The Nanjing Embassy

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The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Magnolia League »

"A! Mamo ti jebem!" The alarm clock almost gave Ivana a heart attack, as it usually does when it's her turn for the night shift. As usual when she worked graveyard, she found herself wondering why exactly an embassy on the other side of the world, in a country with maybe a hundred Yugoslav émigrés total, if that, needed an official present 24 hours a day. The clock woke her up at 5:30 AM, half an hour before shift was over and the regulars started to arrive and just like every night shift no Yugoslav citizens had had an emergency between 10 PM and 6 AM. Shocker.

Getting up from the surprisingly comfortable couch in the Ambassador's Office she walked three doors down the hall, took a right into a door labelled 'Staff Toilet', quickly used the women's room then used her key to unlock the door with a 'Disabled' sign, which rather than opening into a toilet for the disabled opened into a hallway with another door at the end. Here, hidden away deep in the embassy, was the Communications Room, where the two UDBA agents attached to Nanjing had their operating base, and where all encrypted communications with Belgrade were transmitted and received. Checking to see if Belgrade had sent anything of importance for the Ambassador while she was asleep, not unusual given the time difference, she couldn't help but notice one telegram had come from an unusual address, one which rarely cared about the happenings in the Far East.

She gathered up all the paperwork, took it to the relevant offices, delivering the mysterious telegram labelled SČT - UDBA to Ambassador Kundić's desk, then packed up her things and prepared to head home, clocking out just as the morning workers were beginning to arrive. Kundić would arrive at a fashionably late 9 AM, despite the embassy opening official hours at 6 AM. Finding the message from the night before on his desk, he would gloss over the two page response to an inquiry he had sent yesterday, and would be delighted that his request had been approved.

At 2 PM Nanjing Time - 8 AM in Yugoslavia - just as the morning crew of the embassy began packing up and the afternoon crew started to arrive, a commercial plane would depart Belgrade for Nanjing, carrying six Yugoslav agents. Two would hold diplomatic passports, having been officially assigned as 'extra consular support' for the Yugoslav Embassy in Nanjing, of which the Qi government would be notified. The remaining four would hold a German, Roman, Polish, and Danish passport, and each would additionally have two backup passports hidden in the floor of their luggage. Ages later when the plane arrived, the six men would begin their way through airport security. The two 'diplomats' would make their way together, conversing casually while moving through the terminal, showing their credentials as needed. The other four would make sure to avoid each other so as not to raise suspicion. The German and Dane were in Nanjing for a layover, with the German's plane for Guangzhou and the Dane's plane for Shanghai both scheduled for the following day. The Pole and Roman were there on tourist visas.

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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Alanston »

The airport in Nanjing would be very busy, with the city being the capital and all that came with that status. Being in the pre-9/11 era, security wouldn't be what it would become, although given the impending war, there were measures in place. There would be a couple security guards walking around with guns visible, who would pull aside anyone who seemed suspicious. This mostly meant anyone who came from flights in the Qing Empire, or anyone who looked Mongolian/Manchurian. Randomly they would show signs of racism towards non-Asians, often pulling them aside for intense questioning. However the 6 arrivals would get lucky and not be questioned at all.

The two transiting would be directed to a separate customs gate intended for domestic connecting flights. There they would go through customs, where the Dane is asked why he didn't just book a direct flight to Shanghai initially. Both are asked how long they are staying in China, what they intend to do in China, where they intend to visit, and asked to provide the address and phone number of their hotels, and proof of a return flight. They are also asked to show their visa documentation. These questions would be asked in Latin.

The two diplomats would have the option to go through regular customs, or to go through diplomatic customs. If they chose diplomatic customs they would have their passports stamped and then welcomed into the country without any hassle. They would be asked if they had a ride to the embassy, or if they needed one. If they said yes, a ride would be provided, if they said no, they would be permitted to continue without incident.

The Roman and the Pole would go through regular customs and face the same questions as the German and the Dane.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


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The two diplomats, with passports under the names Božo Vešović and Mirko Veber, would gladly take the offer to use diplomatic customs, ensuring the Chinese officials that they have a ride arranged. Once through customs they would exit the terminal, where a black Mercedes W116 S-Class with diplomatic plates registered to the Yugoslav Embassy would pick them up in the airport parking lot.

When pressed about why he hadn't planned his path more efficiently, the Dane would answer in an almost depressingly honest tone and with authentically broken Latin. "To be perfectly frank, there were no flights directly from Belgrade to Shanghai, and given Yugoslavia's... strict... border protocols, I didn't feel like going through the hassle of travelling to a neighboring country just to get a slightly cheaper airplane ticket." Flipping through his passport the officials would see a reasonable history of travel, with his week long stay in Yugoslavia prior to flying to China being approved under a business visa. When asked to show his visa for the Qi Empire, it would however be a standard leisure visa, with him providing the contact details of a hotel near Nanjing University where he will be staying the night to board his transit flight the next morning, and a further hotel near Shanghai's Botanical Garden where he assures the officials he will be staying fourteen nights, as confirmed by both his visa and the return ticket he would present them for a layover flight from Shanghai to Singapore and Singapore to Belgrade two weeks later. He would inform the officials he is here as a tourist and intends to view some of the historic and cultural sites in and around Shanghai.

The German would present all required documentation as well, providing the contact details to a hotel right beside Zhongshan Mountain National Park where he will be staying the night, and the details of a hotel in the Haizhu District in southern Guangzhou where both his return ticket to Belgrade from Guangzhou via Singapore and his business would confirm he was to be staying for twenty-one nights before leaving the country. Examining his travel history in his passport they would notice a history of multinational business trips, with this most recent one originating in Munich, heading first to Paris, followed by Newark, then back to Paris for a connecting flight to Belgrade, where he stayed for two weeks, and now to China. His business visa would seemingly be sponsored by the Austrian steel conglomerate VÖEST, with him informing the officials he will be looking to expand business ties with Chinese firms in the Delta.

The Roman and Pole would inform the officials that they were to remain in Nanjing for nineteen and twenty-three nights respectively. Their leisure visas and return tickets would confirm these claims. The Roman would provide details of a hotel in the Pukou District, while the Pole would provide a hotel all the way out in Zhenjiang. They would both state similar touristy intentions to those of the Dane. Their passports would be notably less full than those of the previous two, containing mostly European travel. Both would converse warmly and in a friendly tone with the officials, expressing excitement to be out of Europe for the first time in their lives, and in such an exotic location as the Far East.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Alanston »

The Dane would be informed that since he is spending the night in Nanjing, rather than connecting right away, that he is in the wrong line, and is sent to the main customs counter. At the other counter, when he gives the same story (they wouldn't ask about the flight situation), he would be asked what kind of business he did in Belgrade.

The German, also spending the night in Nanjing, would be sent to the other customs counter. However at this counter they would show quite a bit of interest in his business trip, with him being asked to wait while agents phone the number provided for VÖEST. When (if) they answer, the border guards would ask for confirmation on the German's business visa and intent of his trip. Being that the company is based in China, the guards would speak to them in Chinese.

The Roman and Pole would be stamped through without issue. Both are warmly welcomed to China, and warned to avoid travel to border areas or any areas with high military activity, due to current tensions with the Qing in the north. One border agent provides the suggestion that the Roman should book a tour of the Forbidden City of Nanjing, commenting about the rich history of China in comparison to Rome, and how much he admires Roman culture. The border guard also tells the Roman that he hopes to visit Rome one day, and that Roman history is inspiring. Afterwards there would be no further security, though a couple guards would be walking around.

Once the Roman and the Pole leave customs they would find a large waiting area with signs predominantly in Chinese, with a couple Latin signs in smaller letters. There would be several young ladies walking around with smiles offering to help new arrivals, and if the Roman and Pole hesitated for too long, these ladies would come up to them, helping give them directions, change their money, and purchase tickets or find a taxi to their hotels. If no one is waiting for them, there would be signs for the busses, train, or taxis. The train would be a direct service between the airport and main train station in Nanjing. Busses would go to multiple destinations, including the train station, several to neighbouring towns and villages, and many throughout Nanjing. If they chose to take a taxi, the taxi drivers would aggressively shout at them in broken Latin (sometimes other languages as well) asking if they need a ride and trying to haggle with cost.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


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The Dane would be mildly annoyed that he had been sent to the wrong line, but would nonetheless calmly explain that he works for the Scandinavian distributions center of the Yugoslav-based Slovenske Železarne steel concern and had been on a business trip to Belgrade because the concern had been put under audit by the Yugoslav government and he had come to explain the financial influx and spending associated with the Scandinavian branch.

The German would remain externally calm as the Chinese begin dialing the number on his visa, though internally he had begun reciting his prayers. Luckily for him, time was, quite literally, on his side. Having departed Europe at 8 AM, and the flight time between Belgrade and Nanjing being around 11 hours, the time in Austria, where VÖEST is based would be late in the afternoon, likely around 8 PM by now, meaning the HR department at the steel mill was definitely closed by now, meaning the officials would be ringing in vain.

"Oh God, they're real." The Pole would think to himself as he spots the suspicious young ladies. Both men would make haste to avoid them as much as possible, making their way to the train and off to the main train station in Nanjing. From there they would take buses to the nearest stations to their respective hotels and would make there way to their rooms for the night.

The diplomats meanwhile would arrive at the embassy, where they would be greeted by Ivana who was on night shift again, but seemed in a good mood because there was actually something happening this time. She would lead them down a dimly lit hallway leading past the stairway in the foyer of the embassy, an abrupt left, and into a "broom closet" which had another door behind some stocked shelves which opened into a small living space resembling an army barrack, used by the local UDBA agents when they weren't on mission. They would spend the night there, what remained of it, and await further instruction in the morning.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Alanston »

The border guard would thank the Dane, apologize for the wait, and stamp him through. From there he would face the same helpful ladies as the earlier two did.

Upon being unable to reach VÖEST, the border guard would then phone his superiors requesting advice on what to do next. A couple minutes later two other guards would come over, with one of them asking the German if he had a letter of employment with VÖEST or any other proof that he was working with the company, as well as what exactly he would be doing in Guangzhou. He is also asked which firms in Guangzhou he is looking to meet with, and to provide the contact information for them.

The young ladies, being hired by the airport for the sole purpose of helping tourists and foreigners in need, would just presume the Pole and Roman didn't need any help, and would continue scanning the crowds for people to assist. One of them would spot the Dane, approaching him and offering to help him find his way.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


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The Dane, having imagined the character of his fictional personality as being shy and scared of women, would likewise seek to evade the ladies, even the one trying to approach him, heading to the train to go to the main station, and from there on a bus to the nearest stop to his hotel.

Relieved when the officials failed to contact VÖEST, the German would be confused as to why they're willing to go through so much trouble to check one random guy's business visa. A foreigner coming to talk with local companies surely can't be that rare in a large, industrialized nation? He would shrug, internally. He would calmly respond to the officials by pulling a business card out of his wallet, though this would include only his name, position - 'Senior Sales and Investment Representative' - and work contact details. When asked which companies he will be speaking with, he would list three companies occupied with importing foreign goods headquartered in the Delta, stating he would be seeking to open a steel export route from Germany to China where certain steel products could be produced at a cheaper rate than in Germany. He would mention, however, that previous contact between VÖEST and said companies has not been established, due to the lack in business ties between the Qi Empire and the West, so the companies in question are not expecting him, he is meant to be the proverbial first contact.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Alanston »

The guards, who would normally see businessmen coming from the west, but very rarely Yugoslavia, which would be the cause for the intense scrutiny (combined with mild racism towards Westerners), would look over the business card, nodding silently. One would ask why an initial phone call, at the very least, has not been made between the companies. He would follow up by asking how the German intends to establish contact with these companies and get meetings with them. Another would ask if the German had anyone working with him or meeting him in Guangzhou, as to them, it would be quite strange for foreign businessmen to travel alone, as usually they are either meeting someone in China, or travel in groups of two or more.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


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When asked about the lack of prior contact he would answer with what he deemed the most authentically German excuse possible. "I just do what the bosses tell me." Delivering the line in a tone clearly indicating he was as confused by the situation as the guards. He'd further explain he had no one else with him and that he would likely be making preliminary phone calls to the companies once he arrives in Guangzhou to try set up meeting with relevant representatives from the firms in question.
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Re: The Nanjing Embassy


Post by Alanston »

The guards would talk amongst themselves quietly for a few minutes, making a decision, before turning back to the German. They apologize profusely, but inform him that at this time his visit is being denied. Knowing that it probably isn't his fault, they don't enter anything officially into his passport, thus allowing him to try again in the future, but they would put him on the next flight back to Germany. Though his work visa would be revoked. Being close to 2:30am at this point, the next flight back to Germany would be a flight to Frankfurt, leaving at 6am. One of the guards would escort the German to the waiting lounge, where they would wait until the flight, with the guard ensuring the German boarded the flight. Another guard would check any luggage for the German as necessary. The German would be provided with some food and a water bottle, but little else. In the waiting lounge there would be a few security guards doing their rounds, passengers waiting to board various flights, and family members waiting to see the passengers off. He would not be given a chance to avoid boarding, or to leave the aircraft once on board.

Afterwards the guards would discuss the situation, with one suggesting they were too harsh, but the others stating that regulations are there for a reason. The supervisor would make a report of the situation, informing his superiors of their actions.
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