In Matters of Albania and its future

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FR Jugoslavija
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In Matters of Albania and its future


Post by FR Jugoslavija »

"So, how's your day, Dad?"

Milli's voice echoes on the dining room halls of the Beli Dvor. She stands next to the dining table's ornate seat as if preparing herself to pull it out for seating someone.
Wearing her Greyish blue, JNA officer field jacket complete with ribbon bars and mobilization badges, She adjusted one of her sleeves.

A light, raspy cough can be heard seconds later entering the room alongside its speaker, Tito, and his Adjutant
"Could be worse, the chest pain definitely isn't helping. How's your day?"
Tito is on his semi casual attire, one would mistake him as a regular single family father with his basic white shirt and grey ivory pants if not for his JNA Aide-de-camp field dress shirt wearing Adjutant standing next to him.

"Usual dregs. I am still coordinating with Comrade Xoxe about his efforts on revitalisation of Albania after the conflict. 4 years of destruction absolutely devastated everything north of that place" Milli replied, pulling the seat for his Father.
"Heard Comrade Kraigher doesn't like that we're 'overcompensating for Albania'. But I told him that we need to get our food supplu running smoothly again" She continued

"We never able to please many people, darling. But your judgement seems sound. We definitely need to stop getting food abroad. Especially knowing that we can grow practically everything here" Tito replied. He takes a seat.

"Danil, 2 cups for me and Milica" he ordered his adjutant. The adjutant nodded and left the room

"I figure your brother is still busy contacting every single state on earth for cooperation?" Tito remarked jokingly with a smile

"Well, that's on Comrade Duranovic and you for putting him as State Matters Head Councillor. He hasn't stepped outside from SIV 1 since and has a phone strapped on his ear practically 24/7" Milli replied, snickering on the remark made by her father.

Tito let out a sigh of breath before continuing
"I'm so proud to both of you ... You know that?"

Milli raised her eyebrow and smiled
"Eh? That's a surprise coming from you, Dad"

Tito chuckled and coughed slightly after
"Don't think it's your birthday, no need for surprises... No?" He said
"Look at you... You managed to be an officer of the Army... And now, President... "

"I guess the saying is true then that the apple does not fall far from its tree" Milli replied

"Hehe I guess so... And your Brother... He manage to convince half of the world to buy our products."

"Guns, dad... They're guns. Guns that we sold to practically every single soul on this planet, including those who depose other Socialist and Neutral states" Milli interjected

"And it helps our export economy. I mean no difference than you putting Albania on lockdown after that Independentists protest at Albania" Tito said as he gestures towards Milli

"Fair enough" she replied

"All for the Benefits of the State. We might be neutral, but we need to also take a side on benefitting our own people" he remarked

"All I am saying is, I hope I am able to put my trust on you both for continuing my Legacy. You and your brother's name bears high influence in this country. Very high responsibility there. And I don't want it to die with me. And I am very much afraid that it will be so" he continued, worried tone emanates from it

"You'll be fine, Dad" Milli said assuring his father. "This country should be fine. You survived the Nazis, I survived the Hoxhaists, We'll stay here and will stay here." Milli continued, Tito replied with smiled and taps to Milli's hand

Danil and a housekeeper enters the room carrying two cups filled with hot water, with small packets of tea and coffee neatly tucked on a ceramic holder, a small bowl of white sugar and teaspoons.

"Thank you Franko" Tito said as he grabs his own cup and pours a sachet of coffee into it.

"Here's for you, Miss Broz" the Housekeeper said as he hands out Milli's cup

"Thank you" replied Milli

Tito takes a sip from his cup, enjoying a bit of coffee, the austerity measures does not allow for a better one than sacheted coffees. But it is a good respite nonetheless.

"I want to see more of your progress with Comrade Xoxe, we need to bring more into our tables. Both figuratively and literally"

"Of course. We'll definitely see to it"
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FR Jugoslavija
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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:27 pm

Re: In Matters of Albania and its future


Post by FR Jugoslavija »

It's almost night in Tirana when the Motorcade enters Tirana Ecopark area. Almost no traffic are present, making the Milicija escort works a bit easier.
Turning to the Brigadenpalats, the black Rolls Royce that has been Tito's "Official Car" lets out an audible skid, one of the Milicija's Zastava 1500 tailing the car followed suit

"Tzch! I always hate that turn entering the Palace" the Driver remarked as he kept his steering steady on such priceless automobile.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" He continued

"I am fine, Sergiu, I hope you're fine too". Milica replied

Sergiu, a burly Serbian man with Matching moustache to complete the look, has been Milica's Aide-de-camp since her official service back in JNA. Sporting a Sajkaca, and a full Camouflaged Battle Dress Uniform on Non-Combat setup, Sergiu is a non-fussy person... But very much still respect his superior, despite her being a woman
"Absolutely, Ma'am. Glad the suspension held well there. I seriously do not want to see your father's car being damaged on my hand"

"Well, you're an amazing driver anyway, Sergiu, Couldn't find a better one to hold her"

"Heh, Thank you Ma'am..."

The car turns a half circle garden, right in front of the old Presidential Palace of Albania, some ornaments have seen better days, but most of the Palatial building are already looked much better than a decade ago

"They still haven't fixed that statue of Comrade Marx..." Said Sergiu.

"I don't know, Sergiu, it has a... Certain charm to it now, no? Kind of like one of those Ancient Statues?"

"Bhehe, don't think an armless Karl Marx is charming, Ma'am".

The car stops in front of the Foyer and Sergiu immediately gets out from his driver seat, opening the Back seat's door. Coming out from the interior of the Palace is Koçi Xoxe alongside an entourage of dozen Albanian officials.

"Here we are, Ma'am, Brigadenpalats. I'll be parking the car and join the rest of the group later"

"Of course, thank you Sergiu"

"Please don't mention it, Ma'am"

Milica steps out from the car and approaches Xoxe. A slightly balding man, and one would mistake him as Middle Eastern instead of European.

"Comrade President Broz. Your arrival is much expected, Welcome to Tirana" said Xoxe, smiling widely and extending his hand for a shake

"Right, Comrade Commissar... Thank you... Let's ... ehm ... not waste anymore time, shall we?"

Milica, Koçi and a few other men and Milicija officers enters the main hallway of the Palace. The Brigadenpalats is modest in terms of "Palatial grandeur" due to King Zog's affinity to Rationalistic Monumentalism, a Haute Couture style done in Europe back in 1900s.

The Hallway leads to an open ballroom with long seating ready for usage and drinks are being prepared by Housekeepers of the Palace on each seats. One can see Sergiu walks from a door that connects to the back garden

"Please, Comrade, have a seat" Koçi requested

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