Tanzanian Transport

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Kingdom of Ireland
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Tanzanian Transport


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

Out of all the options for investment, the first plan to be initiated is the new Tanzanian Highway System. By expanding highways that already exist, and ensuring they are safe to travel on at high speeds, the goal will be to both increase access to much of the population while also increasing the infrastructure needed to more easily move supplies for later developments.
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Kingdom of Ireland
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Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:59 pm

Re: Tanzanian Transport


Post by Kingdom of Ireland »

In order to get this first project underway, the Omani and Tanganyikan Governments set up an organization to manage this and later coming infrastructure projects, the East African Investment Trust Fund (EAITF). The EAITF will be staffed by Tanganyikan and Omani officials who will oversee investment plans, all the way from initial approval to declaring the completion of a project.
East African Investment Trust Fund

Beginning with the Highway project, the EAITF is awarded a weekly stipend from the Omani government from oil profits in order to fund the construction of the roads. As has been discussed, all contractors will be Tanganyikan in origin and employ Tanganyikan laborers. Omani advisors will be brought in to assist in administration and resource allocation. The goal is to build simultaneously from as many cities as possible in every direction to restrict the time to build as much as possible.
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