Sample Factbook

A place to put national factbooks and other information regarding nations of the world.
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Sample Factbook


Post by Alanston »

This is a sample factbook.

You can put the name of your nation here
Code for the table:

Code: Select all

[tr][td][b]Name of nation[/b][/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Capital of nation[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Population: [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Other info[/td][/tr]
Name of nation
Flag of nation
Capital of nation
Population: 123,456,789
Other info

Or you can put the name of your nation here

You can then provide the history of your nation here, or in a reply to your factbook.

After your history you can make a reply to your factbook detailing the culture, cities, economy, military, or anything else about your nation that you would like to add.

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