The Dragon Awakens

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The Dragon Awakens


Post by Alanston »

Forbidden Palace, Nanjing

Emperor Zheng Yi and Palace Secretariat Kong Wei are seated in a secure office with Chief Steward of War Grand General Zhong Liuxian. On the table in front of them is a map of East Asia, highlighting the borders of the Qi Empire, along with the other Chinese states.

Grand General Zhong holds his pipe in his hand, "Are you sure you want to go through with this, sir?"

Emperor Zheng frowns, "I thought you supported me in this?"

Zhong takes a deep puff, before continuing, "I do, but be warned that our actions may have consequences. If others get involved, we may be facing a fight beyond our capabilities."

"I am well aware of the risk, but I would hope that our deterrents would be enough to keep out any outside influences."

"I think they should be, but you never know in our world." Zhong pauses to look at the map. "Are we trying a diplomatic route before we act?"

"Yes, but only after the forces are in position. We need to show that we are serious."

Zhong nods silently, taking a puff from his pipe.

Palace Secretariat Kong Wei speaks up, "What kind of a discussion should I engage with?"

"Invite them to Nanjing to discuss the One China Policy, encourage them to hold a referendum on joining us. Reassure them that the referendum would be free. If they refuse, then we march."

"What if they agree, and the referendum is against us?"

"It won't be."

"But what if it is?"

"Trust me, we have enough cards in our deck to ensure that it won't be against us. Even if we have to adopt a liberal democracy, it won't be against us."

"I doubt it will come to that though, chances are as soon as we are fully mobilized they will refuse to meet anyways."

"It never hurts to try." Emperor Zheng pauses to look at both men. "Gentlemen, are you both in agreement?" At their nods, he continues. "Good. Grand General, I want you to issue the mobilization order. I want full mobilization by all of our troops. I want them in position along our borders, and the navy to take up position between Shanghai and Jeju. For now allow all vessels through unopposed, but prepare to enforce a blockade against our northern neighbours. Palace Secretariat, I want you to draft an invitation to the northerners. Send it only once our troops are in position. Any other questions?"

"What of the Ohioan's visit?"

"Grand General, I want you to set aside enough ships and men to ensure that no harm comes to our guests when they arrive. Perhaps an escort would be appropriate, but at no occasion do I want them to feel as though they are visiting a nation at war. Of course, we will inform them of the conflict, but I want their safety to be assured, and for their visit to proceed without incident."

"It will be done."

"I will ensure their visit goes unhindered by the conflict."

"Excellent! Gentlemen, I believe you have work to do. Let me know if there is anything of concern that arises at any point in the coming days. You are both dismissed."

From there, all three men stand and leave the room. A short while later the order is given for the full mobilization of the entire Qi Empire's military forces.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: The Dragon Awakens


Post by Alanston »

Half the forces of the Qi Empire have been mobilized. Due to the sizes of the nation, only have have been mobilized so far, with the other half being not far behind. The forces that are currently mobilized are sent to the northern borders with the Qing, with the intent being for the rest to follow suit shortly afterwards. All airplanes that have been mobilized are situated at airbases in the northern provinces, namely Anhui and Jiangsu. The active navy, about 60% of active forces (20% always active +40% mobilized), has formed a rough line between Jiangsu province and Jeju, with most being closer to Jiangsu. All 4 Alfa Class subs would be sent into the Yellow Sea, remaining in international waters. All other vessels would remain either in territorial, or international waters. Extra care would be taken to ensure no vessels enter or get too close to Japanese/Korean waters. Meanwhile, the nuclear arsenal is brought online, with the main intent being to deter any nuclear retaliation by the forces in the north.

Rough location of the fleet:

Chief Steward of War Grand General Zhong Liuxian sends the Japanese a coded message informing them that the Qi Empire intends no threat to them or their sovereignty, and that the current military buildup is not targeted towards them.

Nothing is said to the Qing at this time.
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Re: The Dragon Awakens


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

The influx of additional Qi forces along the southern border does not go unnoticed by the Qing for long: the disruptions caused by tens of thousands of troops and their equipment, coupled with the sharp increase in air traffic, and reports from merchant sailors and the Qing navy of more Qi ships near prime shipping lanes make it clear within days that something strange is brewing.

A formal demand for an explanation regarding the troop build-up along the border is sent to the southern Qi Empire.

Currently mobilised Qing forces are quietly directed south, whilst all border guard units are put on high alert. Rapid reaction forces, including elite brigades from the Uyghur and Mongol Marches are ordered to move south and reinforce the border guard in case of a flare-up. A limited mobilisation of interceptors and air defence assets is ordered, but the Emperor and his council do not feel the need to order any further units to prepare for combat. Whilst no orders are given to the navy regarding mobilisation, the Grand Admiral and his staff find the strange new movements of the Qi ships disturbing enough to order Qing naval assets not already on active duty to stock up and prepare for deployment. Vessels already on active duty are brought back into the Yellow Sea, with many ordered back to port to refuel and restock as necessary. The closely-guarded submarine bases are hives of activity, keen eyes would spot the dark shapes of their hulls slipping out late at night.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: The Dragon Awakens


Post by Alanston »

As the rest of the Qi forces finish their mobilization, roughly 500,000 troops would be stationed near the Qing border, with the bulk stationed along the G25, G3, and G2 roads in Jiangsu province, as well as along the G40, G36, G35, and G30 roads in Anhui province. 100,000 troops would be stationed at Suzhou and Suqian as fall backs, with the intent to send them to the areas of most need as needed. 25,000 troops would be stationed in Nanjing to defend the capital. 50,000 troops would be boarded onto troop transports with the intent of being sent north into the Yellow Sea as the fleet clears it up.

Meanwhile the airforce is prepped for service, with most being stationed within 25km of the border for rapid response times. With 2 of the 4 Myasishchev M-55's (Subject 34 with some mild modifications) being launched already. One is sent to patrol along the border, taking imaging readings of potential targets and Qing military positions, whilst the other flies over international airspace over the Yellow Sea, monitoring the Qing borders and naval positions.

Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet is mobilized and sent to join the current numbers along the patrol line. 2 Koni Class frigates and 4 Type 037 corvettes stay back at Shanghai awaiting the Ohioans eventual arrival, intent on providing safe passage for their visit. Any Qing fleets that are seen in the area would be monitored and their positions recorded and noted. The 4 Kiev Class carriers are held at a position south of the main forces for the time being. The rest of the Qi submarines are also held back for now.

The Qing government is sent a response, demanding that they agree to return all rightful Chinese lands immediately. The response lists all provinces that were formerly part of the Qi Empire prior to foreign interference in the 1900s, and threatens immediate consequences if the request is refused.
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Re: The Dragon Awakens


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

Internally, the Qing leadership is furious at the demands levied upon them by the impertinent Qi leadership that dares to challenge the Mandate of Heaven. Externally, the Qing offer to send a delegation to Qi with the aim of negotiating a peaceful resolution to the conflict and managing the demands of the southern Empire with respect to the competing historical claims of both emperors. A statement is released by the Qing Empire to the wider international community condemning the threat of force to assert territorial claims and the potential disruptions to global trade and prosperity a prolonged conflict in China would create.

With a direct threat now made a general mobilisation order is issued by the Supreme Military Council and the Emperor himself, ordering all units of the Imperial Army, Navy, Air Force, Rocket Force, and Provincial Militias to arms. In preparation for a full-scale war the Imperial Armed Police have been placed under SMC control and ordered to mobilise to support the war effort. Mobilised units have been concentrated on the Qi border, with fighter patrols regularly shadowing the Qing recon flights along the border. The massive size of the Qing military has caused some chaos as it all prepares to mobilise and move out, with priority given to ensuring the Imperial Army is able to concentrate and deploy to the border before the outbreak of hostilities. At present approximately 300,000 soldiers from the militia and army are currently deployed in defensive positions along the Qi border, whilst the bulk of the military continues to mobilise and move to the front. Imperial military units are pulled from the Marches to move south and strengthen the borders with the other Chinese states and Japan. Most of the Imperial Navy is now ready to put to sea, but besides the submarine force most remain at anchor awaiting orders, whilst smaller coastal craft and gun/missile boat units have begun to disperse along the coastline.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: The Dragon Awakens


Post by Alanston »

The delegation is invited to Nanjing to discuss matters. [skip to meeting]

Meanwhile, the Qi army holds its position, with regular patrols both by ground and air along the Qing borders, with the Qi navy monitoring the Qing navy. Any Qing vessels that leave the Yellow Sea would be tracked and followed by Qi naval vessels. Qi fighters would regularly fly along the borders, gathering what intel is available as they monitor the Qing troop movements and military positions along the borders.

Some advisers begin discussing when would be the best time to go to war, as many debate whether it is a good idea to give the Qing a chance to finish their mobilization.
Moved from International Incidents to RP Archive on Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:13 pm by Alanston


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