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A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 9:58 am
by Grand Serene Republic
An elegant old style handwritten letter is sent to the office of the Salish President @Salish Confederation, the letter it bears the signature and sigil of the Most Enlightened Doge of the Republic of San Romolo Lorenzo Dufour.

The letter is essentially a request for a meeting between the two, with the Doge expressing is willingness to travel to the Salish Capital.

The subject of the meeting would be the state of the American continent, the reinforcement of friendly relations between the two and a possible creation of a high-education exchange program

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:27 am
by Mitteleuropa
After a couple days of snail mail doing what snail mail does, the letter eventually reaches the desk of President J. Christopher Stevens. Finding the classic communication methods at use endearing, and sharing a similar desire to expand friendly relations, he handwrites a letter in response, which reads as follows:
To the Illustrious Doge Lorenzo Dufour of San Romolo,

I've received your personal letter regarding your requested visit to the Confederation and expansion of friendly relations. I believe we share common interests regarding the direction of the American continent and our liberal democratic values, and wish to work with you towards these shared goals and values. I would be pleased and honored to invite you to our great nation, and continue our dialogue in depth there and then. We will ensure safe and reasonable accommodation to meet your needs and concerns. I plan to take a personal trip to our hydroelectric facilities along the mighty Columbia River, the Grand Coulee Dam, and would love to invite you and your family to my personal resort near the river, if so desired. Otherwise, we can organize a traditional visit to the Capital, the choice is ultimately yours.

For the Prosperity of the Americas,
President J. Christopher Stevens
The Salish Confederation
The letter is loaded onto the next cargo aircraft bound for San Romolo, accompanied by a group of 4 Cascade Rangers, tasked with ensuring the safe delivery of the letter into the hands of Doge Lorenzo Dufour. This comes as personal order of President Stevens, who considered the successful delivery of the letter to be "Essential to the future of Salish-San Romolo relations, and the future of the geopolitical climate of the American continent." Upon the arrival of the aircraft in the capital of San Romolo airport, the 4 Cascade Rangers describe their orders to the customs agents, and requests to personally escort the letter to the Doge. The 4 rangers, 2 men and 2 women, are entirely unarmed and in dress uniform.

Westervelt 630 Freighter carrying the letter & accompanying 4 Cascade Rangers, among other unrelated trade goods.

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:41 am
by Grand Serene Republic
After the quite surprised custom agent regain his composure and does a quick identification check to confirm their identities he contacts his superiors which on a short notice are informed by the Doge's staff to tell the Rangers that a car have been sent to their way and that the Doge will be more then happy to meet them as soon as they arrive at Palazzo Dogale in Nea Zena.

Meanwhile the custom agent offers to the Salish to escort them to the more comfortable suite usually used by First Class passengers at the Andrea Doria Airport as they wait for the car.

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:57 am
by Mitteleuropa
The Rangers graciously accept the offered accommodations and thank the crew at the airport for their support and understanding. Understanding their presence is likely to put some on-edge or uncomfortable, the four rangers speak with respect and warmth to ease any tensions or uncertainties during their visit. They enjoy the accommodations and open welcome from the Sanromolesi, as they await their meeting with the Doge.

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:41 am
by Grand Serene Republic
As the Salish Rangers enjoy the various accomodation of the first class suite, the convoy meant to transport them arrives in a timely manner at the airport.

Quickly after the arrival of the convoy a Sanremolese Carabiniere in full dress uniform enter the suite to communicate to the Rangers that their transport arrived and that they are ready to escort them to the Doge

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:24 am
by Mitteleuropa
The Rangers exchange pleasantries with the Carabiniere, exchanging names and offering to trade items such as commemorative coins and patches related to their service. Following the brief exchange, they follow the Carabiniere to the convoy and enter the vehicles.

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 8:54 am
by Grand Serene Republic
The convoy would shortly drive through the countryside where the Rangers can see various villas and country palaces. Once they reach the city proper the convoy would find itself on a long Boulevard with tall trees on the sides; at the end of the boulevard the convoy would stop in an oval plaza where a large black and white striped palace stands. The place is also characterised by a lot of gothic arches at its base.

Once inside the Doge's Palace the Rangers are guided through various corridors which are all heavily decorated by frescos in which either important moments of San Romolo history are shown or various scenes of life on the sea.

The Carabiniere would knock on the wooden door of the Doge's studio

"Avanti" a male voice says. They enter in a large room which seems smaller than it actually is given how full it is with various libraries and painting and above all else a large oak desk in the center.

"Prego Gentlemen have a seat, it must have been a long voyage from Seattle to here, if you need any kind of refreshments please do tell, we will provide it"

Doge Lorenzo Dufour says, a white haired man in his late 60s

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:06 pm
by Mitteleuropa
A Male Lieutenant steps forward to represent the group of 4, with 'Myers' printed on his uniform. "Thank you for the offer, we received refreshments at the airport. We appreciate your audience today, it truly is an honor to represent our Confederation in this way. We have come with an official letter from the President, who ordered that it's delivery was a critical operation, entrusting us to complete it. "

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:00 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
"Well i have to say that I feel very honoured that the President of your most honourable Confederation has decide to deliver a letter in such a manner" Doge Doufur says as he opens the letter after the Rangers delivers it to him.

After attentively reading the letter the Doge replies "Well, I shall say that I will be delighted to visit the lands of the Salish, we will departure for Seattle as soon as we finish the preparation for such a voyage. In the meantime you shall be our guests"

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:39 pm
by Mitteleuropa
The Lieutenant nods with a smile. "Allow me to extend to you personally, our gratitude for the hospitality provided by your nation. We have been met only with good care and understanding, both from various government staff, as well as other citizens working primarily at the airport. Your people have made our mission as easy and straight forward as possible."

Re: A Tale of Snow and Swamps

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 10:17 pm
by Grand Serene Republic
"Happy that the welcome you received was of your liking, I'm sure the Confederation will give me a spectacular welcome as well"
(Skip to le meeting)

"Honourable President it is a pleasure to meet you here in Seattle, I have to say the cold climate isn't making me any favours but maybe that is just me becoming old"
The Doge says as he extends his hand towards the Salish President