The Mandela Effect

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Tokugawa Empire
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The Mandela Effect


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Upon hearing of Nelson Mandela's struggles, a plan was hatched by Argentinisches High Command. This plan consisted of moving a bunch of special operations teams into South Africa and Rhodesia, approximately 140 personnel in total. Many had identification from surrounding countries and an even smaller number of them had their identity altered in files and systems to be deemed natural born citizens. Citizens that have training in both conventional and non-conventional combat. People that if put in the right situation could be used to destabilize strategic infrastructure or carry out clandestine operations. Such as move Nelson Mandela to a secure location and free all other political Prisoners being held on location. Three guards that worked there had already been replaced by agents well before hostilities for the purpose of getting information from prisoners that could be useful to the cause. Now was a time for action... very brutal action.

During dinner one of the three men had made his way up to the security hub, playing buddy buddy with the man in charge of watching the cameras while the other two smuggled a cache of assorted weapons in disguised as a food serving cart. Word had been given out earlier that Prisoners were to look for a food cart and meet up with the men pushing the cart. Halfway through lunch the "guard" in security tower would terminate the controller, kill the lights, and open the security doors. He would then barricade himself inside so he could help the others escape. The other two would get to Mandela and bring him out into the main floor where Ak-47s and Uzis would be distributed to the Prisoners.
@Qi Empire
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: The Mandela Effect


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

---The Infiltration---
Group One: Consists of 50 (Lion Company) enter South Africa through Cape Town via boat from the north. They are white and have European credentials, either Rome or Mitteleuropea.

Group Two: Consists of 30 (Rhino Company) enter to Windhoek from Angola via planes. 23 are white, one is a Hispanic man with Bolivian credentials that are for work. And the last six are Black with Angolian credentials.

Group Three: A group of 20 (Chameleon Company) take a plane to Bloemfontein. 12 are white European and the others are black. They are putting on a fasad of people trying to but land to build a new company. The blacks are their slaves "smuggled" from other nations.

Group Four: The last group of 40 (Scorpion Company) would land at Harare via planes.
20 White with a mixture of Roman, Celt, and Soviet credentials.
6 Hispanic with Northern Brazilian Credentials, most are workers.
14 Black with mixed credentials from all over Africa. Most are tied to Europeans and treated like slaves.

@Qi Empire (Let me know if that's good enough. All are civilian attire.)
Moved from International Incidents to RP Archive on Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:13 pm by Alanston


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