Dungur Burns

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Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Late one night, when much of the city was supposed to be asleep, an explosion resounds throughout the political district, waking many from their sleep. As the people look out their windows in alarm, they see an orange glow in the sky. Those closer to the source would see Dungur, the seat of parliament in Axum, formerly the residence of the monarch, alight in flames. The ancient building would burn late into the night, with the fire finally being put out by early morning. It would be another few days until the damage is finally known. Finally, after much uncertainty, it is announced that the outer walls of the structure survived the fire, while the central building, including the parliament seats, was severely damaged by the fire.

Later that day, President Theofeleios Tadesse holds a press conference in front of the charred structure. "Axumites, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the damage and destruction done not 5 nights ago. While the city slept, terrorists snuck into the Dungur, the ancient seat of our government, and detonated a bomb, killing several aides and lighting a fire that burned out esteemed parliament to the ground. After a lengthy investigation, we have discovered that the man responsible: Khaleel el-Tahir, a communist from the city of Jazan!" He pauses to let the news sink in, before continuing. "This man has already been tried and has confessed to the bombing. Through his confession, we were also able to identify and prevent other Muslim terrorists from attacking the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, our most ancient church! el-Tahir and several other communist terrorists will be executed before the end of the day! As a result of these actions, my government has enacted emergency powers in order to keep the people of this great nation safe!" With that, he ends the press conference.

In the weeks that follow many other communists are arrested from throughout the nation, each accused of plotting to destroy national buildings, or conspiring against the government. Tadesse's party also begins passing legislation, under the guise of protecting the nation, outlawing free press, banning other political parties, and suspending elections. His party, the Axumite National Socialists, also begins pushing out pro-Christianity propaganda, causing the substantial Muslim minority to begin worrying about the state of affairs in the nation. Meanwhile, the police begin random sweeps and checkpoints, looking for other supposed terrorists. Many Muslims and Jews are targeted during these 'random' checkpoints.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Before long after the Axumite National Socialist party takes full power, Tadesse begins implementing a series of laws aimed at the safety and security of the nation. The first of these is to prohibit Christians and Jews from doing business with Muslims. This is because Muslims are seen as heathens who want nothing more than to watch Christianity burn to the ground. Further, Muslims are not true Axumites, and so need to be separated from the true people of Axum. Jews are given an exception, due to their historic connection with the Queen of Sheba, and the historic significance of Beta Israel within Axum. The second of these new laws is to ensure that Muslims wear a crescent patch on their clothes at all times when out and about. This patch will help identify them within the nation. The government also makes questioning the government or speaking out against the regime a crime. Secret police begin patrolling the cities and towns in order to keep an eye out for any of this hate speech. Citizens are also encouraged to self-report if anyone is caught associating with Muslims or speaking out against the nation. Nationalistic propaganda efforts are increased, with the government run news agencies (all three of them) increasingly running pro-Axumite and pro-Christian stories and programs.

The government also begins reforms of the schooling system, implementing a series of reforms aimed towards creating the perfect Christian Axumite citizens. All schools are expected to implement the new system once it is finished, which will teach children the importance of serving the country and of being proper Christian Axumites.

Meanwhile, his party begins construction on several camps in discrete locations, mostly in the mountains, for non-disclosed purposes. Several thousand Muslims are hired to begin work on these camps. The camps include bunks, barbed wire electric fences, guard towers, communal showers, and large furnaces. Train lines and roads running to these camps from central locations are also built.

Elsewhere still, the military begins full scale mobilization in order to conduct training exercises and preparation measures throughout the nation.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

As time passes, the new laws begin to set in, and reports of violence against the Muslims begins to rise. For their own safety, the newly mobilized military begins rounding up Muslims and moving them into specially designated ghettos throughout the major cities. Those living in the countryside are slowly rounded up and brought to these ghettos, again, for their own safety. Meanwhile, previously owned Muslim shops are acquired and given to upstanding Christian citizens. As with before, Jews are not subjected to these laws, but they also do not get the same preferential treatment that Muslims get. Muslims are still permitted to roam the cities at their leisure, but the military strongly discourages them from leaving their ghettos.

In some towns, especially those in Yemen, some Christian families take to hiding Muslims in their homes. For now this goes undetected.

Work on the camps and rail and road lines to them continues, with work nearing the completion phase. With the troops recently having been mobilized, several thousand begin heading towards these camps for "security measures".

The 30,000 secret police also begin increasing their travels throughout the nation and checking in with civilians. Any suspected communists are arrested, and schools are randomly audited to ensure they are teaching the new curriculum.

Some Christian communists and Muslims escape the secret police by sea, travelling north to Aegyptus. In response, the secret police clamp down on movement in the ports, and the Axumite navy begins random checkpoints of all ships passing through the Red Sea into and from the Indian Ocean. These check points are completely random and non-violent, and are done under the guise of stopping piracy in the region. However there is a larger percentage of ships flying flags from Muslims nations being stopped.

Meanwhile, the government sets about eliminating corruption, using the secret police, and begins plans on a series of national works projects, including a vast road network and railroad network to connect the nation together.

The Arab Caliphate, based out of Mecca, notices the mobilization of the entire Axumite army, and sends a message to the government inquiring the purpose of this mobilization. As a precaution, they also send word out to mobilize around 75,000 troops, mostly to patrol their oil fields.

African states to the east and south of Axum notice the mobilization, but some well placed bribes to the right people by the Axumites ensure that they don't raise too many questions about it. Not to mention the corruption in those nations further prevents said information from being acted upon.

Some of the Christians and Muslims who escaped to Aegyptus report to national news agencies about some of the events occurring in Axum (Muslims having to wear crescents, Muslims being sent to Ghettos for their safety, the new pro-Christian curriculums, and the other nationalistic measures being taken). Some of the information is ignored (new curriculums and nationalistic measures), but others (Muslims wearing crescents and the ghettos) are reported on. News would eventually make its way to both @Kingdom of Rome and @Republic of China, allowing people in both places to be aware of recent events.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

With Muslims gradually being relocated into ghettos throughout the nation, violence slowly begins to decline again. However any Muslim that leaves the newly constructed ghettos usually end up being the victims of violence. This leads to the government passing a series of laws aimed at keeping Muslims from leaving the ghettos. Some Muslims complain, but with large swathes of the military roaming the streets and guarding the ghettos for their 'protection', the complaints do not go anywhere.

In Yemen, Christians hiding Muslims in their homes continues to go unnoticed, and a secret network begins to be established with the eventual goal of smuggling the Muslims out of the country.

Meanwhile, the camps and rail lines and road connections have been completed. The Muslim workers who were hired to work on these camps, and their families, are paid visits by the secret police and 'disappear' within 24 hours of their completion. Few questions are asked, but those who do ask questions, Muslim or Christian, are arrested on charges of dissension and treason, whether real or not.

The state news agency reports an account of almost 250 Axumites living in the Somali region who are arrested on charges of treason, after being found flying flags of their region instead of the Axumite flag. The government reminds citizens that while they are free to speak their local languages, the Axumite flag is a symbol of national unity and the flags must be displayed prominently at all times. Random spot checks increase throughout various regions with a known history of dissent.

Work on the newly ordered road and rail networks continues at a steady pace. Secret police set out to eliminate corruption begin by arresting anyone they deem corrupt, whether the charges are true or not. The new curriculums and nationalistic measures continue to spread and gain momentum throughout the nation.

In response to the reports of Christians and Muslims escaping to Aegyptus, a portion of secret police are diverted to the ports in order to close any possible escape routes. Random spot checks on cargo ships are conducted, and anyone found or suspected of smuggling people or goods out of the country is arrested. In response, the state news agency releases several propaganda videos featuring Muslims and Christian communists living peacefully within the nation. The video shows off the wonderful living conditions of the ghettos, with before and after shots showing how much better their lives are now.

The Arab Caliphate is informed that the mobilization is simply for training purposes, and that the Arabs have nothing to be concerned about. The government promises (while their fingers are crossed behind their backs) that they have no ill-intent towards the Arabs.

Axumite troops continue to patrol the nation, assisting in arresting anyone who is acting out against the government, whilst securing any loose ends. The navy continues their random checks on vessels travelling through the Red Sea, whilst the airforce is split between northern Axum and Yemen, where it is put on high alert in preparation for what is to come.

Meanwhile, some Christian communists escape to @Argentinisches Reich where they spread rumours of the Axumite mistreatment of communists.

The Arab Caliphate contacts the @Republic of Indonesia expressing concern about affairs in the region, and requesting a temporary alliance in the event of an Axumite invasion.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Axum wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2023 3:11 am Some of the Christians and Muslims who escaped to Aegyptus report to national news agencies about some of the events occurring in Axum (Muslims having to wear crescents, Muslims being sent to Ghettos for their safety, the new pro-Christian curriculums, and the other nationalistic measures being taken). Some of the information is ignored (new curriculums and nationalistic measures), but others (Muslims wearing crescents and the ghettos) are reported on. News would eventually make its way to both Kingdom of Rome and Republic of China, allowing people in both places to be aware of recent events.
As news of the persecution reaches the Republic of China, it is filtered through the press and eventually reaches the population of China as being a comparison of the backwards prejudices of heavily religious states such as Axum, to the multiculturalism embraced by the Chinese government in relation to the culture and religions of its minorities. President Hu Jintao issues a press release as the reports become known to the Chinese population, condemning systemic discrimination based on religion in Axum, and implies Chinese involvement may be required if any of this instability the government of Axum is generating threatens international shipping through the Bab al-Mandab Strait or spills beyond Axum's borders. A trade embargo is also threatened if mistreatment of minorities continues.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Republic of China wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:52 pm President Hu Jintao issues a press release as the reports become known to the Chinese population, condemning systemic discrimination based on religion in Axum, and implies Chinese involvement may be required if any of this instability the government of Axum is generating threatens international shipping through the Bab al-Mandab Strait or spills beyond Axum's borders. A trade embargo is also threatened if mistreatment of minorities continues.
Shortly after President Hu Jintao's press release, Axumite patrol vessels would stop a freighter destined for China in the Strait (not a Chinese freighter), boarding it under the guise of anti-terrorism practices, and harassing the crew. The vessel would be forced to dock for three days and pay a bribe, before being allowed to continue along its journey. News of this would undoubtably spread once the vessels clears Axumite waters. Once news of this incident is reported, several other trading vessels would begin reporting incidents similar to this, with several reporting that their Muslim crew members were arrested upon the vessel docking in Axum, and not released following the vessel's release (and payment of bribes).

Meanwhile, implemented measures by the government continue as they have been, with people being arrested arbitrarily. The works projects on the new roads and railways is delayed due to corruption, which has resulted in the secret police being dispatched to "grease some wheels". Meanwhile reports of a strange black smoke from the mountains where the camps were constructed are reported by some villagers living nearby, but these reports are not made public, and the villagers are given some money and told that the smoke is not of any concern and that everything is alright.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Magnolia League »

With news of the events across the Indian Ocean spreading, spurred on by the incidents regarding merchant vessels in the key Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Indonesian political brass and population would grow concerned for their Muslim brothers. Seeing the unfolding situation as an opportunity to try and mend the fractured relations within the Indonesian government and military, President Soeharto would hold a press conference where he would publicly announce a full oil, coal and natural gas embargo on the Axumite state. Foreign Minister Adam Malik would shortly thereafter author a press column that would be widely printed throughout the Republic in its best read newspapers, highlighting the crimes of Axum - even strategically inventing some for which there was no evidence - as an overture to the campaign of swaying public opinion toward potential large scale involvement, should the situation fail to subside through diplomatic channels.

On the same day as his column began circulation, Malik would send correspondence to foreign offices in the @Republic of China, the @People's Holy Tai Empire, the @Mexican Empire and the @Kingdom of Rome urging them, as states that rely on the security of the Suez Canal and Bab el-Mandeb, to join Indonesia in a combined, hard stance against the actions of the Axumite barbarians. Simultaneously he would announce that Indonesia formally accepts an alliance with the Arab Caliphate and would dispatch correspondence to the entire Muslim World, calling for all nations that follow the word of Allah and his prophet Muhammad to join in this alliance, so that with combined arms the Muslim World can stand against this threat that seeks to destroy us. In the meantime, Indonesian shipping and any ships destined for Indonesia would be told to travel either through the Panama Canal and across the Pacific or around the Cape of Good Hope.

In the People's Representative Council a bill would be introduced, supported openly by both the ruling Golkar party and its opposition, which would cease any and all diplomatic ties and formal recognition of the state of Axum, and declare its government, military, industrial conglomerates, civil society, and literally any and all organized groups in Axum that do not openly condemn the Axumite government to be terrorist organizations.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by FR Jugoslavija »

The news of Axumite ghettoization of Muslim in their territories reaches Yugoslavia's Bosniak and Albanian population. Yugoslavia's Bosniak and Albanian population began to voice their concern over the injustices of their Muslim brothers. In Republic of Bosnia and Herzegowina, the Bosnian Republic Newspaper "Glas Bosne" reported the incident and dubbed it "The old German Imperialist Regime tactics are being used among Muslims in the Middle East and Northeast Africa by the Tyrannical Axumite government". The President of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegowina, Raif Dizdarevic, alongside other members of the SK-BiH voiced their sympathy to and support over any intervention by the Federal Government over Axumite Transgressions on their own Muslim population. in Albania, Commisar of the Autonomous Socialist State of Albania, Koçi Xoxe, demanded answers over the Cruelty and Barbaric attitudes of the Axumite government and remarked that the treatment of Muslims in Axum "are no different than the Stalinist Hoxha regime of Albania's past" and "requesting all Albanians, and the Federal government to voice their concern"
Christian elements inside Yugoslavia, such as the Catholics at Croat Republic and Republic of Slovenia, are concerned over the fact that these actions would besmirch the name of all Christians in the world. While mostly silent towards issues that are put forward by Muslim communities, they voiced solidarity towards peace between the community

Meanwhile, President of the Presidencies Milica Broz "Milli" declared that the Government of Yugoslavia would help secure the threatened shipping lanes at Bab El Mandeb if necessary, cooperating with other states voicing the concern. This sentiment is shared with General Secretary of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz "Tito", with addition towards Yugoslavia's commitment on maintaining peace and stability among states near to Yugoslavia and assured both Internal Yugoslavian elements and External elements of this matter. Tito also presses the Axumite Government of "Imperial Austrian level prosecution" enacted upon their own population.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issues a formal condemnation of what they refer to as a 'flagrant violation of international law' undergone by Axum on international shipping. China sends is strong affirmation to the government of Indonesia, willing to stand together to preserve free access to the strait. The Foreign Ministry issues one last statement to Axum, demanding the ceasing of these blatantly prejudiced activities, alongside a total trade embargo, demanding all Chinese citizens currently in Axum return to China within 2 weeks, and recalling of all diplomats currently in Axum and suspending diplomatic relations to the country outside of assisting Chinese nationals on their return.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Alanston »

Greatly concerned with the actions of their neighbour, the Omani government issues a general mobilization order for the protection of Omani citizens. The government announces that it will be joining in any sanctions against the Axumites, but does not take any further action at this time.

The Persian Empire also denounces the actions undertaken by the Axumites on shipping lanes, and bans Axumite vessels from using Persian ports. However they do not impose any sanctions on the Axumites, beyond blocking any oil and gas transfers to Axum.

Aegyptus, worried about the loss of revenue by the potential rerouting of vessels around Africa, instead of going through the Suez Canal, strongly condemns the actions of Axum, and issues a full mobilization order, intent on putting a stop to the Axumite actions one way or another.

The African nations in the vicinity, having been bribed by Axum, continue to ignore the situation. Several who weren't bribed (but are still corrupt) point out that the sanctions taken by more powerful nations is just another form of neo-colonialism, and condemn the international community for once again picking on African nations. Beyond that, those nations take no action.

The Arab Caliphate begins circulating the column made by the Indonesians, translating it into Arabic and ensuring all citizens in the Caliphate, and wider Arabic world, have access to it. They begin moving their mobilized troops south to the Axumite border near Yemen, to prevent any potential invasion. The Caliphate also issues a general call for a jihad against Axum, urging all faithful Muslims to dismantle their government.

Although Libya and other Muslim African nations are not in a position to offer any material support, many citizens take up the call for a jihad and board planes for the Caliphate, where they are given weapons and rushed into service. Several hundred are given cars equipped with explosives and sent for a drive towards Axum.

The Caliphate's airforce is prepared, but ultimately given instructions to protect Mecca. While their navy, being rather insignificant, is sent to the Red Sea to protect the coastal regions.

In order to further protect Mecca, the black stone in the Kaaba is temporarily removed by high ranking Muslim religious authorities, and taken north to an undisclosed location (Baghdad). However word of this is not spread publicly, leaving many Muslims to believe that the black stone still remains at the Kaaba. The government of Indonesia is discretely informed of this plan.

Not wishing to further upset the international community, President Theofeleios Tadesse orders the random inspections of vessels passing through the Straits to halt, at least temporarily. In exchange, however, he issues an order prohibiting vessels flying flags from Muslim nations from docking in Axum, but still allowing them to pass through the straits unrestricted. All nations currently threatening action are informed that Axum has halted the inspections of vessels passing through the Straits. The Axumite government also denounces the claims made by the Indonesians, releasing propaganda photos proving them wrong.

Meanwhile, due to the very real threat of sanctions, and the fact that Axum imports almost all of its oil and natural gas, plans are made to secure a new supply. President Tadesse orders the bulk of the military to be sent to the borders with the Arab Caliphate. The troops already in Yemen (~200,000) are split, with half being sent north along Arabian Highway 15, and the others along the coastal highway 55. 25,000 troops from this number are sent to the city of Abha. The troops would be instructed to open fire on any and all Arab soldiers and personal they encounter. 50,000 troops being sent into Yemen are instructed to go east to guard the Omani border.

33 Sukhoi Su-17 bombers are launched alongside 66 Mikoyan MiG-27 fighters from locations on the coast and in Yemen. The aircraft are sent directly to the Holy City of Mecca, with instructions to bomb the Kaaba (the black box) and devastate the city. A further 33 and 66 are put on standby with the goal being to bomb Medina. The 2 Myasishchev M-55's are launched and put on a patrol pattern above Yemen and the Red Sea to provide early warning in case of attack. Meanwhile, the remaining planes are put on standby, ready to take off at a moments notice. The bulk of these planes are located in airbases on the coast, or in Yemen.

The Axumite navy would split, with 2/3rds heading into the Red Sea to block up any forces coming from the Suez, and to bombard the Arabic coastline, while the rest block up the Gulf of Aden. The Axumite government also begins laying mines around the entrance to the Gulf of Aden and in the Red Sea. The ships heading north are sent to engage any Arabic or Egyptian ships in the region, whilst also bombarding Jeddah.

Inside Axum, the government passes some laws and begins the slow and steady transport of Muslims from the ghettos to the camps in the mountains. Meanwhile, members of the secret police continue to randomly patrol communities and cities, arresting anyone caught hiding Muslims or for any other arbitrary purposes they deem necessary. This would have the effect of eroding the trust neighbours have in each other.

In Yemen, the passage of underground Christians is complete, and they begin smuggling Muslims out of the country, using the port of Salalah. The escapees are sent to the city of Karachi, in the Sultanate of Sindh. Only a few dozen would be escaping each week. Currently, the Axumite government is not aware of this, but that could change quickly. These Muslims would be quick in spreading word of the atrocities happening in Axum to the international community, including word of their friends and families disappearing from the ghettos on trains headed towards the mountains.

Work on the roads and railways in the nation is currently stalled, due to corruption.

The Axumite forces entering into the Arab Caliphate would make it a short distance, before encountering exploding cars, suicide bombers, and other Muslims intent on their death and destruction. Due to the demographics of the Caliphate, the jihad, and the Indonesian Column, a large percentage of the Muslim population sees stopping the Axumites as their God-given right. As such, regular citizens have become militarized to a degree not seen in many years, resulting in the troops having a very slow go at invading. Since they are currently under orders not to harm unarmed civilians, the troops face a slow going in their push into Arabia.

Meanwhile, the Axumite forces are detected in their push for Mecca, and the Arab fighters and AA weapons engage them shortly after their push into the Caliphate. For the Muslims, if even one fighter makes it through their holy site could potentially be lost forever, so they fight with ardour, flying their planes into the Axumite planes if it even looks like the Axumites will break through their defenses.

Along the coast, Axumite ships meet up with Egyptian ships around the Gulf of Suez and prepare to head south into the Red Sea. Muslim fishing boats and cargo vessels also head out into the Red Sea, filling it as best they can and getting in the way of Axumite vessels. So far no Muslim ships commit suicide runs, but they have not ruled it out.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Magnolia League »

With the passing of the bill Indonesia formally ceases recognition of Axum and ends all diplomatic relations, initiating a complete embargo on all trade with the terrorist state. The Indonesian Armed Forces enter a state of mobilization, with a quick response force assembled from the small portion of the military which is constantly on standby and given the temporary designation 'Indonesian National Military - Army of Arabia'. Lt. Gen. Nasser el-Nawaz, himself a second generation immigrant and son of a Syrian dāʿī, is announced as the supreme commander of the Army of Arabia, consisting of 25,000 troops organized in two motorized infantry brigades, a mechanized infantry brigade, an armored brigade, and an airborne brigade, each of roughly 5,000 troops, as well a squadron of F-16s, a squadron of MiG-23s and a squadron of MiG-27s. The governments in Persia and the @Republic of China are contacted by the Indonesian government, requesting permission to use their airspace and airports to move the forces to the Arab Caliphate, and thus avoid any potential Axumite attack when crossing the Indian Ocean. The itinerary assumes a stop in China and a stop in Persia before arriving in Baghdad, where the INM-AoA will link up with the Arab Caliphate's leadership and organize the joint counter attack. Equipment reserves are unsealed, with an extra shipment of reserve equipment set to be shipped alongside the AoA forces to help supply the Arab army and its newfound volunteers. A naval force consisting of a Nusantara-class amphibious assault vessel in full aviation configuration, the Navy's only Kiev-class aircraft carrier, one Virginia-class cruiser, two Belknap-class cruisers, four Spruance-class destroyers, and four Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates, as well as four Agosta-class submarines and two Sturgeon-class submarines begins to be assembled in Jakarta in preparation to challenge the Axumite navy and alleviate the Arab coastline.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

The Republic of China supports and promises to assist in the endeavor, with the Republic of China Armed Forces opening needed bases to assist the Indonesian movement of equipment towards Axum
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

The Mexican Empire reaches out to the governments involved in this coalition in order to coordinate a combined response to the situation in the Red Sea. The 3rd carrier squadron, based in Subic Bay, is made ready to assist the effort in the region, should such an intervention be desired.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

The U.S. State Department reaches out to the embassies of Indonesia, China, and Mexico to offer the support of the United States Navy and Air Force in responding to the developing situation in the Red Sea. The U.S. 3rd Fleet is currently at sea in the South Atlantic and stands ready to assist.
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Re: Dungur Burns


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Upon the launch of the attack by Axum against the Arab Caliphate a domino effect took place. Premier Songwut would contact the leadership of the Arab Emirates and ensure that not only are we against Axums invasion and treatment of Muslims in their country but we will be calling a Crusade against Axum. Premier Songwut would call upon all marginally religions countries within range of the conflict to meet in Ayutthaya to converge "The First Abrahamic Coalition".

Pope Boon-nam would call the Axum government and national church of Axum "The army of the Anti-Christ on Earth" and subsequently deems all holy land in Axum unhallowed.
He addressed every Christian that could listen. "We are seeing Christians doing their best to save lives, but it isn’t enough. More will die if good Christians do not act and end this blasphemous excuse for a holy war. Thus I call for the removal of the Axum leadership by force and their subsequent trial for blasphemy!" The Pope of the People's Tai Empire said in broadcasted announcement.

The People's Tai Army began full mobilization and began preparing naval forces for forward operations in the Arabian Sea.
4x Project 641B attack subs and 2x Project 651 guided missile subs are sent to patrol the waters between the PTE and The Arabian Sea in search of Axum vessels.
@Axum @Republic of China @Mexican Empire
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:34 pm by Alanston


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