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Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:13 pm
by Alanston
The various advancement projects have now been completed, with the infrastructure officially opening for public use, just in time for the elections.

The Nusantaran government encourages the local Bornean authorities to allow the protestors the right to peaceful protest. They encourage those denouncing them to not get involved, and that everyone has a right to protest and voice their opinions. They would denounce the violent actions on both sides. Nusantaran military police are offered to help prevent escalation of the situation.

Subroto would respond to Andika's invitation by offering to come meet him in person, along with Prime Minister Raharjo. When the offer is (presumably) accepted, he and Raharjo would travel to Balikpapan to meet Andika, they would bring the signed copies of the purchases of the mineral rights. Upon arrival, they would both bow respectfully, before shaking Andika's hand. Raharjo would congratulate him as he shakes his hand. "Andika, allow me to be first to personally congratulate you on your victory. This is a great win for the Bornean people, and I hope it bodes well for the future of our nations."

Subroto would agree to the Shell CEO's prices, and sign the document, officially purchasing the stocks. Similarly, he would present documents for the other CEOs to sign, officially purchasing their land and mineral rights. For the Bornean companies, he would have their CEOs sign legal documents attesting to their agreement to reform and operate within the agreed upon standards, with the consequence being that they will cede their operations to the Maharaja.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:14 am
by English Channel Union
The assistance of the Nasantaran Military Police is refused, citing the situation has begun to improve with the statements from the Majaphit, those supporting their government began to leave the opposition alone, resulting in a loss of media coverage and abandonment of the protest. Those who disagree will protest online, and smaller more contained groups will in front of Capital buildings, otherwise the situation is stable.

Both Andika and Batara will be present for the meeting, providing a welcoming party and meeting them at the Campaign HQ.
Thank you very much Majahara, I believe that my victory will begin monumental changes in our living standards. As you know, my party ran on the ideals of unification and even closer cooperation with your state, once I am sworn into office I will begin the procedure of placing a bill in my Parliament to dissolve our state and officially request the entrance of each of our provinces into the Majahapit.

The swearing-in is next week (next post)

Shell would continue operations obliging with the stock agreement and begin following the operations of bornean-based companies, others will begin transferring control. Bornean companies will begin major reforms, replacing management and implementing new employee assistance programs.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:33 am
by Alanston
[Raharjo is the PM]

Raharjo would smile and nod, "I am pleased to hear it. I am glad that Subroto was able to instill trust in your people, and to help revitalize your economy. Tell me, are there any specifics with regards to the entrance that we need to be aware of? As this way I can prep my government and parliament, thus easing the entry process. I look forward to the future of a united Nusantara..." He pauses, looking at those present, before continuing. "Speaking of which, would there be any objections if, after the successful entrance of your provinces into Majapahit, we changed our name to Nusantara, in order to better reflect the united nature of our archipelago?"

Subroto would shake his head, "There are no objections from me, my ancestors would have supported such a move, and I am in favour of it myself. Andika, Batara, what do you think?"

Subroto would monitor the transition of the mining companies, whilst also supervising the take over of the newly acquired assets by local people and companies. Although many would be held in trust by several Majapahit companies for the time being.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 5:38 pm
by English Channel Union
After much discussion the Bornean Independence Party would provide no objections to the name change and indicate no assistance is necessary. Following a very fruitful and interactive meeting between the individuals the President will floor his bill requesting to join the Majahapit and dissolve their own governance.

Ministries will begin to request to meet with the Majahapit Ministries to begin merging

Once the bill passes (which it does) the government will officially dissolve and the request to join is made for each province.

All companies have begun following regulations

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 9:23 pm
by Alanston
With the Bornean parliament in favour of the name change, Raharjo would introduce the bill into parliament, where it would pass with an easy majority. Following this, Subroto would give it his stamp of approval, and it would become law, officially changing the name of the nation from Majapahit to Nusantara.

Meetings would be arranged with the local Bornean ministries with regards to the merge. During these meetings, they would discuss the exact specifics, how local elections would be held, and the like.

Damarwulan would personally meet with the Bornean ministry of defense to discuss absorbing the Bornean military into the Nusantara military.

As the requests come in, they would each be accepted in turn, with all the Bornean provinces being accepted into the newly named Nusantara.

A census would be planned for the new provinces, and the old currency would be pegged to the Nusantaran Kepang, with it being accepted as legal currency throughout the nation. However change would be given as the Kepang, and ATMs would offer free currency exchange programs, with the old Bornean currencies being taken out of cirrculation. Work would be done to assist Bornean citizens in transitioning their ID and other important paperwork to Nusantaran equivalents. As a temporary measure, Bornean IDs (except for passports) would be accepted as valid until they expire, at which point Bornean citizens would receive free renewals to Nusantaran IDs. If they wished to renew early, they would still receive the free renewal.