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Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:24 pm
by Alanston
Well aware of the role that Omani traders played in the conversion of many of the Austronesian people to Islam, including around half of the Javanese population, Prime Minister Raharjo has successfully petitioned parliament for permission to reach out to the @Omani Empire to establish relations between both nations. Raharjo offers up Jakarta as a possible meeting location, but also mentions that he can come to Muscat for the meeting as well.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:27 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
The Omani government accepts and informed the Prime Minister that they will send their Foreign Minister Badr Albusaidi to Jakarta to conduct the meeting.

[skip to meeting]

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:54 am
by Alanston
Raharjo would greet the Omani Foreign Minister with his hands clasped and a respectful bow, before gesturing to the table. After they are seated, some young women would bring coffee for the Foreign Minister. "As-salaam 'alaykum my friend, welcome to Java. I am please that you agreed to this meeting today. As you know, we have a shared historical connection between our peoples, one which I was hoping we could renew today. If you are interested, I would like to propose a loosening of trade between our nations, likely in the form of reduced tariffs, the removal of visa requirements for travel between our nations, a defensive pact, and a joint declaration of friendship which will ensure the world knows that our peoples united in a common goal of peace and understanding. This joint declaration has no formal obligations for either nation, but serves to build a bond between our nations with the hope for future cooperation between our peoples. I am, of course, open to hearing what you have to say on the matter."

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 3:44 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
"I am open to all of what you have propositioned, except the concept of a defense pact concerns me if for nothing else the distance between our borders. With tensions closer to home, I worry that we would not be able to commit to such an agreement at this time. Like I mentioned though, we are more than open to everything else. Open Trade has serviced the Omani economy for centuries, and Visa-Free travel & a declaration of friendship are something we are always open to with kindred states."

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:50 pm
by Alanston
Raharjo smiles understandingly, "Of course my friend. Perhaps we can switch the defensive pact towards a non-aggression pact, as a sign of our friendship? As for the rest, I am pleased to hear your approval. With regards to one other matter, as you know, we are also an oil producing nation, albeit not as significant a one as you or the Sabmadi are. I would hate for our nations to attempt to compete with each other in regards to our oil and gas industries. Is there any way we could come to some sort of agreement with regards to production and trade of our oil resources? I understand that the market here in East Asia is very lucrative, and I do not wish to exclude you from said market, but I also wish for Majapahit to be able to profit from that same market."

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:25 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
"A non-aggression pact is most acceptable. I cannot imagine why either of our nations would wish each other harm. As for oil production, Oman and the Sabmadi Federation have coordinated our production and sales efforts into a united conglomerate, the Union of Petroleum Producing Countries. We plan to use it as a way to ensure the stability of oil prices. We would be more than happy to include another oil-producing nation to further our capabilities."

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:02 pm
by Alanston
"Wonderful, I am pleased that we could come to an agreement. I believe that Majapahit would be glad to join the Union of Petroleum Producing Countries. The state owns all of our petroleum and mineral rights, so aligning prices and production will not be an issue. Is there anything specific that we would have to do in order to join this union?"

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:09 pm
by Kingdom of Ireland
"Not much, no. The UPPC functions as a state-backed corporation. Currently Co-Chaired by members of Sabmadi and Omani oil conglomerates, a representative of your state-owned oil enterprise would of course be given a seat on the Board of Directors. Trade agreements will be brought before the board for debate before the Co-Chairs sign off on any deals. Should you feel the need in the future, you would be able to withdraw at any time. "

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:56 pm
by Alanston
"Alright, that sounds acceptable to me. I would have to discuss who our representative would be with my cabinet, of course, but otherwise I see no issues with that. Is there anything that you wished to bring up during our meeting? If not, I can get an aide to draw up a treaty for us to sign?"

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:50 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
"No, I believe that is everything covered. Please, have the documents drawn up."

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:06 am
by Alanston
"Of course, I will get them drawn up right away." Raharjo replies, before turning to an aide, who quickly leaves the room to draw up the documents. About 20 minutes later, during which time the Omani foreign minister would have been free to converse lightly, or to enjoy the snacks served, the aide would return with the documents drawn up. Raharjo would look over them, before handing them over to Albusaidi to sign. "I believe you will find everything is in order here?"
Nusantaran-Omani Friendship Treaty
  • Majapahit and Oman will sign a non-aggression pact.
  • Majapahit and Oman will reduce tariffs in order to facilitate open trade between their two nations.
  • Visa requirements for travel between the two nations will be removed.
  • Both nations agree to a declaration of friendship, showing to the world that the two nations are united in a common goal of peace and understanding, while building a bond for future cooperation between the two nations.
  • Majapahit will join the Union of Petroleum Producing Countries (UPPC), with one of the representatives from their state-owned oil industry being given a seat on the board. Majapahit will be free to withdraw from the union at anytime should they so wish.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:13 am
by Kingdom of Ireland
"Indeed, this seems to be everything we discussed." Albusaidi signs the treaty.

Re: Muslim Brotherhood

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:22 am
by Alanston
"It has been a pleasure to host you here today, and I look forward to future business arrangements with Oman in the future. My government will be in touch with the UPPC in the near future to discuss our board member." Raharjo would sign the paper himself, before handing one copy to Albusaidi, and keeping the other himself. Standing, he would bow once more, before reaching to shake Albusaidi's hand. He would then offer to pose for a photo with Albusaidi, before seeing the Omani foreign minister to a waiting car. If Albusaidi wanted, he would be offered to spend a few days in Jakarta, with a tour to the Demak Great Mosque being provided. Otherwise, he would be free to return home at his leisure.