Mexican Empire

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Kingdom of Sweden
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Mexican Empire


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

Mexican Empire
Imperial Standard
Coat of Arms
Capital: Mexico City
Largest City: Mexico City
Population: 139,246,973
National Languages:
Language of Government:
Demonym: Mexican
Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State:
Maximilian II
Prime Minister:
Luis Echeverría
Cortes Generales
Upper House: Senate
Lower House: Congress of Deputies
Currency: Peso (Mex$)
The Mexican Empire (Imperio Mexicano) is a constitutional monarchy in North America and Asia. Established in 1861 as a French client state during the Second French Intervention in Mexico, before gaining full autonomy in 1867. The country has been ruled by the Habsburg-Lorraine descendants of Maximilian I, the first (recognized) emperor of Mexico since its inception. Originally founded as an absolute monarchy, Maximilian I enacted many reforms during his reign, (mainly as concessions to the Liberal population of Mexico in order to foster stability) including the creation of a democratically elected parliament, British style constitution and monarchy, and a Liberal bill of rights. Since its independence, Mexico has become a rare success story in Latin America history for its stability and economic prosperity, with many former Spanish colonies coming under the control of the Empire, some by choice, and some not. Today, the country boasts strong institutions, a diverse and modern economy, high standard of living, Liberal values and ideals, and a powerful military capable of spreading its influence globally. The current Emperor, Maximilian II, has prioritized the Pacific as the theater of Mexican geopolitical strategy since his ascension the throne in 1965, investing heavily in the Philippines, and expanding the Empires military presence in the region. With the addition of Guam and the Mariana Islands to the Empire in 1970, Mexico has been securing its presence in the region, and intends to continue doing so.
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Mexican Empire


Post by Kingdom of Sweden »

Armada Imperial

Capital Ships
Bernardino de Sahagún Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Fast Battleship
Crew: 1,570
Length: 248m
Beam: 33m
Draft: 10m
Displacement: 37,800 Tons
Powerplant: 6 × steam boilers, 4 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 32kn

8 x 381mm, 45 caliber guns
9 x 152mm, 50 caliber guns
32 x OTOMAT Mk 2 anti ship/land attack missiles
36 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
5 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS

Emperor Maximilian I Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Aircraft Carrier
Crew: 2,300
Length: 305m
Beam: 41m
Draft: 10.5m
Displacement: 54,000 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × pressurized water reactors, 4 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 32kn

16 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
2 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
Up to 70 aircraft

Conquista de Tabasco Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Aircraft Carrier
Crew: 1,350
Length: 261m
Beam: 31m
Draft: 9.4m
Displacement: 42,500 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × pressurized water reactors, 2 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 28kn

32 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
4 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
Up to 40 aircraft

Conquista de Tenochtitlán Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Cruiser
Crew: 727
Length: 252m
Beam: 28m
Draft: 9m
Displacement: 24,300 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × pressurized water reactors, 2 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 32kn

20 x OTOMAT Mk 2 anti ship/land attack missiles
14 x RUR-5 ASROC anti submarine missile
96 x RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
2 × 100 mm, 60 caliber guns
8 x 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
10 x 533 mm ASW/ASuW torpedo tubes
Up to 3 helicopters

Manzanillo Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Cruiser
Crew: 557
Length: 179m
Beam: 19m
Draft: 6m
Displacement: 7,500 Tons
Powerplant: 4 × boilers, 2 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 30kn

40 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
20 x RUR-5 ASROC anti submarine missile
8 x 76 mm, 62 caliber naval guns
3 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
4 x OTOMAT Mk 2 anti ship/land attack missiles
2 x 324 mm triple torpedo tubes
Up to 9 helicopters

Pedro de Alvarado Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Destroyer
Crew: 370
Length: 153m
Beam: 17m
Draft: 5m
Displacement: 5,000 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × boilers, 2 x steam turbines
Maximum Speed: 31kn

20 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
18 x RUR-5 ASROC anti submarine missile
2 x 127 mm, 54 caliber naval guns
2 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
2 x 324 mm triple torpedo tubes
Up to 2 helicopters

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Destroyer
Crew: 235
Length: 139m
Beam: 14m
Draft: 5.7m
Displacement: 3,500 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × gas turbines, 2 x diesel engines
Maximum Speed: 31kn

8 x OTOMAT Mk 2 anti ship/land attack missiles
20 × RIM-7 Sea Sparrow anti aircraft missile launchers
1 x Crotale Navale EDIR octuple launcher (26 x CIWS anti-air missiles)
1 x 100 mm, 55 caliber naval guns
3 × 20 mm, 76 caliber Phalanx CIWS
2 x 324 mm triple torpedo tubes
Up to 2 helicopters

Estado Class

General Characteristics
Ships in Class:
Role: Attack Submarine
Crew: 60
Length: 74m
Beam: 8m
Draft: 6.4m
Displacement: 2,600 Tons
Powerplant: 2 × pressurized water reactor, 1 x diesel engines
Maximum Speed: 27kn

4 x 533 mm triple torpedo tubes
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