Down South

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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

The driver (Enrique) would sigh sadly, "There was a time when I could visit this plaza without such a large tank sitting in plain sight, but alas, those days are long past. Tell me more about how your side fares? You've made it sound as though it has greatly improved?" Enrique would lead Pena to a street food vendor, and order some food for both of them, before taking a seat on a nearby bench in the shade to talk more.
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Pena would take a seat as well, glancing around for a moment. "Improvement has been made. Corruption in the military has been brought down greatly, incidents like extorting civilians is a rarity now that the officers are no longer looking the other way. Though work will need to be done to root out the corruption among some of my fellow politicians. The previous President seemed to want to line his pockets more than ensure a functioning democracy. One of the blemishes that I aim to amend."
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Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

"It sounds like things have been greatly improved over there, I wish we had the same here." Enrique laments, gazing at the ground for a moment.

At around this time, a soldier approaches the group. "Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing here?"

Enrique looks at the soldier, pulls out a 500 Peso note, and hands it to the soldier. "Just enjoying a quick meal, my friend, don't worry, we will be moving along soon."

The soldier pockets the note, before nodding. "See to it that you do. And no littering."

"Of course, my friend. Have no worries." Enrique replies, averting his gaze respectfully. The soldier grunts, looking intently at Pena, before moving along. Once he is out of earshot, Enrique turns to Pena. "We had better finish our food and get you to your hotel, before anyone else decides to get curious." He states, quickly finishing the rest of his food.
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

Pena nods in agreement. "Agreed, best be off now." Once Enrique is finished, Pena stands up, fixing his tie.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

Enrique would lead Pena back to the car, before getting in and driving directly to the hotel. He would not be as talkative as he was earlier. Once at the hotel, he turns to Pena. "I must be quick, as the guards are watching, but lean forward as if you are handing me a tip." Presuming Pena does this, Enrique would hand Pena a piece of paper, written on it would be Enrique's home address and personal phone number. "This is my home address and personal phone number, if you ever need anything at all, please look me up. I can only hope that things might improve here as they have on the other side of the border. And now, you best be off. I will escort you into the hotel, my friend."

With that, he would get out, open Pena's door, and lead him into the hotel. After a brief discussion with the guards outside the door, where he would slip them only 50 Pesos, he would lead Pena to the check in desk, where a attendant would take over, leading Pena to the presidential suite on the upper floors of the hotel. The suite would consist of a main room, a small kitchenette, a television, and a balcony overlooking the city centre. The attendant would provide Pena with the menu for room service, offer him vouchers for the restaurant down the street, and assure him of the privacy of the room before leaving.
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

After the attendant leaves, Pena takes out his phone, making a call as he pokes around the suite, checking out each room.

"Hello friend, yes it is good to hear from you. As I had said before in my previous message it seems I will be here for a few days as our friends here figure out this 'bomb' threat." Pena would circle back to the main room before pacing back and forth as he talks. "Yes, yes I'm aware that it could be a fabrication, but perhaps a few extra days here will do some more good." After a moment, Pena scoffs. "Look for bugs? Nonsense! If our friends wish to listen in or keep an eye on me while I'm here, no matter, can hardly blame them. It may take some time to earn trust, but I will do what I need to do in the name of a better republic for our people, whether they reside in San Luis or Buenos Aires." Pena sits down on a chair as he listens to the response. "Yes, yes, I will keep you all updated as you keep me updated. I saw the update about the border and cease-fire. I'll call again for another update soon."

The conversation finished, Pena puts down the phone, beginning to spend some time in the suite, looking over the room service menu before pulling out a notepad and beginning to spend the rest of the day making notes, overlooking the city from the balcony, and eventually ordering room service.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

President Saa would sit at his desk reviewing the audio from the bug with his military comander.

"There's nothing here! I told you this was a waste of time."

"This is why you should have just shot his plane out of the sky, like I wanted. Then he'd be dead and we could move in and take the rest of Argentina back."

"Are you crazy? Do you want to start a major international incident. No, I refuse to allow it."

"It would be so easy to replace you, you know. But we'll do it your way. I want to search his plane though."

"Fine, search his plane. Just don't leave any traces. I don't want this whole thing escalated."

"Don't worry, it won't, not yet anyways." The general smiles, before leaving Saa's office.

Following the exchange, Saa sighs deeply, before looking pulling out his phone and looking into flights to Caribbean countries.

After about a twenty minute wait, the same attendant would bring room service for Pena, with it being exactly what he ordered, with an extra bottle of wine included. When Pena is finished, the attendant would return to pick up the dishes.

Around the same time soldiers would board Pena's plane, informing the crew that they needed to check the plane as part of their bomb threat investigation. They would assure the crew members that their search would be kept as non-invasive as possible, but that they needed to disembark in order for the search to commence. If they resist, they would be arrested, but if they comply they would be taken to a (bugged) waiting room in the airport. Meanwhile the soldiers would search the plane in a very invasive manner, checking every nook and cranny, as well as all luggage stowed aboard, and Pena's laptop (if he had one on board).
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Re: Down South


Post by Transamur »

On the plane, the soldiers would find extra changes of clothing for President Pena, though no laptop or anything classified as the trip to Patagonia was meant to be a short one. The crew, the ones who don't resist and aren't arrested, wait patiently. One of them pulling out his phone and quickly texting a message before putting the phone away.

Pena continues to spend his time in the suite, waiting patiently and spending most of the time reading. His phone dings with a message which he subsequently takes out and reads. The President sighs a little before sending a few messages in response and then making another call.

"Hey, yes friend, I am still well." Pena pauses for a moment, listening. "Yes, yes. I owe you a bottle of wine. They are searching the plane. I hope to assume to be very thorough in their search for the 'bomb threat'. There shouldn't be anything to worry about, hopefully things will be figured out soon. Yes, I'll call again later when I can."

Pena hangs up before returning to his reading.
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Factbook: viewtopic.php?p=2729#p2729

Re: Down South


Post by Alanston »

Getting fairly frustrated at this point, Saa calls the general for another meeting.

"Not only was there nothing on the plane, but now it seems as though he is on to us. I'm calling an end to this."

"I will then put an end to you."

"Do it, and all evidence of your crimes will be made public. All those bribes and assassinations, and everything else, will become very public.

"What are you talking about?"

"I have a dead man's switch set up online. If I don't log on and enter a passcode every 24 hours, all evidence of our crimes will be released to the world."

"Fine. Send him on his way, but plant a bomb in his plane. I want it set to blow up shortly after it lands back in Buenos Aires."

"No. I'm sending him on his way without anything done to his person."

The general growls, but nods and leaves the room.

Following this exchange, Saa would call the guards at the airport and tell them to declare the end of the bomb threat. He would then grab his briefcase with his laptop, and leave the building, getting into his private car. Starting it, he picks up his phone and texts Enrique to return to the hotel and pick up Pena. Following that he dials the hotel. Putting it on speaker, he sets the phone down and begins driving to the airport.

Meanwhile, Pena would receive a phone call to his hotel room.

"Good evening President Pena, this is President Saa. I apologize for the delay, there was a bomb threat called in at the airport earlier this afternoon, and we had to take appropriate measures to determine the extent of the situation. I am pleased to announce that the situation has been properly examined, and it is safe to return to the airport. I am having your driver, Enrique I believe, return to your hotel to bring you back to the airport. Is that alright with you, or would you like to remain here for the night?"
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Mon Jul 24, 2023 1:22 am by Alanston


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