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Neighbours in the North

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:13 pm
by Alanston
Prime Minister Raharjo, eager to establish friendly relations with other nations in South East Asia, has decided to reach out to @Obrela to request a meeting. The leader of Obrela is invited to visit Surabaya for the meeting at his earliest convenience.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:18 pm
by Republic of Siam
January 24th 2023, 14:52
Bangkok, Obrela

Prime Minister Kamon Wattana sat at her desk in Bangkok, reading through the afternoon news. It was her lunch break, and she was thankful for the brief respite before getting back to the dull work of filing bills and papers. Suddenly her email pinged and she sighed. So much for a break. Opening her inbox, she was surprised to see that the email wasn't informing her of any bad news. In fact it seemed official, with a presidential seal at the top.
To Miss Wattana,
I request your presence at a meeting in Surabaya, Java at your earliest convenience. I wish to extend the hand of friendship to our neighbours in South East Asia, and I do hope you will choose to attend.
Prime Minister Raharjo
Well, this was interesting. Kamon didn't know much about the island nation to the south, but this offer sure seemed friendly. Opening the reply screen she sent back,
To Prime Minister Raharjo,
I would be delighted to attend your meeting in Java. Obrela only seeks peace from it's neighbouring countries, and this is a perfect opportunity to assure that is so.
Prime Minister Wattana
Reaching for her phone, she sent another message.

January 25th 2023, 12:40
Surabaya Airport, Java

We are now arriving in Surabaya Miss. The announcement shook Kamon out of her doze. She had been on this plane for 5 hours, and she felt stiff. Feeling the plane touch down with a bump, she got up and as the door opened, she got out and strode down the corridor into the airport. Hopefully there was someone waiting for her.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:56 am
by Alanston
Following Prime Minister Wattana's acceptance of the invitation, Prime Minister Raharjo reaches out to his advisors and prepares for the arrival of the Obrelan delegation.

Upon the arrival of Prime Minister Wattana's plane, and her arrival at the airport, she would be greeted by a young man in traditional beskap, with 4 women in Javanese Kebayas. With them would be 4 security guards, standing at attention. All 5, sans the security guards, would bow at 35 degrees, with their palms held together, in a sign of respect and greeting. The man would then speak.

"Welcome Prime Minister Wattana, we are honoured that you have accepted our invitation, and I hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship between our people. My name is Prime Minister Raharjo, and on behalf of all Javanese, people, allow me to welcome you to Surabaya, and to the nation of Java. If you will come with me, we will take you to your hotel, where you can refresh yourself after your flight, before we meet for dinner later this afternoon."

Raharjo would then turn and lead the Obrelan delegation towards several waiting cars, which would take them towards the city. As they enter the city, Wattana and her delegation would likely notice that the bustling city of Surabaya is a blend of modern and traditional, with many old Javanese buildings fitting in seamlessly with more modern buildings. Many of the buildings would utilize the traditional house styles. She would also notice how clean the city is, and also just how busy it is, with the bustling city having over 10 million residents. Finally, they would arrive at the Majapahit Hotel, a luxury hotel with one main building, built with the joglo roof type.

Upon arrival, Raharjo would lead Prime Minister Wattana and her entourage into the courtyard of the hotel. "These ladies will take you to your rooms, and see to any of your needs this afternoon. Feel free to explore the city prior to our meeting later this afternoon, it is quite safe and really just a wonderful city. I recommend the nearby park, with the grand statue of the greatest Maharaja of Majapahit, Hayam Wuruk, also known as Rajasanagara. If you have no further questions, I will see you later this afternoon for dinner." Bowing once more to Prime Minister Wattana, Raharjo would return to the cars, before heading back to the parliament buildings. The four ladies would show Prime Minister Wattana and her entourage to their rooms, before retiring to the common area of the hotel. If Wattana or any of her entourage went to leave the hotel to explore the local area, the ladies would offer their services as guides to the Obrelan delegates.

Prime Minister Raharjo:

The women:

The style of the Majapahit Hotel

Hayam Wuruk Statue

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:47 pm
by Republic of Siam
January 25th 2023, 14:50
Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya

Kamon lay on her bed, having assured the friendly Javanese ladies that there was nothing they could do to help. The nation of Java was beautiful, with stunning architecture and beautiful artistry. It almost puts Obrela to shame. She thought ruefully, then pushed the thought away. She still had a bit of time before she had to meet Prime Minister Raharjo, and there was plenty to see and do in the capital.

After changing into more appropriate clothing, Kamon left her assistants at the hotel, taking only her personal bodyguard with her. They strolled down the street to the park, breathing in the fresh, warm air. The day was quite calm, with a warm breeze blowing through and ruffling her hair. They strolled through the park together, enjoying the silence and peacefulness of the afternoon. The Hayam Wuruk was just as grand as she had imagined, a towering statue of blue and gold.

Later that evening, Kamon prepared herself for the dinner with Prime Minister Raharjo. She had picked out a traditional chakkraphat dress in shades of blue, accented with elegant gold jewellery. Her sleek black hair was slicked back into a bun high on her head, secured by a gold and sapphire comb. Satisfied with her appearance, she called her bodyguards and they all went to meet the presidential car.
Chakkraphat dress style
Her chakkraphat dress (imagine gold instead of silver jewellery)

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:48 am
by Alanston
When the time came, the cars would be waiting to take Prime Minister Wattana and her entourage to the dinner meeting. As they drove through the city, the Obrelan's would get to see more of the city at dusk, before they arrive at a fancy building near the riverside, with a view of the main bridge connecting Surabaya to Madura. The waters would be full of ships and activity. Waiting to greet them would be Raharjo, standing out front of the building alongside several aides.

Greeting the Obrelan delegation once more, he would bow, before leading them into the building to a dinner table prepared exclusively for them. As they enter, Raharjo would speak with Wattana. "This building belongs to the royal family, and is often used to host banquets or other important events. I thought it was fitting to use it for our meeting this evening. It has a lovely view of the water, and the food here is superb. I hope you do not mind, but our meal tonight will consist of several local dishes." Around this moment, they would reach the dining room, a grand room with a large window over looking the water, on two of the walls would be murals depicting various Javanese stories and histories. Once the group is seated, Raharjo would continue. "I would like to thank you again for agreeing to this meeting, it is lovely to be able to meet with our neighbours, and I hope that our meeting can help bring forth friendship between our two nations. As part of our discussions this evening, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the state of affairs for you at home in Obrela?"

When the food is eventually served, it consists of rawon surabaya, lontong kupang, rujak cingur, and semanggi. The drinks served would include wedang jahe, bajigur, arrack, and sekoteng, in addition to regular water.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:38 pm
by Republic of Siam
January 25th 2023, 18:32
Surabaya, Java

Kamon looked around at the room. It was clear that this room was fit for royalty, and the amazing murals around the room seemed to show a rich history. The food looked delicious, a true feast in traditional Javanese fashion. Heaping food onto her plate, she spoke,
"All is quite well in Obrela at the moment. There has been some friction between different political parties of course, with a whole new party - my party - coming into power, but things have been smoothed over now."
She poked at her food, feeling uncomfortable discussing the full political situation, which was... Messy to say the least.
"And your country, Raharjo? How are things in Java?"

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:10 pm
by Alanston
Raharjo nods sympathetically, "Yes, politics can be quite a messy affair. Here in Java we have some concerns every few years between the Muslims and Buddhists, but usually things are pretty decent between both groups lately. Things here in Java are well, production is up, life expectancy is up, and overall we are doing well. Which brings me to what I wanted to discuss with you, it is the view of my government that further cooperation and connection between the various powers of South East Asia can only serve to benefit us in the long run. To this extent, I was hoping that we might sign several mutually beneficial agreements? Specifically in regards to trade agreements, defensive pacts, and possibly an easing of visa requirements between our two nations? What are your thoughts on these matters?"

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:30 pm
by Republic of Siam
Kamon smiled, "Thank you for understanding. Congratulations to the prosperity of your country as well. I wish you all the best for the future." She paused to take a bite of her rawon surabaya and sipped her wedang jahe, feeling the warm ginger spice warm her before she carried on, "Apologies, I haven't eaten since lunch. Please, send my compliments to the chef, this is absolutely delicious. As for your suggestions, I see no problem with those agreements. They all sound like very good ideas, and it would be invaluable to have a strong ally to the south. I hope our nations will be friends for many years to come."

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 10:10 pm
by Alanston
"That is wonderful, I will ensure that a draft agreement is drawn up, which we can sign in the morning." Just then a young man enters the room and walks over to Raharjo, leaning over to whisper in his ear. Raharjo nods with a smile, before responding briefly in Javanese. The man bows before leaving the room. Several aides enter shortly afterwards, clearing a space near one of the walls. Turning back to Prime Minister Wattana, he continues with a smile, "You'll have to forgive that interruption, our entertainment for this evening is ready. I hope you like it, we have prepared several traditional Javanese dances for you this evening."

After a few moments, several musicians enter the room, and the dance begins. After the first dace, several others are performed, during which the servers would clear the tables when those gathered are finished, leaving only the drinks for their enjoyment. The dances would last for an hour or so.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:41 am
by Republic of Siam
Kamon watched the dances with interest. They were similar to Obrelan dancing, and yet so different and wonderful at the same time. As she slipped her tea and watched the dances, she felt herself growing tired. After the dances had ended, she turned to Prime Minister Raharjo, "Forgive me, but I think I might go back to my hotel now. It's been a long day, what with the flight this morning and all. Thank you for your hospitality, and I'm glad we could come to an agreement about the documents. Goodnight."

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:25 am
by Alanston
Raharjo nods understandingly, standing with Prime Minister Wattana. "Of course, I understand completely. The cars outside will take you back to the hotel, and we will meet again in the morning to sign the required documents." He says as he leads Prime Minister Wattana back to the entrance where the cars are waiting. Watching as she would get into her car and drive off, he would nod quietly to himself, pleased at having come to a solid agreement with regards to the treaties.

After the cars had passed from sight, he would pull out his phone and make a call. "It is done, they have agreed to all terms."

"Excellent! This is the first step in regional prosperity for South East Asia. We may never directly control the lands as our forefathers did, but we can have the next best thing. Plus, by furthering our alliances in the region we are able to build our influence and strength. Soon we will be able to commence Phase 1, Rising Dragon."

"Agreed. But first we must improve our infrastructure to meet the predicted requirements. I will make the proposals in parliament shortly. Let us hope that all is at it seems." Raharjo finishes, ending the call, before entering the waiting car to take him home for the night.

The next morning around 8am the cars would return to the Majapahit Hotel to bring Prime Minister Wattana and her delegation to the Prime Minister's office to meet once more, and sign the official documents, making the previous night's agreements official.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:56 pm
by Republic of Siam
January 26th 2023, 08:23
Surabaya, Java

Kamon read through the documents to sign one last time. There was nothing obviously wrong with any of them. Taking a pen from her pocket, she signed the documents where the line indicated, then stood up and shook Prime Minister Raharjo's hand while reporters' cameras clicked and flashed. Their two flags were hanging in the background, alternating red and blue. Kamon smiled. Now Obrela could usher in a new age of peace and prosperity for the region.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:01 pm
by Alanston
Following Prime Minister Wattana's signature to the papers, Raharjo would sign them as well, before standing to shake her hand. As the reporters take their photos he smiles and thinks of the future of the region. After the photo op was finished, and the reporters have left, he turns to her, "Thank you once again for agreeing to this visit, and for agreeing to establish diplomatic relations. May this be the beginning of a prosperous relationship between our nations. You are free to visit the city of Surabaya on your own if you would like, if not, you may return to Obrela at your leisure. I have some cars available and they will gladly show you around the city, or take you back to the hotel, or the airport, the choice is yours." Following this, Raharjo would walk with Prime Minister Wattana to the entrance of the parliament building, where a few more photos would be taken, before a car drives up to take Wattana and her delegates to a location of their choosing.

Re: Neighbours in the North

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 4:28 pm
by Republic of Siam
"Well, thank you for the offer, but I think I really must return to Obrela." Kamon smiled, "There are some... Matters I must attend to back home. Thank you for your hospitality, and your country is wonderful. I'm glad we were able to work out those arrangements." Shaking Prime Minister Raharjo's hand, she walked down the stairs and into the waiting car, which drove her back to the airport and home to Obrela.