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Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:36 am
by Alanston
Interested in discussing the status of the island of Borneo with regards to Majapahit, Maharaja Subroto has approached parliament requesting permission to meet with a representative of the Bornean government. Although some wonder why the official head of state of Majapahit, a man with few official governmental powers, is proposing such a meeting, most agree that for meetings discussing the integration of neighbouring nations into Majapahit, the Maharaja (emperor) is the best candidate. As such, his request passes in parliament with a 63% majority, however he is forbidden from threatening any sort of military action, and is to work slowly towards annexation if the Borneans are initially reluctant. A key point he is tasked with is to propose investment opportunities and permission to expand the currently underway highspeed rail line throughout the entire island.

With permission received, Maharaja Subroto reaches out to the nation of Borneo/Kalimantan, requesting a meeting at a mutually agreeable location to discuss investment and the status of the nation with regards to Majapahit.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:13 am
by Kingdom of Sweden
The Republic of Indonesia would acknowledge the Majapahit request for a meeting, suggesting Balikpapan as the location, where President Rahmad Mas'ud is happy to make time for the delegation. Assuming this is agreeable, Indonesia is happy to host them.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:26 am
by Alanston
Maharaja Subroto agrees to meeting in Balikpapan, and boards a plane, where he hopes to meet with President Mas'ud. Whilst enroute, he would go over what he hopes to discuss, bringing with him a copy of the latest updates from the Nusantaran Development Project, alongside reports with regards to education, healthcare, and the economy. He would also have a signed pledge from the Nusantaran parliament with regards to potential investment and development.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:41 pm
by Kingdom of Sweden
Maharaja Subroto would be welcomed in Balikpapan and brought to the small Presidential building that once served as the Mayors Office. There the delegation would be met by President Rahmad Mas'ud with a firm handshake and an invitation to sit.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:57 pm
by Alanston
Subroto would return Mas’ud’s firm handshake, before taking a seat. ”Thank you for agreeing to meet with me President Mas’ud, I appreciate it. Tell me, how are affairs in Indonesia currently?”

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:02 am
by English Channel Union
Nothing we cannot handle, tell me, why have you visited Borneo?
President Rahmad Mas'ud will state, providing an investigative expression

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 1:25 am
by Alanston
Subroto smiles, ”I'm pleased to hear it. I am visiting today to discuss the future of our shared archipelago. As you know, both of our nations share a common cultural identity, and shared history. Except for the past couple hundred years that is, where your nation was, unfortunately, subjected to European imperialism. However I have been pleased to see that you have begun to recover over the past few decades. I was hoping to discuss plans to work towards a joint future between our two nations, with the eventual goal of Wawasan Nusantara, and the unity of the Nusantara Archipelago and people.

"So I ask again, how are things in Indonesia? How are your people, your land, your infrastructure? I ask as one friend to another, with genuine interest in the wellbeing and prosperity of our shared archipelago."

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:02 am
by English Channel Union
Mas'ud will scoff at that statement, crossing his harms and exclaiming
The Borneo People are Proud People! We do not need your help! You certainly did not seem to help us in the past so why now? What makes us so important to you?

He will stand, making his way to a nearby window
Im sure you already know, our people are not well so don't try and butter me up, we have not been 'Good' for some time. I struggle to maintain a functional government, the gas and mining industries abused our people and are taking advantage of our state through predatory deals signed in our early years

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:16 am
by Alanston
Subroto would remain calm, nodding in understanding. His response would come with a soft voice. "You don't know how much my grandfather wanted to stay and help, do you? He fought tooth and nail, along with the Prime Minister, to help your people, to reincorporate it into Majapahit and help your people recover from the damages of colonialism. And yet the Europeans and Americans had superiority. They gave us an ultimatum: give the land back, or not receive any Marshall Plan Aid. Not to mention the severe undertones of war by the European colonizers. Unfortunately, facing a significant economic crisis at the time ourselves, they were left with not choice, and had to withdraw. You don't know how much it pained my grandfather that we had to withdraw.

"To answer your question, your people are Nusantaran. They always have been, and they always will be. We share a common cultural identity and history. We care because we are one people, despite our differences. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Unity in Diversity, that has been our motto for over 600 years. These differences are what make us stronger, despite our differences in language or religion, we are one people, and these differences help contribute to the strength and unity of our nation.

"I am well aware of the struggles facing your people. Which is why I would like to help invest in your nation and work to improve the quality of life for those living there. I have in my possession signed statements of intent by my government for economic investment and development, along with proof of concept from my own nation, which I would like to share with you. If you are willing, we are eager to offer a helping hand. You are, after all, our brothers."
He would pull out the signed statement, along with an independent report on the recent development projects, and offers them to Mas'ud.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:54 pm
by English Channel Union
Mas'ud will look extremely offended at Suborotos statement, exclaiming
You know nothing of our struggles and do not dare call us one, the Bornean People have fought to survive and the fact that we still stand is a testament to our will and should demand the honor of allowing us to hold our island, so instead of trying to buy us and have me sign a contract in our first meeting like our abusive oil industries, why don't you return our Bornean Cities? Maharaja, you claim your people suffered under the ideals of imperialism, but here you stand trying to extend your rule over an island that does not belong to you!
He states, slamming his fist against the table
Leave me office immediately, you make a mockery of my people

The guards in the room will look shocked but will follow the President's will and move toward the delegation to remove them from the office. However, once they are outside, one will slip them a Phone Number to another Parliamentary Representative, the Official Opposition Leader, providing a quick statement to the delegation.
This man doesn't speak for us all, he bearly holds his office, we need your money, my family needs your money.
speaking with sincerity.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:14 am
by Alanston
Subroto would be saddened at Mas'ud's response, but would comply without resistance. He would, however, ensure to bring the documents out with him again.

Once outside, and after the guard has handed him the phone number, he turns to the guard. "Please, my friend, tell me more about how things are here. I will call this man. Is he here in Balikpapan, or in another city? I will do all I can to ensure that help is offered and your people are able to thrive and prosper once again. In the meantime, what can I do to help you and your family, all of your families, in the short term?" His voice would have a friendly demeanor and he would show genuine care for the guards and their families.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:33 am
by English Channel Union
The President would refuse to make eye contact as the delegation leaves, simply focusing on paperwork on his desk and mumbling.

The Guard would respond
Nothing changes, ever, no matter who we vote for they can't change the contract with the industries so they keep abusing our people and bribing our officials. Mas'ud is just another who said he would fix it by making our people stronger, but clearly, he cannot see a good deal when one is right in front of him or he is told to ignore it!
He Scoffs
He is here, in Balikpapan. Our Coalition was expecting your meeting today and he will be expecting your call.
He smiles
Thank you, my friend, nothing you can do right now, only change can help us now, please, make a deal with out Parliament and help our people.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:41 am
by Alanston
Subroto nods understandingly. "I will do what I can my friend. Thank you for your willingness to talk to me. If I may ask, what is your name?"

After getting the names of the guards and writing them down, Subroto would pull out his phone as he walks away from the president's office. First he would email the Nusantaran parliament and request that they set aside whatever resources are needed to buy out the various businesses that own all the resources in Borneo/Indonesia, in order to nationalize them and ensure the profits stay with the people, rather then being extracted and removed from the land. Following that, he would make the call to the number provided. Once the person on the other end answers, he would introduce himself. "Hello, my friend. My name is Subroto, I am the Maharaja of Majapahit. I was provided this number and told that you were expecting my call. I understand that you are the leader of the opposition party here in Borneo? If I may ask, is there a place we can meet while I am here in Balikpapan?"

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:57 pm
by English Channel Union
My name is Aditya
He states with the other guard responding

After leaving the guards will resume their positions as before, once Subroto calls the number and makes his statement he will be greeted by Representative Batara
Hello Maharaja Subroto, I heard you were planning on visiting and I just had to meet with you. Tell me, how was the meeting? I presume it did not go as planned since my associate gave you my number, and yes we can meet at the Novotel Balikpapan Hotel in Board Room #1, I will have an associate waiting for you in the lobby to guide you.

Re: Bornean Dreams

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 4:12 pm
by Alanston
Subroto would mark down the names, thanking each of them before moving away.

"Yes, hello Representative Batara. You guessed correctly. Mas'ud was less than willing to hear me out, which is unfortunate, as I can see how much your people are suffering, and my hope is to help improve their situation. I would be honoured to meet with you at the Novotel Balikpapan Hotel. I will head that way right now, I should be there in a few minutes." Following the call, he would look up the route on his phone, before deciding to walk there. While he is walking he would receive an email from parliament pledging the funds necessary to buy out the companies and nationalize the mines and resources, as well as to ensure the mineral wealth stays with the people.

As he makes the short walk, he would observe life in Balikpapan, noting the people going about their lives and the state of the buildings. When he finally arrives at the Novotel Balikpapan Hotel, he would enter the lobby, where he would go towards the associate waiting for him, following the associate to the board room. Once there, he would bow respectfully to Batara. "I am pleased to meet you Representative Batara, thank you for your willingness to meet with me. I must admit to having walked here from the President's office, and I am saddened to see how your people live here. Please, tell how things are elsewhere in your nation? In Palu, Manado, and Sorong, for example."