Japan Liberal Democratic party endorses New Japanese Decade act

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California Republic
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Japan Liberal Democratic party endorses New Japanese Decade act


Post by California Republic »

Today Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave a speech where he introduced his new peace of legislation to address the last 30 years of Stagnation in the Japanese economy. In his fire branded speech Kishida declared that the only way to ensure that Japan does not suffer another "lost decade" (A term referring to the Japanese Financial collapse of 1990 and the subsequent decades of stagnate economic growth) it must fundamentally shift its policy, and to a lesser extent, its structure as a Society. Minister Kishida's new act would be among the most sweeping reforms to Japanese financial policy in the history of Japan, All future capitol investments into China will be sold, and future investments will be halted. Japan will seek a free trade partnership regionally and globally with states who share democratic values and open markets. Japan will increase is immigration slots by 300% over the next two years to increase supply of labor, Japanese immigration policy will be streamlined to allow for less barriers of entry to labor, however the requirement to be fluent in Japanese and pass a Japanese Civics Exam will remain. In order to limit the restrictions placed upon the movement of labor due to Citizenship requiring a high education barrier Japan will impose a 2% increase in the top marginal income tax bracket, which will enable the revenue-neutral creation of a free University which all immigration applicants will be able to apply, where the required knowledge for Japanese citizenship will be taught at no charge to applicants who have been greenlit into the program.

In order to address Japans ongoing demographics crisis, Japan will create programs to reduce barriers to parenthood, all Japanese Citizens will receive a mandatory and state funded 8 month period of absence from work after having a child, regardless of the sex of the parent, the funds for this program for the next 12 years have been secured by the sale of Capitol Investments in China to foreign holders.

In order to stimulate growth in the Japanese Economy, Japan will invest 250 billion in the following industries; Shipbuilding, Aerospace, Semi-Conductor Manufacturing, and Steel Production. The funds will be split evenly, and will be focused on lower or net zero interest loans for the acquisition of tooling and creation of facilities, furthermore, 150 Billion will be invested in the creation of 12 state run universities where skills necessary to working in the previous fields will be taught at free of charge, these funds will subsidize the creation of these education centers, with its operations being funded by the income of the rail network in the region in which the university exists.

Finally, Japan will buy a controlling stake in the following industries, Mitshibishi Heavy Industries, Japan Steal Works, and Kawasaki Shipbuilding. This will stimulate market value and drive growth, increase the capitol that the following companies have access to for rapid up-scaling of production capacity, and serve to align the interests of these cooperation's with the national interest.
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