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Nusantaran Development Project

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:02 pm
by Alanston
Following a successful meeting with the Republic of Siam, Prime Minister Raharjo makes the following proposals in parliament:
  • Investing in the expansion of the road and rail networks throughout the various islands, where appropriate, including a high speed rail line along the southern coast of Java, peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo.
  • Securing funds and beginning construction on the Bali Strait bridge, with road and high speed rail access to Bali, thus connecting the islands together.
  • Begin investigations into a potential bridge between Bali and Lombok, and Lombok and Sumbawa. If a bridge between the islands is unfeasible, then to look into an expansion of regular ferry services between the islands.
  • Securing funds and beginning construction on the Sunda Strait Bridge, with road and high speed rail access between Sumatra and Java.
  • An expansion of major ports throughout the nation, including upgrades to facilitate increased trade and shipping.
  • The expansion and construction of several nuclear powerplants to improve power production and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • An expansion of the major airports throughout the nation to increase connectivity and ease travel both on the islands and internationally.
  • Several investments in Christmas Island, Ternate, and the Cocos Islands, improving their port and airport, and providing better access between the islands and the main islands.
  • A general upgrade to the military base on Christmas Island and Cocos Islands.
  • A general upgrade to the various military installations on the Spratly Islands.
  • A general upgrade and expansion of the Majapahit Parliament Buildings.
  • Investment in the expansion of the tech sector, with tax breaks and grants for companies, both local and foreign, hoping to set up offices and factories in the nation.
  • An expansion in oil drilling and exploration, as well as in pipelines and refineries in order to increase government income.
  • Investment in Nusantaran culture to promote tourism and interest in Majapahit abroad. This will include the creation of several beach resorts in Sumbawa and Lombok, as well as improved services for tourists on the islands of Java, Borneo, and Sumatra, as well as on peninsular Malaysia. Additionally, this proposal will include funding in various aspects of Javanese culture, such as Javanese dance and shadow puppetry.
  • Repairing and refurbishing historical Majapahit artifacts and cultural monuments, ensuring their preservation is ensured, and that they are adequately presented for tourism purposes.
  • Investment in the export of Nusantaran cuisine, known as the Nusantaran Culinary Diplomacy Program with a goal of increasing Nusantaran restaurants abroad. The goal of the program will be to increase cultural awareness of Majapahit and improve tourism.
After several debates and arguments, parliament agrees to the Prime Minister's proposals, adjusting tax levels in order to help fund the investments. Further, the export of oil and gas is to take a priority in order to further fund these developments and investments. It is decided that the government will invest in many of these projects simultaneously, in order to reduce the time needed for completion of the projects.

Re: Nusantaran Development Project

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:18 am
by Alanston
With funding officially set aside, work has begun on upgrading and expanding upon the road and rail networks and infrastructure in Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, and the various islands. The highspeed rail network will be as follows:
  • In Sumatra, with two main lines being planned: one through the centre, and one further east, both connecting the main cities throughout the island. Both routes would begin in Bandar Lampung, and terminate in Banda Aceh. The eastern line will have stops in Palembang, Jambi, Pekanbaru, and Medan, while the more central line will have stops in Lubuklinggau, and Bukittinggi. A smaller line will run between Padang, Bukittinggi, Tarutung, and Medan.
  • In Borneo, the line will run along the coast of the south of the island, connecting Kuching, Pontianak, and Banjarmasin. Initially this line will serve only these three cities, but it will run through Sandai, Pembuang, and Palangkaraya, with the potential for expansion into those cities in the future.
  • In Peninsular Malaysia, one part of the route will be covered by a seperate agreement with Siam, while four other routes will also be constructed. The first will be a direct route between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, with no stops along the way. The second will follow a parallel line, stopping in Singapore, Johor Bahru, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Taiping, Sungai Petani, ending in Alor Setar. The third line will start in Singapore, running through Johor Bahru, Kluang, Kuantan, Kuala Terengganu, ending in Kota Bharu. A fourth line will run from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur direct.
  • On Java, the southern line will run from Jakarta, through Bandun, Yogyakarta, and Malang, before ending in Surabaya.
  • Elsewhere in the nation, a line between Kupang and Dili on Timor has been planned, as well as a line on Seram Island connecting Piru, Kamarian, Ilasa, and Gulegule.
Work has begun on the lines in all the regions of the nation, with materials being secured and workers being hired for the massive undertaking. In many regions a viaduct system will be used in order to minimize the impact on the local environment. In the Brunei region a regular (~120km/hr) train system will be built, connecting Miri to Bandar Seri Begawan, due to the shorter distances in the region. In order to decrease congestion on the roads, current highways will not be expanded, but rather funding will be funneled into the rapid transportation networks, with intercity rail lines being built between other communities throughout the nation not serviced by high speed rail, to be serviced by regular speed (~120km/hr) trains. Work has also begun on ensuring all communities and cities are connected via paved roads, regardless of how remote they are.

Work on the Sunda Strait bridge and the Bali Strait bridge has commenced, with both road and high speed rail infrastructure being planned for both bridges. For the Bali bridge, an expansion of the road and rail network to the city of Denpasar from Surabaya has commenced, with an extra stop along the high speed rail line being added in Banyuwangi. For the Sunda Strait crossing two stops will be added, at Bakau and Cilegon, with the network being expanded from Bandar Lampung to Jakarta.

Meanwhile, studies are promising on a bridge between Lombok and Sumbawa, but more work is needed to determine if a bridge between Bali and Lombok is feasible. Of major concern is the depth of the water between the two islands, however work is ongoing in an effort to determine a solution.

A bridge project that had previously been under investigation connecting Sumatra to the Bangka Island has also been approved, with construction set to begin shortly. This bridge will share many features with the Sunda and Bali Strait bridges, with high speed rail planned to connect the island to the city of Palembang.

Whether high on power, or eager to expand trade opportunities, officials have commissioned reports into the feasibility of a bridge connecting Sumatra to the Malaysian Peninsula. Concerned about the potential cost to shipping traffic in the region, officials have instructed that this bridge be constructed with the regular transit of naval vessels in mind. Two options are currently under investigation, one between Rupat Island and Malacca, and one connecting the Riau Islands and Singapore. It is uncertain if this project will receive approval, or how the international community will react. [If you wish to make a reaction, please start a separate thread]

Work on expanding the ports has begun, with the ports being built to exceed current Neopanamax standards by at least 15% in order to facilitate predicted future advances in ship building technology and trade. Construction will focus on decreasing potential interruptions to current shipping and trade, while reducing estimated construction times as much as possible. Along with this expansion, several new shipyards are being constructed as well, spread throughout the various main islands of the nation, in order to better facilitate the predicted need for an ever expanding navy and trade operations.

Alongside work on the ports, expansion and upgrade of the various airports throughout the nation has also commenced, with new runways and terminals being added throughout all the major cities in the nation. Similarly, several smaller cities (500k - 1m) which may not have had airports in the past, or have had small airports incapable of facilitating increased air traffic, are also being upgraded or constructed as well.

Construction on several nuclear power plants has also begun throughout the nation, in an effort to move away from oil and gas power. Extra care is given to ensuring these plants are earthquake resistant.

Ground has been broken on many of these new projects, and work is well underway. These expansions include several on Christmas Island, Ternate, and the Cocos Islands.

Several military installations will also be constructed on key Spartly Islands, in order to better provide for the defense of the region, and to ensure freedom of mobility through the islands. These will include lighthouses, radar and sonar stations, and possibly helicopter ports on larger islands. Currently permission has not been granted to put missile launchers on the islands, although there are some talks within the military about seeking permission to do so.

Work has begun on designing a completely new parliament building, rather than an upgrade of the old buildings. Although controversial, many believe this is the best option for the future. Some people have argued for the development of a new capital city entirely, although others counter that, stating that Surabaya has always served the nation well as its capital. Regardless, the proposed parliament building has been submitted to the government for approval.

Investments in culture and tourism are ongoing, and will require more studies, but preliminary reports look promising. Work will continue with a committee being selected in order to review how best to implement the various studies as they come in, or if they are unfeasible.

Investments into the tech and manufacturing sectors have yet to be announced, as the government finalizes plans on how best to go about the investment and development programs. The government is also in talks with several companies in order to decide the best locations for future offices and factories.

After joining the UPPC, oil production and sales have been coordinated. That said, work has begun on expanding the refineries throughout the nation, in order to better improve oil production. Similarly new exploratory measures have been taken in order to make better use of the various oil reserves in the nation.

Re: Nusantaran Development Project

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:37 pm
by Alanston
After a lengthy period of time, work on the high speed rail projects is nearing completion. Shortly after work had commenced, it was decided to split the work between viaducts and regular ground rail where necessary. The various routes on the islands, and the mainland, are laid out, with most of the work having been completed. Only a few more kilometres of rail are left to be laid, before the systems are connected to the electrical grid and brought online. Testing is currently underway in some portions of the tracks, and shows promise. The various stations are also nearing completion.

Meanwhile, the regular rail routes have been completed, allowing for better connections between the various smaller cities and towns. Similarly, many of the roads throughout the nation have been paved, allowing for better interconnectivity throughout the nation.

The Sunda Strait and Bali Strait bridges have been completed, with their grand openings planned for the near future. The high speed rail networks along the bridges, along with the roads, are set to open soon. Currently testing is underway to ensure both bridges are up to modern safety standards.

A solution has been found for the Bali-Lombok bridge, and work on both it, and the Lombok-Sumbawa bridge has begun and is around half way through completion. Expansions of the high speed rail network are being worked on as well, adding stops in Mataram, Sumbawa Besar, and Bima. Further bridges to the east are deemed unfeasible with the current technology.

Similar to the Sunda and Bali Strait bridges, the bridge between Sumatra and Bangka Island has also been completed, with the city of Pangkal Pinang soon to be connected to Palembang via high speed rail.

With no objections coming forward with regards to the bridge across the Malacca Strait, the project connecting the Riau Islands and Singapore has been approved, with the one further north between Rupat and Malacca being put on hold for the time being. Work has already begun on the various bridges, with construction going one island set at a time, in order to cause as little disruption to shipping lanes as possible. This route will include a highway and a high speed rail network connecting Singapore to the main north-south high speed rail line between Pekanbaru and Jambi, with a route between each city and Singapore being worked on.

Work on expanding and upgrading the current ports in the nation, as well as constructing new ports, has been progressing at a steady pace, with several ports nearing completion. Similarly, work on the new shipyards is also progressing at a steady pace. The navy is already making plans to utilize the new shipyards to increase the size of the Nusantaran naval fleet.

Expansion of the various airports throughout the nation are running a bit behind schedule, due to the costs associated with clearing land for the airports. However work is still well underway, and is expected to be completed in the near future.

After taking some extra time in R&D to design adequate nuclear power plants, construction is nearing completion, with the government running final tests on the facilities to ensure they are up to the nations' standards. Each island is set to have its own electrical grid, with various redundancies added in case of emergency. Current estimates put these facilities at being capable of providing power for much of the nation, which would significantly reduce the need for oil and gas imports.


The military installations on the Spratly Islands, as well as Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands have been completed, with upgraded military bases, several naval installations, and radar and sonar installations. Airbases have also been put in place on some of the larger Spratly Islands. This has enabled the Nusantaran military to effectively extend their influence in the region, and to solidify their hold over the islands. It will also enable them to further monitor passage through the region.

Ground has broken on the new parliament building in Surabaya, with space being cleared for the new buildings. However, unlike the initial proposals, it has been decided to construct the buildings in a more traditional style, blending traditional architecture styles found in the nation with modern elements. Similarly, parliament will be a series of buildings in the same area, rather than one unified building. Mock photos of the parliament campus have been published by the government.
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Investments in culture and tourism have proven fruitful, with several new hotels and tourist resorts opening throughout the nation, especially near coastal communities. Various aspects of Nusantaran culture, including traditional dances, shadow puppetry, and stories, have received government funding in order to promote preservation and to encourage their use throughout the nation and abroad. The Nusantaran Culinary Diplomacy Program has also begun, with various aspects of Nusantaran cuisine being exported abroad in the form of state-backed restaurants and fast food locations in various nations. Significant revenue is not the key point of these restaurants, but rather to promote Nusantaran culture and increase tourism.

Investment into tech and manufacturing sectors has also paid off, with several new factories and offices being constructed and opened throughout the nation. Grants for companies building offices outside of the major hubs, such as Surabaya, Jakarta, Singapore, or Kuala Lumpur, were also handed out. This was done to encourage development throughout the nation. These offices and factories will not only bolster the Nusantaran economy, but also provide jobs and help diversify the Nusantaran economy.

Re: Nusantaran Development Project

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:44 pm
by Alanston
After a lengthy period of time, with some setbacks and difficulties, the various highspeed rail projects throughout Majapahit have been completed. The stations between the various lines have also been completed as well. Further, with the completion of the bridges connecting many of the islands, from Sumbawa all the way to the Malaysian Peninsula, the train line has been connected together. With stops from Bima all the way to Alor Setar, the main population centres of the nation are now more connected than ever before. The first inaugural train, set to run from the capital of Surabaya all the way to Kuala Lumpur, is scheduled for the near future, with Prime Minister Raharjo and several other high ranking diplomats set to take the ride.

The regular train lines throughout the nation have also been finished, and are being prepared for service. For most of the lines, local Nusantaran trains will be used. However discussions are underway with the San Romolese to supply trains for use in more remote islands, including those of East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Ternate. San Romolese light rail trains will also be looked at for potential use in LRT lines in major cities throughout the nation.

The port upgrades throughout the nation have finally been completed, with all ports now able to facilitate increased trade and traffic. Naturally the shipyards throughout the nation have also been completed as well, thus increasing the nations capabilities to produce an expanded fleet.

After some delays the upgraded airports throughout the nation have been completed, further facilitating increased air traffic throughout the nation, which will help in the expected increase in tourism.

Additionally, the nuclear power plants throughout the nation have been completed, and are fully operational, providing power throughout the nation. These power plants will meet the needs of the high speed rail lines, as well as the expected power demands of projected population growth. The completion and operation of these new power plants further helps to reduce the reliance on oil and gas, allowing Majapahit to draw further income from their current oil and gas resources.

Work on the new parliament buildings continues at a steady pace, with many people being much more approving of the traditional styles of buildings proposed. The new parliament grounds have received much positive press, and many cities throughout the nation now also seeing buildings going up in similar styles.

A series of light rail transit (LRT) systems have been announced and designed for the larger cities throughout the nation, as well as several of the smaller islands. These train networks will be supplied by a mixture of maglev trains, locally produced LRT trains, and imported San Romolese trains, with the imported trains being for the smaller islands over the large cities. The maglev lines will operate between airports and cities, and will utilize technology similar to those in Shanghai. They will also operate within the larger cities of Surabaya, Jakarta, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur, using similar technology to the Japanese Linimo system. LRT lines in all other cities will be standard LRT.

Re: Nusantaran Development Project

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 9:49 am
by Alanston
[I totally forgot about this project...]

After a lengthy period of time, during which Nusantaran workers committed themselves diligently to the various projects throughout the nation, the various projects have been completed. This includes the high speed rail lines, the regular rail lines, and the LRT lines. The maglev lines have been completed as well. As well as the new parliament buildings that were constructed in Surabaya. The government has moved in to their new buildings, and parliament resumed session in them without incident.

With the projects completed, the government is free to turn its attention and resources elsewhere.