 interceptors, a congressional mandate stipulates that the stockpile of interceptors can be maintained at no less than 50 units. A Nike-Spartan missile sight can only guide one salvo of interceptors at a time, this constraint with time to target means only one salvo can realistically be fired at incoming ballistic missile threats.
Last edited by California Republic on Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:54 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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California Republic
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Re: Armed forces of the California Republic


Post by California Republic »

Republican Navy



Republic Class Battlecruiser


Originally launched in 1939, the Republic class was the largest opperational warship ever built by the California Republic, with four ships of the class serving as the flagships of their respective fleets, and the Constitution being the ceremonial Flagship of the Navy from it's launch untill 1962. Between 1970 and 1977 two ships of the class where modernized, while retaining the 9 12" 50 caliber guns, the guns where adapted to shoot the Hellfire guided projectile, the ships propulsion was re worked, increased electrical power allowed for modern instruments and sensors, and the anti aircraft armament was modernized, additionally, the ship received a series of box launchers for anti ship missiles.

Sierra Nevada Class Guided Missile Cruiser


Description: The Sierra Nevada class is the first nuclear powered vessel to be opperated by the Republican Navy, the four ships of the Sierra Nevada class Sierra Nevada, Monterrey Bay, San Francisco Bay, and Big Sir, are all equipped with a flag bridge, providing accomodations for an admiral and flag staff. Furthermore, the ships of the San Francisco class are the only surface ships armed with a strategic nuclear weapons delivery capability in the Republican Navy. The first ship of the class was San Francisco, layed down in 1964 and completed in 1967, the ships where all refueled and modernized between 1974 and 1976. Seirra Nevada class Cruisers follow a naming convention based on natural features existing within the Republic

San Francisco class Light Cruiser


Description: the Same Fransisco class of light cruisers are a nuclear powered multi mission warship capable of completing a wide array of missions from surface warfare, air defence, anti submarine to naval fire support and everything in-between. The class is the most produced type of nuclear warship in service with California and is only slightly larger than an average destroyer, making it the smallest ship to ever be described as a Cruiser to serve in the Republics Fleet.

San Fernando class Destroyer


Description: The San Fernando class is the most numerous ship type in service with the California Republic, it's the first generation of advanced multi mission destroyer produced, replacing two previous classifications DDK (Destroyer, Anti Aircraft) and DDW (Destroyer, anti submarine). The ship has an unusually larger internal hanger for a destroyer, which dominates the superstructure of the desiel powered vessel. This class of destroyer can engage submarine, airborne, and surface threats, and carriers a wide range of options to meet the challenges of a dynamic threat environment fillfilling numerous mission types.


Honolulu Class Fleet Submarine


Description: the Honolulu class is a modern nuclear powered submarine, it carries a very large number of vertical launch systems for short range, intermediate range, and long range cruise missiles, along with a torpedoe armament. The main mission of the Honolulu class is not to provide a strategic nuclear deterrence, but instead hunt down and destroy hostile surface and subsurface assets, it is however capable of carrying tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

Fleet Auxiliaries

Moffet class Airship


The Moffet class is 25% larger than the Macon class it replaced which served between 1928 and 1962. It also has a usable lift capacity of roughly 30% higher, at 100 long tons, this is due to advantages in material design allowing for a lighter frame that provides more structural integrity, specifically the replacement of steel beams with aluminum in some cases, and titanium in others. The Moffet class is not a warship, but a fleet auxiliary, it's role is recovery of aircraft in support of fleet operations. The Moffet can recover two F/A-18 aircraft at any given time, beyond the ability to refuel or ferry aircraft, Moffet also serves as a flying workshop, where basic maintence and inspections can be performed while aircrew are allowed to rest or be replaced by fresh crews. While Moffet has a limited capacity to carry fuel, munitions, and heavy components for an aircraft in its own stores, it can request parts be delivered as required by Navy helicopters opperating from destroyers to meet the needs of aircraft on board and get them back into the fight much more rapidly than completing a long return flight home from potentially far from shore naval opperations requiring the precense of airpower. A Moffet class is expected to tender 4 aircraft per airship, with two on station while two are under service, it has rest facilities for up to 12 aircrew, which can allow aircraft to be opperated to their mechanical limits as pilots are swapped as needed, making the Moffet an effective force multiplier for airpower, allowing a 4 ship flight to generate the amount of sorties over a sustained opperations as several flights of aircraft opperating from long distanced facilities.


SMS-1 Standard 2


Description: the Standard Missile replaced a series of air to air and air to surface missiles, it is primarily a surface to air missile with a secondary anti ship capability. It's opperational range extends to 94 nmi. The missile has active radar homing and passive infer red sensors, and requires semi active guidance during launch. In beyond horizon anti ship attacks the missile relies on infer red guidance and is reduced in accuracy compared to attacking targets within visual range that can be painted by semi active guidance systems. The missile has maximum flight speed of mach 3.5, ceiling of 25,000 meters, and carries a blast fragmentation warhead.

ASM-3 Piranha


Description: the ASM-3 is a long range missile designed for anti ship use. It carries a large 488 lbs shaped charge warhead, is powered by a air breathing jet with rocket launch assistance, can travel for 75 nmi, and functions as a sea skimming cruise missiles with radar, terminal, and mechanical instrumentation for guidance.

Mk-18/RA Hellfire


Description: The Mk-18/RA is a rocket assisted, guided, 12 inch cannon shell intended to be fired from the 12" Guns mounted on the Republic class Battlecruiser. These extremely modern projectiles can be fired to a range of 82 nautical miles, land within a target area no larger than 45 meters, and can contain a single conventional or nuclear warhead or alternatively 350 HEAT submunitions which will saturate a 62 meter radius.
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