A Very Sorta Royal Marriage

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Kingdom of Burgundy
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A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

Most high, most potent and most excellent Prince, Charles III, Count of Zutphen, Charolais, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Artois, and Flanders, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Margrave of Namur, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Limburg, Lothier, and Luxembourg, King of Burgundy, Rex Christianissimus Defensor Ecclesiae invites his fellow nobles of Europe to vie for the hand of his fair niece, Victoria-Louise de Valois-Bourgogne, in marriage. Such a marriage between royal houses of course demands a dowry worthy of such a fine Christian lady. Naturally, a connection by marriage to the royal house of Valois-Bourgogne comes attached with varying forms of alliance to the Burgundian state and crown. Marriage offers for Victoria-Louise will be taken under consideration by her uncle and the head of her house: Most high, most potent and most excellent Prince, Charles III, Count of Zutphen, Charolais, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Artois, and Flanders, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Margrave of Namur, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Limburg, Lothier, and Luxembourg, King of Burgundy, Rex Christianissimus Defensor Ecclesiae.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


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Hearing of the open hand of the niece to King Charles iII, Alexander Stuart, 1st Viscount Shannon had decided to take a very detoured route to the election of Ireland and Scotland's Tanist, where he plans to assert himself as the best candidate to succeed his uncle, King James II & VII. From his home in western Ireland, Viscount Alexander took passage to continental Europe. Landing first in Rotterdam, he and his entourage made their way inward Burgundy while sending message ahead to King Charles III of his intention: He wished to petition for the Lady Victoria-Louise's hand in marriage. Upon his arrival in Dijon, he would go directly to the Palais des ducs et des États de Bourgogne and find his accomodation while waiting for a time appropriate to approach Charles at his Majesty's Pleasure.
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Alanston »

A royal emissary from the courts of King Andagis Geiserico would arrive in Dijon and seek an audience with King Charles III. He would then extend a formal invitation to the Royal Ball being held in Goarvia (Lisbon) some four weeks hence. King Charles would be informed of King Andagis' intentions to seek a suitable bride for his younger brother, and current heir, Crown Prince Alaric Geiserico. The emissary also informs King Charles that King Andagis hopes to meet Victoria-Louise de Valois-Bourgogne in person, and offer an appropriate offer of marriage soon thereafter, should she be found worthy of marrying the Crown Prince.
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Kingdom of Burgundy
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


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Alistair Stuart, 1st Viscount Shannon, is welcome to reside in the Palais des ducs et des États de Bourgogne until such a time as all suitors are present and marriage offers can be received.

Charles III regrets to inform the Emissary of King Andagis that although the invitation is greatly appreciated, the King and his Niece will be unable to attend the ball due to their commitment to receive suitors in the Burgundian court in Dijon. Along that same vein, Victoria-Louise de Valois-Bourgogne will be unable to receive King Andagis' offer unless the Crown Prince, or an emissary empowered to offer a dowry, is able to be received in the Burgundian court in Dijon.
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Alanston »

The Emissary thanks Charles III for his time, and makes to return to Alanston. A few days later he would return to Dijon bearing a letter with a wax seal bearing the symbol of the King. He would also have several carriages with him containing various chests.
To the Most high, most potent and most excellent Prince, Charles III, Count of Zutphen, Charolais, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Artois, and Flanders, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Margrave of Namur, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Limburg, Lothier, and Luxembourg, King of Burgundy, Rex Christianissimus Defensor Ecclesiae. Your humble servant, Andagis Geiserico, King of Alanston etc. etc. wishes to make the following marriage offer to Victoria-Louise de Valois-Bourgogne on behalf of his younger brother and current heir, Crown Prince Alaric Geiserico.

Marriage offer between Crown Prince Alaric Geiserico and Victoria-Louise de Valois-Bourgogne.

This marriage would result in the alliance between Alanston and Burgundy, alongside the natural trade and other rights that go alongside it. If chosen, this marriage would also grand the Burgundians the exclusive rights to rare and exotic goods from the colonies at a discounted price.

As a sign of our good will and faithfulness, please find 10 pounds of gold and 20 pounds of silver, a quarter pound of nutmeg, a quarter pound of cloves, one chest of fine china, a pound of fine Indian tea, a chest containing high quality Alanic sugar, 3 fine Indian rugs, two Latin Bibles, and 6 crucifixes.

The emissary we have sent is empowered to discuss any and all claims necessary. Though I must regret to inform you that in the event of a successful marriage, Victoria-Louise must come and live in Alanston, alongside the Crown Prince. All children from their union will be of the Geiserico family.

Graciously yours in the sight of God,

King Andagis Geiserico
When examined, the carriages and chests would contain all that is listed within the letter.
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Tokugawa Empire
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Tokugawa Empire »

Hearing of the avaliable status of Victoria-Louise, Daimyō Matsudaira Yoshihiro would send a letter in French ahead of his journey out from Nankai-Shi (Veracruz). The response would list his accomplisments in being a well established Catholic merchant, political advisor, worrior, and holder of a large fief. He would await a response while continuing to build the settlement into a city.
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The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth »

Andrezj Leszczyński, nephew of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, would arrive in Dijon with a small entourage of retainers to include Polish Cuirassiers & highly-decorated cavalry adorned in their ceremonial winged armor. Several of the retainers are carrying a small chest containing several pieces of finely-crafted jewelry from a renowned jeweler in Warsaw, a collection of traditional Polish tapestries, and a finely-crafted gold-trimmed repeater table clock with transparent glass panels on the side to show the inner mechanisms.

Among the standard material offers of the dowry, Andrezj would also be offering co-ownership of his title of the Duke of Prussia with the blessing of his uncle, Stanisław I.
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Kingdom of Burgundy
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

All suitors are welcomed into the Palais des ducs et des États de Bourgogne and most high, most potent and most excellent Prince, Charles III, Count of Zutphen, Charolais, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Artois, and Flanders, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Margrave of Namur, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Limburg, Lothier, and Luxembourg, King of Burgundy, Grand Master of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece, Rex Christianissimus Defensor Ecclesiae is prepared to receive their offers of marriage in person. Due to his first arrival, Alistair Stuart, 1st Viscount Shannon will be welcome to make his offer first.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Alistair Stuart, de premier Viscount dans la Shannon!

Alistair enters the court with the expected gait of a proud nobleman. Upon reaching the center of the room, he glances up at Charles III before presenting himself in a bow. He speaks in fluent French, but with a noticable Irish accent.

I thank you, my King, for allowing me the opportunity to present myself for the hand of your beautiful and most noble niece. The House of Stuart is a noble and old house, and would be honored with such a marriage. Of course, I would not be so naive as to not come bearing gifts.
Alistair gestures to the back of the room and states Tar! before a series of aides enter and begin setting out tables before presenting works of Irish and Scottish craftsmanship.
I present a series of gifts showcasing the wealth of my Kingdoms and the culture of its people. Ten bottles of Uisce Beatha na hEireann and ten bottles of Uisge Beatha na h-Alba, the Irish and Scottish 'l'eau de vie' in your language. Additionally, ten bottles of Gaelic caribbean rum made from the finest cane produced in our colonies, and fifty pounds of the sugar of the cane itself. Further, we bring two bibles written in Irish monestaries from the year 600 Anno Domini with full golden embroidery and written in the famous Gaelic style illuminated script of Irish monks a milennia gone-by, accompanied by an ornate cross of the Celtic style from the year 1100 Anno Domini. For a most cultured King, we also provide from our colonies a curiosity in the form of a pagan idol from the native peoples of the colony of Cubain, a piece I find personally perplexing to understand the savages and their masked devil worship. Nevertheless, the bishop of Armagh has ensured me it containes no satanic malevolence before I presented it to your grace. Lastly your grace, I would restrict myself on the manner of the union with your niece. As I am sure you and your court are aware, I am a key member of the potential Tanists in the election to be undergone some weeks hence. I would not disgrace your niece with marriage to someone who could hope at best to attain the title of Duke, and as such I come to you with this proposal of marriage on the requirement I become the elected Tanist, ensuring that your niece would be married to the Sovereign of two Kingdoms possessing a profitable colonial apparatus in that new world. Your niece deserves the title of nothing less than Queen-consort and I would not dream to deny her.
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Kingdom of Burgundy
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Re: A Very Sorta Royal Marriage


Post by Kingdom of Burgundy »

Most high, most potent and most excellent Prince, Charles III, Count of Zutphen, Charolais, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Artois, and Flanders, Count Palatine of Burgundy, Margrave of Namur, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Limburg, Lothier, and Luxembourg, King of Burgundy, Grand Master of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece, Rex Christianissimus Defensor Ecclesiae welcomes Daimyō Matsudaira Yoshihiro to make his offer.
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