Nahuan Affairs

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Nahuan Affairs


Post by Alanston »

[This is an internal politics thread, unless otherwise stated, nothing in this thread would be public knowledge.]

Imperial Palace, Central Complex, Tenochtitlan


Tlatoani Ahuiliztli is sitting in his office in the imperial palace, going through various documents, when Cihuacoatl Huitzilin enters. He looks up and smiles, standing to greet the Cihuacoatl. "Welcome Huitzilin, thank you for coming today. Walk with me, would you? We have much to discuss today." He states, putting his arm around Huitzilin's shoulders, before guiding him into the nearby courtyard. Several imperial guards would fall into step behind them at a discrete distance. As they enter the courtyard, the shadow from the nearby pyramids - once used for sacrifices, but today standing as symbols of Nahuan culture - would obscure much of the courtyard. "Ahh, what a beautiful day, my brother. How wonderful it is, to take this time to walk in the courtyards. But tell me, how goes the affairs of the wider world?"

Huitzilin smiles as well, taking the time to admire the ancient courtyard, before replying. "Well, My Tlatoani, as you know the affairs of the continent are tumultuous, at best. The various American nations are all vying for power, as they tend to do. In their southern swamps the Dutch seem to have tired of fighting crocodiles and have decided to fight each other. Recently one of their military generals overthrew their Stadtholder, and we believe they are in the process of instituting a military dictatorship over there."

Before Huitzilin can continue, Ahuiliztli inturrupts. "Is there any risk to our citizens? Or to the greater stability of the region?"

Shaking his head, Huitzilin continues. "Not that our military advisors are aware of, but information has been slow in emerging."

"Hmm... We will have to do something about that. Continue."

"Of course. Little news has emerged from the Navajo in the north in a while, but as far as we know their nation is still stable. Across the seas the Tai are dealing with a Buddhist insurgency, which is causing them some trouble, especially with a church having recently been attacked. Across the other sea the British seem to be quiet lately, we are unsure if this is a sign that they are preparing for foreign campaigns, or a sign of peace and stability." Huitzilin finishes his report of foreign affairs as they near a bench, taking a seat in the shade near the edge of the courtyard, before basking in the refreshing day.

Ahuiliztli is silent for a while before replying. "We must investigate some of these reports, in order to get better accuracy, and to remain connected with international affairs. Further, I believe it is time we worked to unite our continent, rather than suffer further divisions. To that end, I would like you to arrange meetings for me with the various powers on the continent. While I meet with the various American powers and the Navajo, I would like you to meet with both the Tai and the British - separately, of course - to discuss relations with them."

"Yes, sir. I will make the arrangements. Tell me, what do wish to discuss with the powers of North America, and what do you wish for me to discuss with the Tai and British?"

"I wish to discuss creating an open forum for communication amongst the Americans on the East Coast, in hopes of preventing significant armed conflicts. But more than that, I hope to discuss the creation of a Pan-American trade organization, one which will hopefully unite the continent in a way that we have not seen before. With the Tai, I hope that you might discuss the establishment of trade relations between our nations, and investigate the possibility of securing a source of cheap labour for manufacturing projects. With the British, I hope that you might similarly discuss trade relations, as well as find out more about what their plans are for the future." Ahuiliztli pauses to think, before continuing. "At this time I do not think it best to form a military alliance with either the Tai or the British, but perhaps we could look into finding out their plans in the region, and determine the best moves from there. I am thinking that a non-aggression pact with both nations might not be out of the question, depending on their ambitions. I trust your judgement in this."

Huitzilin makes note of this information, before replying. "I understand, I will not let you down, sir. I will arrange the meetings you request, whilst arranging the others for myself. Tell me, do you wish to meet the various American powers simultaneously, or separately?"

"Now that is a good question. Hmm... I think it might be best to meet each of them separately to start with, in order to gauge their interests, before meeting with all of them. But when you make the invitations, let them know that there are hopes for a Pan-American meeting amongst all nations in the future, depending on how these talks go. Further, I think it would be best to visit their capitals for these initial meetings, to see what things are like elsewhere in the world."

Huitzilin makes further notes before replying. "Of course, sir, I will make the necessary arrangements. Was there anything else you wished to discuss with me today?"

Standing up, Ahuiliztli gestures, and they begin walking back towards the entrance. As they do, Ahuiliztli scans the courtyard, before speaking softly. "Tell me, what of the Nextlahualli. What have you heard of them lately?"

Speaking just as softly, Huitzilin replies, scanning the courtyard himself as well. "Nothing has been heard from them in the past 8 months. We know they are still active, as two young children went missing near Huaxyacac (Oaxaca) two weeks ago. Their bodies were found when local police investigated two new tombs marked with the symbol of the Nextlahualli in another village roughly 50km south."

"Search those mountains. I want those terrorists found and arrested!"

"I will see to it that it is done, sir."

Ahuiliztli continues in silence, pondering this information. After a while, just as they enter his office, he speaks once more. "Tell me of the Mayans. What are the current affairs in their nation?"

"They have an election approaching soon. There are four parties running in this election: The Mayan Socialist Party (MSP), who seem to be alright with our rule but are also espousing communist values. The Mayan People's Party (MPP), who seem to represent the Mayan desire for complete independence, as well as to restore the former Mayan empire in the Caribbean, by force if necessary. The Mayan - Nahuan Unity Party (MNUP), a centrist party that seeks to develop further unity between their nation and ours, possibly even to the extent of full unification. And, the Mayan Traditionalist Party (MTP), another centrist party that seeks to uphold the status quo."

"Have there been any issues so far with this election?"

"Not yet, no. Though two members of the MPP were arrested the other day after attempting to start a riot in the streets of Chichen Itza. None of the other groups have so far caused trouble. Though I suspect the MSP may want to become involved in my meeting with the Tai, if they come here."

"I have no issue with the MSP meeting with the Tai, if they wish. So long their communism does not become one of overthrowing our government. I want extra soldiers monitoring this election. We do not need a repeat of the Election Riots of 1957. That said, I want you to see what you can do to influence the MNUP. Offer them funding, support, whatever it takes. I think it is finally time that we address the Mayan question once and for all."

"If you think it best, I will not restrict the Tai from meeting the Mayans, should that be their goal. But I will also not encourage it. I will send in the local troops to monitor the situation. We will ensure that the people know our desire for a peaceful election."

Just as Ahuiliztli is about to reply, a little girl bounds into the room with a smile on her face. Both men turn to look at her. Ahuiliztli stands and puts his hands on his hips, trying hard not to smile. "Coatla, I told you that my office was off limits."

"But daddy!" she giggles, running up to her father and hugging him.

The Tlatoani's stern look melts as he embraces his daughter. Lifting her up, he turns to Huitzilin once more. "See to it that what we discussed is done. That is all for now, if I need to speak to you before our next meeting I will call for you. If nothing emerges, I will see you during tomorrows parliament session."

Huitzilin nods, bowing briefly, before leaving the room. After he leaves, Ahuiliztli carries his daughter to another part of the palace, where their private garden is located, where he spends time playing with his 3 year old daughter.
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Fri May 17, 2024 10:35 am by Alanston


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