The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned

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Tokugawa Empire
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The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Over the last few months much work has gone into undoing the Inner Circle's work and pulling away from the past, but now it was time to make it official. With the events in North America and the looming possibility of war in Afrika a change needed to be made. Führer Cruz sat at his desk in the Casa Parlamentaria, ready to once again address the nation.

"Breaking News!" Covered every television in the nation, right before it cut to the Führer.

"Good evening my fellow Argentinians, I come to you with with news... not of the war in the North or the possibility of it spreading to Afrika. No, I come with the news of a new future. One that will be decided by the people. Over the last few months a few groups from within the government have talked about the idea of a vote. To make sure the people, all people of The Argentinisches Reich get to decide how we traverse this new world. So it is with pleasure that I now introduce your options for this vote.

Your first option will be...
Bürgerrechtsbündnis Argentinien (Citizen's Rights Alliance of Argentina): A centrist party focused on civil liberties and democratic values. This party if elected will continue the current reform of the nation with dedication to safeguarding our prosperity and building strong international relationships.

The second party is Kaiserliche Wiedergeburtspartei (Imperial Rebirth Party)
This name signifies the party's mission to revive the imperial monarchy and establish a Kaiser as the head of state. It conveys a sense of tradition, authority, and the restoration of imperial power.
This party has already showed strong roots in the population with Luis Müller Hernández leading the party.

Your third party is Sozialistische Einheit Argentiniens (Socialist Unity of Argentina): A left-wing party advocating for social equality and workers' rights. They are lead by Nemesio Feimann, a strong supporter of workers rights but against the hardliners who seek communism.

With these options we hereby denounce the actions of the Fascist way and those who stand by it. We shall make our own path in this world and leave that darkness behind.
This election will be held in two days with no miltary oversight. This is your choice, it's time for your voices to be heard.
May the Gods bless you and The Argentinisches Reich!

With a smile the camera cuts and cheers are heard throughout the country for a new dawn arises.
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Grand Serene Republic
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Re: The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

After a careful analysis of the three parties program, Rome decides that the beat bet is the Imperial Rebirth Party. As such Rome declare it's official support for the party
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Re: The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Alanston »

The Chinese government would track the election, but make no attempts to influence the outcome in any way.
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Upon hearing of Rome's backing of his party, Luis Müller Hernández would seek an audience with the King of Rome.
@Kingdom of Rome
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Re: The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Two days later the election is held, and not a single armed soldier is there to dissuade people from voting. There is a sense of pride and a new found respect for the current leadership. The vote is close but....
The Kaiserliche Wiedergeburtspartei (Imperial Rebirth Party) pulled ahead by a small percentage over the Bürgerrechtsbündnis Argentinien (Citizen's Rights Alliance of Argentina).
All parties involved in the election met and showed good faith towards each other and the soon to be Kaiser. Once the results are announced Kaiser Elect Luis Müller Hernández took the stage.
"Good evening people of The Argentinisches Reich! I cannot thank you enough for putting faith in me and my party. A party the embolden the ideals of our ancestors and that now stands for and with the people. With that being said I am pleased to announce that we will be making this new government a collaborative effort with now Prime Minister Cruze. Our goal is to strengthen us at home and abroad while taking leaps into the future with those willing."

A group comes out, among them is a high priest, Prime Minister Cruze, and members of the Cabinet. The high priest is dressed in full Catholic garb and carries a crown. One that is newly made that combines aspects of the Old Kaiser crown and something a Spanish King would wear. The Kaiser Elect made his way to the from of the stage where he took a knee and the priest anointed him. At that time he took the crown and placed it upon his head.
"May your rule be just, fruitful, and long. May the Gods bear witness, to the new Kaiser! Kaiser Luis Müller Hernández of The Argentinisches Reich!"
The new Kaiser stood and looked out over thousands of cheering people. He spoke again.
"Tonight is the night that we show those in the world that we are strong, we are determined, and we are everywhere! My first order as Kaiser has already been taken. We shall support Nelson Mandela in his crusade against the apartheid governments in South Afrika and Rhodesia. We will stand as a becon of what true power can and should do! The Der Grimm Carrier strike group is heading towards its target. A target that will feel the wrath of a stirring Titan. Sleep well, for tomorrow shall usher in a new age for the Argentinisches Reich's and its allies. May the Gods bless you and the Argentinisches Reich!"
Cheers erupted as the Kaiser followed the rest of the Cabinet to military advisors waiting behind closed doors. The Titan had been awakened.
@Qi Empire
@Kingdom of Rome
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Re: The Way Forward and A New Leaf Turned


Post by Alanston »

Surprised that the people of a 'democracy' would willing vote to become a monarchy, the Qi Empire sends a team of reporters to Buenos Aires to learn more information about this government change.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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