Opperation Righteous Fury

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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

With the acceptance of the VDV being able to stage in California, a platoon of veteran VDV prepare to deploy. Command has determined the individuals will be chosen from the 76th Guards Airborne Division, based in Pskov. They will take off from Leningrad and fly in an Ilyushin Il-76 over the Soviet Union to Vladivostok, where they will then cross the Pacific to Moffet Federal Airbase. The platoon is headed by Guards Senior Lt Andriy Marchenko. While they would pack extensively in terms of equipment, they would not bring vehicles with them, and the Il-76 is only for transport and will remain at Moffet Federal Airbase until they VDV would return home.
Once the Il-76 approaches Californian airspace, they would accurately identify themselves as a Soviet aircraft with permission from the Government of California to arrive at Moffet Federal Airbase. Assuming they face no issues entering Californian airspace, they would request permission to land at Moffet.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Mitteleuropa »

Fresh off of his first week as Chancellor of Mitteleuropa, Addler Martell releases a statement, condemning the aggression and lawlessness showcased by the Confederates. An official trade embargo enters effect, barring any exports from Mitteleuropa to the Confederates, and ending what few imports had come from the other direction.

More surprising and divisive among Mitteleuropan citizens, is an offer given directly to the Ohio Confederation. Contigent upon their approval, the Mitteleuropan Defense Forces will send a single squadron of JA 37 Viggens, Uppland Wing, commanded by Colonel Karl-Erik Fernander. The Chancellor has offered the fighter wing to perform armed patrols above Ohio territory, allowing Ohio more flexibility in any offensive operations.

More isolationists and European-Centric members of the Reichstag have criticized the move as "aggressive", and accuse the young Chancellor of "Risking the lives of Swedish Pilots", though more assertive members see the move as a balanced approach, allowing Mitteleuropa to assert their position on the matter without direct offensive involvement. Significant doubt exists wether or not the Confederates would dare to attack the Swedish Viggens, in the event of a war.

The Uppland Wing begins to mobilize itself for deployment to the Eastern North American theater, with Cargo aircraft and Tankers ready to ferry the Aircraft, and their supporting logistics and crew. A fighter wing from Germany has been diverted to cover previous responsibilities of the Uppland wing in Uppsala.
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

In order support Californian operations in the Gulf of Mexico, a pair of Duluth class helicopter cruisers, 2 Duquesne Class destroyers, and a single Cahokia class frigate, primarily to hunt for Confederate submarines, are dispatched to the gulf. Intending to integrate with Californian operations in the theater, Republican leadership is contacted to facilitate that.

The aircraft from Mitteleuropa are welcomed at Dover Airforce Base, where hanger space and support personnel are made available to them.

The Carrier Iron Range, and Cruiser Duluth meet with a proper carrier group consisting of 2 Duquesnes, and 3 Cahokias. A full combat load of aircraft are ferried onboard the carrier, and a chartered container ship is used to load the ships with ammunition and armaments. Fully preparing them for a tour of combat, 200 miles off the east coast of the Confederate state of North Carolina.

The COS Pontiac and Escorts make their way to the eastern coast of Florida.

The Carrier Appalachia remains in drydock undergoing routine maintenance, these efforts are encouraged to hasten, but not to the point of cutting corners.

Sentinelle AWACS began 24/7 flights in Ohioen territory in order to monitor Confederate airforces.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Mitteleuropa »

A group of 12 JA37 Viggens are partially disassembled, and loaded onto C-141 Starlifters. Departing Oslo in groups of 3, the cargo aircraft are accompanied by KC-135 tankers, and escorted by German F-14 Tomcats. The flight path directs the aircraft north of Scotland and outside of Celtic airspace, before following a direct path to Ohio from there. Both the Celts and Ohioans are notified in advance of the flight plan. Upon arrival in Dover, crews are to reassemble the Viggen fighters, whilst pilots and other officers integrate themselves with local Ohioian personel and command.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Magnolia League »

Following the disturbing developments across the Atlantic, the Grand Vizier Ali Khamenei of the Great Islamic Jamahiriya called an emergency session of the Islamic Consultative Assembly during which he officially announced the imposition of a total trade embargo against the Confederate States of America and the expulsion of all Confederate diplomats from the Jamahiriya. He further announced that a notion will be proposed to the Consultative Assembly which calls for the de-recognition of the Confederate States as a sovereign nation state. The Vizier's declaration was soon followed by Caliph Karim al-Hassani declaring a fatwa banning any cooperation with Confederate individuals or corporate entities.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Soviet aircraft are met by a flight of F-15 Eagles over the Pacific to escort the lone Soviet plane into Californian airspace. With the defence posture in California now at it's highest state, no aircraft are allowed over Sacramento, San Francisco, and Monterrey without approval and escort form the Aerospace Force. The F-15's guide the flight over the Golden Gate Bridge and across the San Francisco Bay untill all aircraft are guided down to Moffet number 2 runway. Across the field are Nike-Hercules missiles, set up in road-mobile launch positions at road crossing and in lots. On the number 1 Runway the Airships Monterey Revolution and Eternal Republic, each over 300 meters in length and 90 meters tall, cast a long shadow over the airfield. From the airship on the southern end of the runway dangling by chain is the wreckage of an EF/A-14 Crow, which has been recovered from the Caribbean the prior evening, was hanging.

As the Soviet transport lands, it is directed to Taxi towards Hanger 1, where it is then instructed inside, being designed to house a Moffet class airship, the hanger is 550 meters in length and 125 meters in width, allowing for the aircraft to fully fit inside the hanger, wingtip to wingtip, and providing a large area for storage of personal, equipment, amd vehicles. And providing the staging area for the Soviet Union promised by California.

A pair of security force officers instruct the Soviets they are free to disembark the aircraft, not long after the hanger is called to attention and Lt. General Billey Mitchel enters the facility. Without speaking Mitchel walks across the hanger and to the highest ranking Soviet officer present, at which point he calls the room to ease, and reaches out to shake his hand. "Lt General Mitchell, pleased to meet you, I will be leading this partnership and opperation for the time being"

Gulf of Mexico

By orders of the Commander in Cheif, President of the Republic, John F. Kennedy, Admiral Nimitz commanding the First Naval Squadron is elevated to the position of Supreme Allied Commander, and reaches out to Ohio to appoint a Deputy Commander from the ranks of the fleet presently deployed in the Caribbean and Atlantic theaters. Furthermore, a request is made to immediately pursue the goal of submarine patrol.
Last edited by California Republic on Mon Aug 21, 2023 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The highest ranking official would be Guards Senior Lt Andriy Marchenko. He of course accepts Lt. General Mitchel's hand and shakes it firmly. He speaks in a noticeably thick Russian accent.

Добрый день, Comrade Lieutenant General. Guards Senior Lieutenant Andriy Marchenko. It is an honor to be welcomed onto this airbase and into your country. I look forward to the operation. It is not often that the VDV are invited to California.

As Guards Sr Lt Marchenko and Lt General Billey Mitchel talk, the remainder of the 50 VDV brought for the operation get out of the Il-76 and begin to set up temporary housing in Hanger 1. Small talk in Russian is exchanged among the VDV members as they do so. They can be seen as well taking out the gear which may be used for the operation: Small arms, explosives, handheld cameras, NVDs, and other important items.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

Following the explosion at the Miami airport, which would catch roughly half of the departing aircraft in the explosion, along with a good number of civilians (and slaves), the Confederate government would decide to take things into their own hands. The troops in Miami would have just managed to escape the blast, landing near the Nahuatl border.

Within minutes of the nuclear blast the okay is given to launch 4 10kt nuclear devices at California overland. (LGM-30 Minuteman). These nuclear devices are targeted towards the airports of: Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Hermosillo. A further 2 nuclear devices with a 150kt yield are launched in a flight path over San Francisco. These devices would have a flight path towards the Pacific. They would be detonated around 250-300km above the city of San Francisco, with the purpose of causing a major EMP blast over the city.

Following the nuclear launches, a full declaration of war is made against California and Confederate S-300 AA systems are brought online and directed to target any and all foreign aircraft entering Confederate territory. These AA systems are located at most major airbases and cities along the coastal and border regions, as well as major inland cities - with the exception of Miami, whose defenses were just destroyed.

Within 15 minutes the remaining planes that took off from Miami (~12 MiG-31's), alongside 48 Mirage F1's and another 24 MiG-31's that took off from other airbases along the southern coastal airbases are sent towards Californian planes and vessels in the Caribbean to conduct a bombing and engagement campaign.

Around the same time, the submarines in the Caribbean (32 Type 205 submarines) would target any Californian vessels in the Caribbean and engage them. All vessels that had entered the Caribbean previously would provide reinforcements in this engagement (24 Suffren-class frigate's, 1 Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier, and 12 Type 205 submarine's coming from Miami. And 24 Suffren-class frigates and 12 Hamburg-class destroyer's coming from New Orleans)

Within 30 minutes 250,000 troops along the Nahuatl border are given instructions to conduct a blitzkrieg operation through Nahuatl Oklahoma and New Mexico, directly headed towards the Californian border city of Albuquerque. The troops would be quick to kill any Nahuatl border guards, before taking highway 40 directly to California. They would skirt around any major Nahuatl cities, and purposely avoid any engagement with Nahuatl troops or civilians. They would be covered by 24 Mirage F-1's and 12 MiG-31's. 50,000 troops would remain along the border.

After an hour, 1,000 slaves are murdered on live television as slaves for the Californians. A further 50 whites (primarily criminals and undesirables) are executed as Californian spies. Previous movements have also been completed, and there are now many slaves being kept in or near military bases throughout the nation, primarily as a deterrent against future bombing campaigns.

Finally, after three hours, the order is given to begin emergency wartime conscription, and the order is given to recruit a further 150,000 men into the military (anything beyond this number and they'll be recruiting boys 14-16, and old men). 500 troops are spared to travel the country and round up these young men (women aren't allowed to serve), and bring them to training camps around the nation.

Several MiG-31's that are patrolling along the Ohioan border would track down and subsequently open fire on the @Atomic Alliance planes that are entering Confederate airspace. They would be reinforced by the recently brought online S-300 AA systems, which would track and open fire on the Atomic planes as well.

South Africa and Rhodesia would begin to distance themselves from the Confederates, now that nuclear devices have been launched.

In the central Atlantic, the South African (Rhodesia doesn't have ports) ships encountering the @Argentinisches Reich blockade would continue along. The first ships to reach the blockade would be trading vessels. When asked to stop, the captains would state that they are operating in international waters, and that it is illegal to stop foreign vessels in international waters. They do not fire any shots at the Argentinians. When the Argentinians fire upon them, they would relay news to South Africa, and subsequently stop any further movement. One vessel would not stop, causing it to be disabled by the Argentinians. Reports of the Argentinian forces boarding their vessels would be relayed until the Argentinians prevent any further transmission. Further SA vessels would turn around and return to SA, or take other trade routes to North America.

Following this news, South Africa and Rhodesia begin mobilization of their full forces, and withdraw any vessels from South America. They would also begin a fortification of their entire coastline, including bringing online coastal defensive systems, including the S-300 AA systems.

The President of South Africa, John Vorster, makes a speech condemning the actions of the Confederates in murdering the slaves there, and promising a review of the system in South Africa. He also denounces the "fascist Argentinians" and pledges to stop Argentinian piracy at all costs. He informs the world that the Argentinians have been firing upon and illegally boarding South African vessels in international waters without just cause. He urges action against these illegal actions of piracy, and states that South Africa will respond to piracy with the utmost prejudice. He would include audio and video recordings (transmitted to nearby South African vessels, and then returned to Cape Town directly) in his speech, showing the Argentinians firing upon and boarding the South African merchant vessels in international waters.

Shortly afterwards, Tutu's passport is returned to him, and Mandela is offered a retrial. Tutu is quick to make plans to fly overseas. His first flight would be to Jamestown in St Helena, where he would reach out to the international community requesting a sponsor to host him for an important speech against the apartheid government in South Africa.

The Nahuatl forces in Texas (~300,000 troops) would change direction and begin heading towards the rapid advance of Confederate troops, however they would not be able to reach them before the troops enter California. Not willing to start a war, the Nahuatl contact the Californians to request permission to assist against the Confederate troops. A further 250,000 Nahuatl troops would be sent north from Monterrey, with the intention of sending them towards New Orleans. Nahuatly planes are readied and prepped for takeoff.
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Holy Roman Empire
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Holy Roman Empire »

The Celtic Federation strongly condemns the use of nuclear weapons by all parties committed to this conflict, especially the potential normalisation of using tactical-yield nuclear weapons to initiate hostilities. All Celtic citizens within the Confederate States are advised to return to the Federation, and the Confederate government in Richmond is contacted to organise repatriation flights to Weriniaeth Caribïaidd (Caribbean Republic) from major population centres that may host concentrations of Celtic emigrants and tourists.

The Federation also announces that its waterways and airspace from the Antilau archipelago to Bermuda shall be closed to all combatants effective immediately, and any violation of the Federation's territorial integrity shall be seen as a hostile act and responded to appropriately. Furthermore, all civilian traffic transiting Celtic territory to or from the Confederate States may be subject to investigation whilst in port to determine if their cargo is the likely product of slave labour, or may serve a military purpose. Vessels and aircraft with such cargo may be subject to seizure should they still be in Celtic territory 24 hours after the announcement is made. Given the ongoing trade embargo of the CSA by the Celtic Federation, this is most likely to affect shipping through the Tirglöyn Canal.

All military assets within the Caribbean region are ordered to mobilise to protect the Federation's territorial integrity and police the waters between Bermuda and the Lucayan archipelago to thus force shipping to transit either west through Nahuatl waters or detour north past the Ohioan coast. Privately the Californian Republic is reassured that the Canal Accords remain in effect, and those privileges shall be extended to their allied combatants.

The Celtic Federation also extends an invitation for Tutu to reside in Santseamus (Santiago) to deliver his speech and gather support against the Apartheid regime.

In Europe, a task force is readied to depart for the Caribbean to support local defence efforts.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Alanston »

Celtic Federation wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:17 pm All Celtic citizens within the Confederate States are advised to return to the Federation, and the Confederate government in Richmond is contacted to organise repatriation flights to Weriniaeth Caribïaidd (Caribbean Republic) from major population centres that may host concentrations of Celtic emigrants and tourists.
The Confederate government, already anticipating such a response, has begun providing one-way flights for Celtic citizens to the Caribbean as needed. A few 'conscientious objectors' would also be on these flights (they don't have slaves).
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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The Japanese fleet transiting the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico detect the launches of nuclear weapons from Confederate territory, immediately prompting a formal declaration of war on the Confederate States. The submarine and ASW helicopter detachment of Dai-Ichi Kidō Kantai begins hunting for the Confederate submarines in the Gulf and Caribbean while the rest of the fleet begins making their way to rendezvous with the Californian fleet in the region. Through coordination with the Californians, any Confederate sub detected in the Gulf would immediately be engaged by the nearest warship or aircraft with ASW capabilities, taking care to avoid potential Confederate coastal defenses.

The two naval task forces having just arrived on the California coast, begin lending their air defense to the major port cities, while three full divisions of the Japanese Army begin departure from the Philippines and Papua New Guinea to assist in the defense of Californian territory. The bulk of the forces are transported by sea, escorted by detachments of ASW Destroyers and P-3 Orion coverage to shield them from any potential hostile submarines lurking in the Atlantic.

Positioned well behind the primary surface fleet that currently situated just to the West of Cuba, a single Divine Wind-Class Ballistic Missile Submarine begins making preparations to launch SLBMs

The Defense Ministry officially orders the full mobilization of the Japanese Navy and Air Force, along with a further five divisions of the Japanese Army.
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Moffet Federal Airbase

Lt. General Mitchell responds with a promise to give him a tour upon their return, and introduced the tactical commander of the joint opperation, a Lt. Col Florez. Not long after this greeting air raid sirens sounded across the base, before several Nike-Hercules Missiles assembled on the field start to pivot towards a parallel launch position. Visible to all through the hangers massive open doors, and against the silleoute of two airships, Nike-Hercules Missiles with yellow stripes on the wingtips, indicating a nuclear warhead, burn bolts of fire into the skies of the San Francisco Bay.

Gulf of Mexico, 14 minutes ago.

The Battlecruiser Union towing a tethered balloon with a long range beyond the horizon search radar detected the launch of a series of missiles from three launch sights, the Captain of the vessel, Captain Cui, immediately ordered an express report sent to the National Command Authority, while simultaneously ordering his crew to make ready to fire all tubes at targets. At the same time President Kennedy was being briefed and Nike-Spartan Interceptors from travis where being fired, UGM-27 Polaris tubes on this ship where being readied to fire. Approximately 240 seconds after detecting a confederate missile launch 14 Polaris tubes rail off their missiles, all targeting a a list of Silos known by California in Lafayette, Biloxi, Crestview, and Panme city with ground burst 800 Kt warheads spread evenly among the targets.

3 minutes later Central Valley, California x14 B-7's carrying a total of 28 Trident-Thunderbolt Missiles each warhead containing 3 20 kt warheads accelerate to Mach 3.2 at 72,000 feet before deploying all their weapons on eastern headings. Once separated from the aircraft the aero-ballistic missiles reach speeds of beyond Mach 10 and altitudes of beyond 150 miles, before returning to the earth to strike airbases and ports at Moss bluff, Layette, Ft Myers, Maimi, New Orleans, and Pensacola, these airburst precision warheads doing less damage to the civilian population than the high yield Polaris missiles which are attacking silos with ground bursts.

211 miles above earth surface, Over Western Hemisphere

12 Nike-Spartan missiles streak through the vaccine towards the flight paths of the four bus's from four Minuteman ICBM's. 12 missiles ensured a 3-1 ratio, helping to ensure that the probability of kill is as close to 100% as is possible given current capabilities. Each missile contains a 5 megaton thermonuclear warhead designed to detonate in the vaccume in front the suborbital path of incoming warheads, and to evaporate then in the plasma ball. The number of missiles to each target and warhead size is deemed as highly likely to achieve success. As the missiles detonate, and create a fireball in the night sky of a significant portion of North America, 3 incoming Minutemen are destroyed. The remaining warhead is engaged upon entering the atmosphere by the Third Strategic Missile Wing, which fires a total of 14 Nike-Hercules interceptors from 4 underground launch complexes located through San Diego, each missile carries a 22 kiloton warhead, 8 detonate in a cone directly ahead of the flight path of the warhead at the same tune 6 detonate in a cone around the warhead aiming to both destroy the warhead and create a field of intense ionizing radiation capable of neutralizing surviving warheads.

*San Francisco Bay*

Directed by 3 underground bunkers and with 24 launch facilities, the Nike-Hercules complex in the Bay is the most sophisticated in the Republic. Tracking of the two launches was provided by Almaden Air Stations Radar Installation, the tracks where identified as two hostile ICBM's, detected to late for use of the Spartan due to their launch from northern sites, the Nike Hercules, normally a last line of defence, is now the first. It is determined that despite low success for individual Nike-Hercules missiles a large mass could gaurentee kills, and 12 could be fired at each missiles over the course of 30 seconds. 24 missiles, joined by 16 missiles fired by stations established by road mobile units at Moffet, each carrying a 2.2 kiloton warhead take to the skies to create a wall of nuclear fire from which the survival of two ICBM's is nearly impossible.

California far East

Airborne forces are deployed to the eastern plains and deserts to establish a flexible defence, and to report on enemy intrusions into the Republic.

Moffet Airbase

The alarms subside as blue flashes, temporarily looking as if additional stars in the sky, fade into darkness, and the skyline returns to normal.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

At the sound of the siren, all work of unloading is ceased immediately. All 50 VDV immediately go to shelter in place, seeking out cover, or what little exists in the vast empty hanger bay. They take position and wait for the siren to end. Guards Sr Lt Marchenko watches with surprise and morbid interest as the Nike-Hercules Missiles fire off in bright streaks of flame, tempted to step outside and watch them as much as possible. Still, even in the bunker he is able to witness them fly for quite a while on account of the truly massive doors to the hanger. They eventually escape his view, and while the sirens wail he wonders if this is where he will die. Who knows how many missiles were en-route, and how truly effective they will be at stopping them. However, nothing does. He waits and waits, and eventually the sirens fall silent. After waiting a beat he turns to his men.

Шоу закончилось! встань и отряхнись.

The men, knowing Marchenko as a man who likes to brush the most serious situations off in a cover of irony and humor, understand this is just his way of ensuring they don't sit there frozen. They chuckle and laugh it off to each other in jokes told too quietly to be heard outside those in the immediate vicinity and get back to work. Marchenko turns back to the Californian officers.

Is this a normal situation in California?
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California Republic
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by California Republic »

Florez, without responding, walks outside and looks up into the sky, observing a series of purple orbs brightly lighting the sky, as they slowly grow darker and expand larger, their energy diffusing into the atmosphere and causing an effect tantamount to the northern lights. After observing for some moments, we walks campy back inside. "Negative, this is generally what we'd call exceptional."

Behind the officer GPLV's, a light utility truck known lovingly as "Jeeps" rush to the launch platforms carrying additional missiles on the flight line, at the same time a flight of F-15's heads down the taxiway, their pylons loaded with fuel and ordinance, lining up on the far side of the flight line before their afterburners deafen the whole base with their thunderous retort. The F-15's scream down the taxiway and takeoff directly from it, as the main runways are blocked by airships and trucks unloading them. The Eagles pass within 10 yards of the hanger doors as their wheels lift off the ground as they scream down the asphalt path connecting the hangers on their takeoff run. "I promise, normally things are less... Loud.
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Re: Opperation Righteous Fury


Post by English Channel Union »

The pilots of the SI-12s operating over confederate airspace will receive a warning from the RWR indicating the lock and launch of a hostile SAM. The Atomic Weapons Officer will initiate a countermeasure sequence and inform the pilot of the missile launch, Baker, who will respond by closing the surveillance bay and opening the throttle to outrun the incoming S300. Meanwhile, Baker will also begin to plan a return to the Alliance.
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