Kennedy addresses joint session of Congress on the Carribbean Crisis.

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California Republic
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Kennedy addresses joint session of Congress on the Carribbean Crisis.


Post by California Republic »

In a televised address to the Republic and the world, after 2 days of anticipation following a report by the state department disclosing the loss of Californian airmen in a skirmish. After taking the podium and to a thunderless applause Kennedy begins speaking.

"Good evening, my fellow citizens: - This government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Confederate Military and its capabilities to threaten the free way of life on this continent and abroad. Within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that the Confederacy has hostile intent towards the free nations of this hemisphere, and a series of offensive actions undertaken by the Confederate States has led to a significant segregation of North American security. The confederacy is a state which has a nuclear strike capability against the western hemisphere, and has in recent days demonstrated an intent to escalate to violence beyond reason, firing at reconnaissance aircraft operating in international airspace belonging to the Republics of California and Ohio.

Upon receiving the first preliminary information of Confederate Aircraft engaging in hostilities against Californian forces peacefully conducting reconnaissance from international airspace on Tuesday, I directed that our surveillance be stepped up. In the following days, during a flight conducted in the Gulf of Mexico, Confederate aircraft again attacked Californian aircraft, this time leading to the deaths of 2 Californian airmen, and the destruction of a group of attacking Confederate aircraft. Later that day, by my hand, the order to eliminate the facility from which this deadly attack was carried out was given, and within hours, Aerospace forces of the Republic carried out that order, and an Airbase in Miami was destroyed. At this point I would like to congratulate the Aerospace Service in continuing the finest tradition, the deface of this republic, at great personal risk, and I would like to ask that a moment of silence be held across the nation, in all homes, bars and parks, in every base, port, and runway, across the Mojave and down big sur, for the two Californians who gave the ultimate sacrifice in carrying out functions critical to the security of the Republic, and of this hemisphere." After bowing his head in silence for a short moment, Kennedy continues.

"As a result of the current crisis, I have decided to elevate the defiance posture of the Republic to its highest state, For some Californians that will mean shaking windows form the roar of jet engines at night, or the sound of trains moving personnel and equipment, or perhaps longer lines in public institutions, for many it will mean an empty seat at the table as a beloved one must leave to perform his duty, however, I hold in high regard this Republic, and I believe that we can weather the storm. The coming days will be trying, as have those in the past, but we shall not remember our immortal pledge, that we are the inheritors of that first revolution, and we shall not let Liberty parish, not in this Republic, not on this Continent, not in this Hemisphere, and not on this Globe." The Room is once again interrupted by a thunder of applause, before Kennedy removes himself from the podium, and Vice President Inyho returns to take command of the Congress.
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