[NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince

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Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

After the news of Varangian violence reaches the ER a swift condemnation follows with European Investigators in Byzantium stating that the Varangians shall now be considered an "untrustworthy source of information".

The European Republic also urges the Emperor to act so that the violence can be contained.
Meanwhile small boats full of AKs leave during the nights from various ports in Puglia, their destination being the outskirts of Byzantium.
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Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Alanston »

The Emperor, still unaware of this violence, invites the European Republic delegate to his throne room to meet with him personally to discuss what violence they are talking about.

The condemnation is answered by the Varangians denying everything, whilst also blockading the European Republic's embassy building. Power to the embassy building would also be completely cut off.

A small group of radicals meet the shipments of the AKs near the outskirts when it arrives. They distribute the weapons amongst themselves, before heading out into the city and its surroundings. The following morning the radical groups make targeted strikes on various government and citizen buildings.

While this is happening, the Varangians continue indiscriminately assaulting and stopping citizens. They also implement random checks of cars and boats, demanding bribes and making arbitrary arrests. The rolling blackouts and spotty internet and cell coverage would continue, with many people unable to contact emergency services or complain online about the issues.
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Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

The European Embassy enters in a status of Lockdown with the emergency generators kicking in. The security of the embassy also tell to the Varangians that any other aggressive move against it shall be viewed as a military attack on the Republic and as an act of war.

A furious Minister Cardellini would accept the Emperor invitation and under heavy security being escorted to the throne room.
Images and videos of the violence would be sent to the ER by the Embassy in Byzantium, those coupled with the blockade of the building imposed by the Varangians cause an uproar in the Republic with President Mario Draghi stating that the chaos and unjistices in Byzantium shall be put to an end "whatever it takes"
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Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Alanston »

The Varangians would not make any further aggressive moves, but would not rescind the actions they have already made.

The commander of the Varangians would pull Minister Cardellini aside on his way to the throne room. "I would be careful what I said around here, my friend. You never know who might be listening. Besides, the Emperor has a lot to worry about right now, what with his son missing and all. You wouldn't want to upset him any further, would you?"

The Varangian commander would then usher Minister Cardellini and his guards into the throne room, where the Emperor, along with 8 Varangians, would be waiting. Upon his entering, the Emperor would be frowning intensely, but would not say anything, leaving Minister Cardellini to be the first to speak.

Meanwhile, the Varangians continue to deny any and all so-called injustices, informing the world that all is well in Byzantium, and accusing the ER of fabricating stories to suit their narrative.

The radicals continue to cause mayhem, and in one instance have a full blown shootout with the Varangians on one of the market streets, which leads to many civilian casualties and several destroyed buildings.

The Varangians continue their indiscriminate questionings and patrols.
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Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Grand Serene Republic »

Minister Cardellini would ignore the comment of the Varangian Captain as he maintains his stoic face. As he is walked in the throne room he starts by saying "Your Imperial Majesty i'm here to bring to your attention a number of critical matters: first of all our investigation had given his first fruits with my men reporting to me that they are on the right track to find your son, the other matter is less .. inspiring, you see in the neighborhood were the European Embassy is there was a blackout, and while I'm certain that such a matter shall be resolved quickly, it is proving an obstacle to our work especially if we have to coordinate such an important investigation such as the one on the kidnapping of his Highness, as such I would like to request if we could move the hq of the investigation somewhere in the palace so to allow us to continue our work more smoothly and to coordinate better with your loyal guards"

Minister Cardellini would put a peculiar emphasis on the word loyal but nothing too dramatic, just a small hint of irony
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: [NPC Event] Absconding with the Prince


Post by Alanston »

The Emperor frowns. "I had not heard of these blackouts, as you can see." He waves his hand around the room. "We still have plenty of power here. I am sure my captain here will do all that he can to assist in helping resolve these blackouts, right captain?" He looks over at the Varangian Captain, who nods his affirmative. "See, I'm sure we can work things out well. But, in the meantime, I will be more than happy to allow you to set up an office here in the palace. You can share the offices of the Varangians for your work, which will allow you to better coordinate with them as needed."

At this, the captain would sneer at Minister Cardellini, keeping his expression out of sight of the Emperor.

After a brief pause, the Emperor would continue. "Tell me Minister, you mentioned this violence that I should act against. I have seen no signs of violence, and have heard nothing about it. My guards assure me that all is well. So, do tell, what are you talking about?"
Moved from International Incidents to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:25 am by Alanston


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