Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.

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Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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In line with conducting the maintenance of the defence of the Japanese home islands, as specified in the Japanese constitution and in principles with the outlined goals of Article IX, with support of the Japanese national diet, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida seeks an official dialogue with his Italian counterpart to further the goals of collective defence, as is specified within the U.N. Charter.

The prime minister would like to engage in a dialogue specifically on shared interests in maintaining the international rules based order in the world's oceans, and furthermore seeks an enhanced partnership with Italy specifically in the devolpment of the next generation Japan Air Defense Fighter (NJGAD).
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Kingdom of Sweden
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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After some deliberation within the government, as well as with advisors from Leonardo S.p.A and Piaggio Aerospace, the companies jointly developing Italy's Future Combat Air System, an agreement has been reached. The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, will gladly make his way to Japan to discuss this effort. Noting the shared interests between his, and PM Fumio's nation on matters of global trade, and national defense.
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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All arriving representatives of the Italian government are welcomed to Tokyo and given escort to Shushō Kantei, where the Prime Ministers office is located. A limited honor guard of the JGSDF is present to direct the group towards the office of the PM.
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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The Italian Prime Minister would greet his Japanese counterpart with a bow, and once that had been returned, a hand shake.
"Prime Minister, thank you for hosting me. I hope this can be the start of a long tradition of cooperation between our two countries."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Bows, and takes his seat, indicating for Minister Draghi to do the same, upon taking his seat he starts to speak.
Meiyo aru hito, Minister Draghi, I called you here today to discuss matters of shared interest and value, Much as Italy requires a free and open Mediterranean sea for its national survival, so to does Japan rely on the same in the Pacific. It is the belief of the Japanese people that we share with the Italian people a fundamental interest in the Preservation of Democracy at a global scale, and that such an effort is tied to the national character of our peoples, that to fail in such an obligation would incur upon oneself a great dishonor. I have called you here to Tokyo to ask you myself if we are correct in this assumption, Meiyo aru hito.
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"Of course Minister, I couldn't agree with that sentiment more. I fully believe that the free flow of trade, and by extension Liberal Ideals, across the worlds oceans are of the utmost importance to Italy, Japan, and every country around the globe. With that in mind, I hope we can come together today, and work with one another to insure these principles are upheld. Close to home, and abroad."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"I am glad to hear you say this. I would am prepared to offer your government something that no other has had access to in our history. Japan seeks a closer relationship with Italy, and also to paly a larger role in global security affairs. We also would like to expand our technological lead in key strategic areas of concern, therefore it is my opinion, and the opinion of my government, that Japan should open up its arms market, and reduce barriers to the transfer of technology, between our two countries. We would also like to seek closer cooperation on the development of next generation technologies critical for national defense, including the participation in joint programs."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"Well, considering how similar our nations requirements are, this seems like a logical decision. And as I'm sure you know, my government has a requirement for a next generation fighter currently under development. I cant imagine that cooperation in this program can do anything but help. I also imagine Japanese competition in other acquisition projects would be incredibly beneficial for the Italian military."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"I'm glad to hear you say this. We are prepared to formalize an agreement as soon as today which would outline joint cooperation in aerospace devolpment in regards to a next generation combat aircraft, in enhancing technology transfer between Japan and Italy, and in more closely integrating our free markets and sharing our strategic advantages by opening the Japanese market to Italian oil, and the Italian market to Japanese high technology manufacturing."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"Naturally I'm a supporter of the free market, Italian resources can of course be made available to you industry. Something Italy has a need of, that I think you can help us with, is an aircraft to serve as a stop gap aboard the Navy's carriers. Currently, we operate aging and obsolete Harriers, which need urgent replacement, sooner than our joint fighter program is likely to produce. Something that can be purchased quickly to fill this gap would be incredibly beneficial to us."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"To be direct, as it seems our interests and goals overlap, the position of Japan, and that my government is willing to support, is that Italy and Japan should form a special relationship in terms of free and open trade and mutual cooperation on assets critical to
collective self defence.

Japan is also seeking reduced trade barriers with the Francophone Alliance in regards to rare earth elements in exchange for Japanese high end technology manufacturing.

It's Japan's position that Italy and Japan share unuiqe vaules in regards to trade, therefore it's the opinion of the Japanese state that a customs union with a formal free trade commitment between our two nations would greatly improve both of our economic positions.

Furthermore, joint devolpment of an aircraft can leverage these free trade agreements by allowing the best both Italy and Japan can offer to market as options instead of the products of any one market.

Finally, it's Japan's opinion that by merging a free trade deal and aircraft devolpment deal we can further integrate our defence and economic interests.
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


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"Then we agree Minister. I will discuss with my advisors, as im sure you will with yours about the fine details of this agreement. But as it stands, our mutual understanding is more than id hoped for coming in. I whole heartedly appreciate this invitation youve extended me, and look forward to thr future out teo nations now share."
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Re: Japan seeks Italian cooperation in the devolpment of the Next Generation Air Defences Fighter Program.


Post by California Republic »

Kishida smiles. Good, Japan is hosting a high level dialogue with the worlds leading economic actors and resource exporters. I would like to extend to you Japans formal invitation to represent Italian interests at the meeting, I hope that everything we have discussed here today can be materialized in a formal agreement in Kyoto.
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