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Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:33 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Captain Narin would stop and address the man.
"Then you agree that something must be done and those responsible brought to justice. Premier Songwut is demanding you come with us to end this violence. Neither side of this wants any more bloodshed,
so come with me and my men. Lets end this, for peace."
He pleads with Maha, hoping to end this before it spirals out of control.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:53 am
by Alanston
Maha Ghosananda raises his eyebrows, "Is Premier Songwut finally ready to accept our terms? Because we are not compromising on our beliefs. How do I know that you are not going to throw me in jail if I come with you now? You come to me with armed soldiers, ready to arrest me it seems."

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:24 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Captain Narin would look at Maha with a tired look.
"I am here to take you to Premier Songwut for talks, these troops are here to ensure you get there. For all we know, we could be at war. So if you would like a news crew to join us for documentation purposes, you may choose one." He says gesturing to the cameras.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:43 pm
by Alanston
"Fine. I will come with you. I would like them to join us." He points to one of the few news agencies that aren't state run. [It's up to you to RP the news agency, or if they're really not state run, since they're not an international agency]

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:21 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
(Let's go with an independent Bengali News Outlet that is Muslim run.)

Captain Narin would nod at the News anchor who would begin to pack their heavier gear up. He turns to his men and speaks through his radio.
"This is Ground, we have the HVT and a group of journalists joining us. Get the bird ready for lift, over." He says before helping Maha to the chopper.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:34 pm
by Alanston
Maha Ghosananda follows Captain Narin into the chopper, remaining silent the entire time.

Elsewhere, Thích Hoằng Thâm would also be going along with the Tai General that came for him, also being silent.

Elsewhere still, the young monk named Thích Quảng Đức is meeting with other monks behind closed doors to discuss the situation.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:20 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
(Time skip)
The two Buddhist leaders are dropped off at Premier Songwut's office and taken in peacefully by guards. The news team is brought in but stopped just short of the meeting room where two heavy doors shut the men inside with Premier Songwut. Here the three men would decide where this would take the nation.
"Gentlemen, you know why you are here. Tell me what you know about the incident that happened this morning." He says as he takes a seat, he tone short and punctual.

(Outside the doors the news team would be interviewing the Tai commanders on what may happen next.)

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:45 pm
by Alanston
Thích Hoằng Thâm speaks first, having had a chance to review the events on the way over. "I know nothing of these events, but I can assure you that I am shocked. It is not our way to incite violence against you and your people. We only want the right to worship freely, without restrictions, and without heavy handed Christian policies being forced upon us. This includes rights and protections for our holy places. But you already know this."

Maha Ghosananda frowns, "We are here, because you are looking for someone to blame. I think it is telling that you left the media outside this room. Similarly, it is just as telling that you sent your soldiers to bring us in, like we are nothing more than petty criminals. As I told the press, I knew nothing about today's events. But clearly some Buddhists are getting tired by the actions of your government. So, while I disagree with you, something must be done. I am willing to hear what you have to say. And it had better not be the same deal you offered last time." He finishes, crossing his arms as he watches Premier Songwut.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:35 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Premier Songwut stands and tries to not make it too obvious as he looks at the microphone that's live on the bookshelf next to the two men. He puts his knuckles on his desk as he retorts.
"The previous offer was this, Buddhists are required to serve in the military in a fitting role that would not be in conflict with their beliefs. In return that the Buddhist community along with the other minor religions would be put together and given an equal opportunity to funding and tax exemptions. No heavy handed oversight and no shady dealings. Equality with everyone else, you want more because you hold yourself to that. So I propose this, turn those who perpetrated todays bombing in and accept the deal for the betterment of everone involved."
His tone tense and a slow fury building on his face.

In another room the broadcast of the meeting is going out to the public.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:27 pm
by Alanston
Maha Ghosananda's frown intensifies, "As the historic religion of the land, and one which has suffered years of persecution at your hands, we will accept nothing less than what we had previously outlined. Your refusal to grant us special rights led to this issue in the first place. We refuse to accept any counter offers until you and your government meet our terms. As for the criminals who bombed that church, we will do what we can to identify them and hand them over, as a measure of good will to you and your government."

Thích Hoằng Thâm, observing quietly, speaks calmly. "Ghosananda, I do not believe this hostility is getting us anywhere. But I do agree that there are issues with the proposed deal as it stands." He pauses to collect his thoughts. "Premier Songwut, we can not hand over those who act independently. We have no say over what those people did, and we strongly condemn their actions. We will do what we can to hand them over. As for our terms, how about you outline once more for us exactly what your deal offers. We, in exchange, will outline exactly what it is we want. I will start:
  • We want religious freedom for all Buddhists to worship our traditional faith the way we want.
  • We want to be left alone by Christians, this means no more proselytizing.
  • We want equal funding to come to our religious groups - whatever you give to Christian groups, we want an equal amount given to Buddhist groups.
  • We want your government to recognize all Buddhist sites as holy and issue protection orders to them, forbidding their destruction or removal by Christian groups.
  • We want Buddhism to be recognized as a national faith, in keeping with our historic significance in the region.
  • We want the first choice in choosing locations for constructing new temples and monasteries, rather than the choice going to Christians.
  • We want our sacred texts to be protected.
  • We want the right to worship in our own languages to be a protected right.
  • We want military arrangements as you have proposed.
  • We want the tax exemptions as you have proposed.

"Premier Songwut, our demands are so much more than just military terms and funding and tax rights aligning with other minorities. You yourself should see this. What we are asking for is the proper recognition that we, as Buddhists, deserve."

Elsewhere many of the Buddhists are watching the discussions live. As they watch, most are of the opinion that they need to hear what the Premier's terms are more clearly before coming to a conclusion one way or another. Almost all of them, however, support the terms outlined by Thích Hoằng Thâm.

In the south, the group responsible for the bombing would refuse to turn themselves in, and would plan another bombing, to get their point across. Though in doing so, they would effectively separate themselves from the other Buddhists in their region, isolating them from a chain of command, and making them more likely to take undue risks.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:48 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Primer Songwut nods his head.
"You are aware that we NEVER wanted you to convert and we never wanted to remove your religion. Also we agreed to this the last meeting except...

●The establishment of new places of worship must be agreed upon with the other religious leaders to prevent issues. Its hows thats always worked.

●Funds from your first payment will be used to pay for the burial of those killed in todays terrorist attack, the rebuilding of the church, and a payment made to the grieving family's. Family's of service members who were protecting your protesters as well.

All of this is agreeable as long as we bring those who committed this atrocious act to justice. I believe you would agree that this is where we bring justice together."

He says as he puts his hand out to shake.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:51 pm
by Alanston
Maha Ghosananda's stands up, outraged at the Premier's games. "You Christians have gradually converted our people over the last few centuries, removing our religion time and again. Don't lie about this! The mere fact that this country is majority Catholic proves that you have all have been converting us. As for last meeting... You never agreed to most of what we proposed! You never said anything about equal support, protection from proselytizing, or anything like that. You set up a nation by giving power to the Catholics, and then expect us, who have had power taken away, to work within it. This is outrageous! As for payments, no, absolutely not! I already told you that we do not know who was responsible, and that our group partakes in the protests peacefully. How dare you blame us for this?"

Thích Hoằng Thâm would sit quietly, waiting to see how the Premier responds.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 5:27 pm
by Tokugawa Empire
Premier Songwut stands and Ghosananda does and let's him go on his rage filled rant before responding.
"You continue to push this narrative that we are an absolute evil, that we seek to convert Buddhist to Catholicism, and that we want to remove your religion from the map. We have not once raised a rifle to your people and in return Buddhists bomb a peaceful Sunday service. Its not about entitlement anymore, its about doing what's right. Paying for the repairs and funeral costs would be the building of the foundation of a bridge on your side, in return we start today with the outlining of plans to rebuild at least two places of worship. Would this work?"
Songwut asks before looking at Thich Hoang Tham.
"You are just as important to this conversation, thus I'd like to hear your take on this."

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:51 pm
by Alanston
Maha Ghosananda shakes his head angrily, "It is clearly established in the history of the People's HOLY Tai Empire that the nation is founded on Christian principals and on the elimination of Buddhism from the map. And before you try to argue with us, what else could the HOLY part of the name of this nation imply? We're not getting into politics here, but rather the very nature of this nation as a religious entity! Until you can promise, without any lies or misinformation, that the Christians of this nation will respect our religious beliefs and way of life, we refuse to sign any deals you may offer. Further, we refuse to allow funding to be taken from our religious groups to be given to any Christian organization."

He pauses briefly, before continuing. "Your Catholic faith is one of the richest groups in the world. Have you not seen the wealth that is stored within your churches? How about instead of trying to degrade us and our Buddhist beliefs, you look into your own churches and sell some of the artwork stored within? Did not your Jesus say to sell everything and give it to the poor? And let's not forget all the things done in the name of your God throughout history! All those Crusades and "Holy Missions!" How did those work again? Sharing the "Love of Christ" by the sword? You may not have used a rifle in recent years, but you Christians have definitely attacked us Buddhists in the past, especially in your attempts to convert us. Do not pretend to deny it!"

Thích Hoằng Thâm, raises his eyebrows, before speaking. "My take? Although Ghosananda has a habit of speaking his mind too freely, I do not disagree with him. He raises valid points, and it is important that you hear them. Further, if you deny that your Christians take violent action against us Buddhists, or deny that you seek to convert all of us away from our faith, or deny any of the other points we have raised, then I would like to point out that you do not know the people of your country nor your own history very well. Christianity is a religion from Europe, not South East Asia. Buddhist beliefs and traditions were established here long before your Christians arrived. I have read your holy book, and within it are very clear calls to convert others and make them believers in your God. 400 years ago this land was almost entirely Buddhist, today that number is barely a fraction of that. What else is this evidence of, except you Christians eliminating Buddhists either through the sword or conversion? For all we know, you could have staged this bombing for no other reason than to further your ability to eliminate us Buddhists from our homeland.

"So, answer us this: Are you aware of the situation in your own country? Are you aware of how we, a religious minority, are treated? Are you aware of your own history? Are you aware of what your own faith calls you to do? And, more importantly, how do you expect us to believe that you will grant us equal rights in a nation that, by its very nature, is officially a Catholic nation? Answer these questions honestly, and perhaps we can consider further negotiations."

Meanwhile, the Buddhist protests continue, with many agreeing with the points of Chosananda. Some begin questioning whether the Christians conducted the bombings themselves solely to set up the Buddhists as a way to eliminate them. Those who have a history of attending "Catholic Schools" or have suffered disgraces at the hands of Catholic priests and/or monks, or have stories of family members having experienced those injustices begin coming forward to share the stories with reporters (if any will listen). The numbers coming forward would not be large, but they would be noticeable, some would report abuses from when they were children, even if they happened decades ago. [Catholic abuses on wikipedia - maybe don't open the link at work]

Those who conducted the bombing have selected another church, this time in the city of Can Tho. They intend on bombing it during the evening Mass, and begin to get into position. The ones dropping the bombs are wearing suicide vests beneath flowing Buddhist robes, so if they are caught they can blow themselves up.

Re: Buddhist Unrest

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:49 am
by Tokugawa Empire
Primer Songwut stands and looks out the window behind him, one that overlooks the beautiful city below.
"Gentlemen, what do you see now? Looking from this window? I see peace, I see beauty,
I see a nation born from blood that was spilt because Christian minorities were used as a slave force by warlords that preached the same religion you do. Our plan was never to wipe the Buddhist religion from the region, no. It was to show that we could be more than slaves. Free people who could practice our religion freely while giving back. Our fight and bloodshed gave way to flourishing... and greed. Greed that the Revolution made sure was evenly distributed. Nobody goes without, then you can worry about yourself. Churches are all decorated with fake gold. Why? Because the money from the riches were used to build housing and feed those who needed it. The High Church in Ayutthaya is the only one with real gold, donated by Rome for our efforts to help the nations around us and for the work we've done here.
The Holy part of our nation stands for its service to helping others in the name of betterment. We do our best but we aren't perfect, we are emotional and rash. We have trouble communicating feelings and ideals to others who don't understand. We are all hurt by the loss on both sides, and I'm personally sorry for the abuse that occurs in catholic schools. The wost sin you can commit is taking the innocence of a child. Let that be physical, emotional, or otherwise. I'd shoot the offenders myself, but I'll have the Inquisitor Guard look into the matters and ensure safety in the system.
Attacks on Buddhists and anyone for a specific religion is already a hate crime but I shall insure that there isn't jail time for those who seek to harm this peace, but true penance in the Gulags. For they seek to bring evil into this world, they can have it in Hell on Earth.
We may be Catholic by nature, but the majority of us want betterment for everyone no matter your race or creed. We want to live, laugh, love, and grow this nation of ours Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, so on and so forth. Together. With that, can we stop this violence before it goes too far? For the future, our children, for peace."

Primer Songwut says solemnly.

The Press and Political Parties begin to spin the narrative that the current Buddhist leadership is embolden by the actions of the terrorists and that every "non-Buddhist" is to be removed from the lands that they deem their's. Many outlets call for Buddhists to ensure peace by turning in conspirators to save lives.

Plane clothes Special Forces would be keeping an eye on crowds around churches.
If they noticed the Buddhists attempting to plant bombs, snipers with silenced weapons would engage to neutralize targets as uniformed service personnel clear out the area. They want prisoners but aren't willing to risk lives if they know they can't take them.