Japan approaches the Colombian Government.

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California Republic
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Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by California Republic »

Japan has requested a formal dialogue with the Colombian government, at a location of their choice, The request states an urgent desire to discuss issues relevant to mutual security.
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Magnolia League
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by Magnolia League »

The provisional government is thrilled by the Japanese request and formally and warmly welcomes the Japanese government to send a delegation to Bogotá for the talks.
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California Republic
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by California Republic »

Japan Air Force two is Dispatched with a delegation to Bogata, touching down early in the morning.
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Magnolia League
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by Magnolia League »

[If you don't mind I'll skip right to the meeting so this doesn't take irl weeks]
The Japanese delegation would be warmly welcomed at the airport by Lt. Col. Roberto Moreno, the member of the provisional government assigned to handle foreign affairs. He would escort them to the Casa de Nariño, the presidential residence, in the center of Bogotá. An honor guard would welcome them before the main entrance, as they would be lead to a small conference room, where Col. Aureliano Gabriel Buendía would be expecting them. Standing up enthusiastically, he would offer his hand to all members of the delegation. "Ah, friends! Welcome to Colombia! Please take a seat, make yourself at home. I am colonel Aureliano Gabriel Buendía, the chairman of the provisional government of Colombia, it is a pleasure to meet you."
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California Republic
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by California Republic »

Yoshimasa Hayashi, Foreign Minister of Japan, is equally delighted to meet his Colombian counterparts. His first statement if brief, but direct.

"Good morning, Colonel, Japan has watched the events of the past few weeks in Colombia with great interest and admiration."
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Magnolia League
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by Magnolia League »

Buendía seemed quite charmed by the statement "Admiration, you say?" He couldn't resist a minor chuckle. "Well that's certainly nice to hear. Tell me, Minister, what brings you to Bogotá?"
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California Republic
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by California Republic »

The Foreign minister smiles "I have come as a representative of Japan to formally reconize your governement as the legitimate government of Colombia, and to lend our assistance in the transition period, to offer our help in defending your new democracy, and to seek closer ties with the Colombian government on matters of trade and mutual secuirty concerns, especially in regards to potential threats to trade through the Canal zone, which both Japan and Colombia rely on for internal economic prosperity."
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Magnolia League
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Re: Japan approaches the Colombian Government.


Post by Magnolia League »

"Well it's certainly excellent news that we already have a friend in the world, and both your recognition of our government and your offer of aid are deeply appreciated, but I assume you had some more concrete ideas in mind?"
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