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Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:33 am
by Alanston
Kenny's shoulders slump, though secretly he breathes a sigh of relief. "We agree unequivocally to those terms. I presume you have the papers already drawn up?"

The leaflets have some effect, with various people in different regions beginning to consider what free elections means and the like. Members of the current government (those not facing arrest warrants following the dissolution of the state) would begin investigating how to run under the new government.

Most Albertans comment that the conflict has negatively effected them, especially those in Lloydminster and Walsh, whilst most others react ambivalently, stating that it didn't really have any effect on their lives. Many express doubt that anything will actually change in Alberta.

Very, very few would accept the transportation into the Alliance for housing and clothing, with most stating that they are Albertans and will stay in Alberta. Though many accept the food and water.

Alliance soldiers would be pointedly ignored by many of the Albertans, though the children would be fascinated by the foreigners, especially those who speak different languages. Most soldiers making flirtatious statements would often find themselves slapped or engaged in a verbal (and sometimes physical) argument with local men. Some of the younger women would respond in a more neutral manner, neither encouraging or discouraging it.

Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:41 pm
by English Channel Union
Commandant Pearson will place a briefcase on the table, removing an Agreement for the Albertans to sign, and placing it on the table in front of Kenny.

You have made the right choice, the Democratic Process will truly protect the people of Alberta and the Atomic Innovation we wish to bring will be focused on improving the lives of every citizen, including your own.

With preparations being made back in the Alliance for Union Day, the Atomic Security Forces will also begin to prepare Election Centres in Alberta's cities and communities, searching for volunteers primarily from Alberta but from other Alliance states as well. Citizens across the province will start to be visited by Electoral Officials who explain that they will have the opportunity for forum parties and run for office themselves without interference, the Alliance will form a Parliamentary system which will oversee the Internal Policies of the state. They are also informed that they will have Union Day off work to vote in the election.

Atomic Security Forces will be primarily tasked with guarding electoral centres since none have been set up as of yet they will simply prepare areas in these cities for when Union Day approaches and guard candidates during the debate process.

Currently, the Alliance is giving time for parties to form and is offering assistance in organizing a party by contacting the Alliance Internal Development Office established in Calgary with Sub-Offices throughout.

Communication will continue between the soldiers and civilians, including those who speak French.

Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:33 am
by Alanston
"I suppose you are right. Either way, we'll see what the future brings." Kenny signs the document. "What happens now?"

Several people, primarily from the younger generations, sign up as volunteers.

After listening to the Atomic officials and doing their own research, several parties begin to form:
Alberta First Party - intent on restoring the old way of life, heavily conservative, anti-immigration, intent on kicking the Atomic Alliance out and restoring Albertan sovereignty
Peoples Party of Alberta - communist
Socialist Movement of Alberta - fascist
People's Alliance - centre right, intent on working within the framework of the new government to restore Albertan pride and sovereignty, their goal is the betterment of Alberta and the Albertan people
Socialist Part of Alberta - left leaning party, similar views to the IRL NDPs

Only the People's Alliance and Socialist Party of Alberta do not have public goals of restoring Albertan sovereignty.

As the parties form, people from throughout the nation go to the various Alliance offices to get information on how to run for office, how to vote, and how the new government will be formed.

Some people begin to explore their new freedoms, accessing radios and public media they previously had no access to, especially amongst the youth.

Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:32 am
by English Channel Union
Now, each member of your Government directly involved in undermining democracy will be charged with Treason against Liberty, this charge carries a lifetime ban from operating in Political/Military office. Otherwise, it does not imprison you.

However, the Atomic Security Forces will begin an investigation into your activities amongst your Justice, Healthcare and Military services to determine the effects your government has had on these people, any who directly perpetrated activities violating human rights will be charged in the Atomic Military Court.

General Clayton will begin speaking

Your government will undergo a complete reshuffle with the enactment of a new constitution, we will oversee your state's elections until it is decided by the Council you have met the threshold for a stable democracy. Work is underway to bring change to your people and allow a more transparent state that serves the interest of the people rather than a single leader.

The escorting soldiers will begin to collect the IDs of the men in front of them to document their positions and names.

You will also be required to provide your IDs and Fingerprints to the Alliance due to your charge.
Pearson states, before packing the agreement into his briefcase.

Upon registry of these parties to the Internal Development Office, the information will be relayed to the Atomic Counsellors for review.

The Atomic Council, upon receiving the registry of Albertan Parties would assemble to discuss the future of the election. After much debate among the counsellors the Council will decide to move forward as planned, however, a message will be relayed to the leaders of the AFP, PPA, and SMA that the constitution limits the powers of the Prime Minister on limiting election access.

The Peoples Alliance will be contacted by the Internal Development Office to organize funding for their campaign. The Internal Minister will request to meet with the Leader of the Peoples Alliance.

The Deputy Internal Minister will contact the Socialist Party of Alberta to meet with their leader as well.

Those visiting the Alliance Offices to gather information will be provided a pamphlet, stating that electoral locations will be established in populated areas so that the people of Alberta can visit and present their vote for their new government. It provides a website to visit to pre-register for a Voters ID, Statistic agents will also go house to house soon to issue paperwork to obtain the ID. The new government will resemble the Westminster Parliamentary system, similar to other states in the Alliance.

This information will be aired on TV and Radio as well.

Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:06 pm
by Alanston
Kenny shrugs, "Treason against Liberty is subjective. But if it doesn't imprison us, then I won't complain too much." Though at the comment of a state that serves the people, he would frown. "By state that serves the people, you mean one that serves your interests, right? That doesn't seem particularly democratic to me."

The AFP, PPA, and SMA would acknowledge the comments about limiting election access, and respond that they have no interests in limiting who can vote in elections.

The People's Party of Alberta would secretly reach out to the @Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics to inquire about support in the coming election.

The leader of the People's Alliance, Ross Alger, would agree to the meeting, inviting the Internal Minister to Calgary to meet.

The leader of the Socialist Party of Alberta, Cec Purves, would also agree to the meeting, inviting the Deputy Internal Minister to Edmonton to meet.

All five parties would begin electoral campaigns surrounding their platforms, with the Alberta First Party and the People's Party both seeing strong support, with the People's Alliance and Socialist Party of Alberta both seeing less, although still decent support. Given recent affairs in the Confederacy, the Socialist Movement of Alberta doesn't see as strong support.

Much of the population would begin registering to vote and obtaining their voter ID's and other necessary documents.

Despite the newfound freedoms, Albertan pride and nationalism would still run high amongst many people, with a large percentage of the population keen on restoring an independent Alberta.

[Just a reminder that it's 1978 now, so no internet]

Re: Hey... what's going on here?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:24 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
A full communist party in the western world, the People's Party of Alberta would receive funding from the USSR, channeled through shell companies and nonexistent persons as anonymous donors via the KGB to the party. It would be clear that such funding is tied to maintaining a certain degree of ideological orthodoxy with and loyalty to the USSR and her allies.