Japanese National Diet will hold vote on New Japanese Century act

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California Republic
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Japanese National Diet will hold vote on New Japanese Century act


Post by California Republic »

After passing through the house or representatives the Japanese New Century act is being held for a floor vote in the upper house of the national Diet. This act has been merged with other legislative efforts from the Democratic and Liberal Democratic parties forming the current governing coalition. The act will formalize the union of Taiwan and Japan, along with formalize the transfer of Pacific island territories to Japan. Furthermore the act will transfer immediate, full, and naturalized Japanese citizenship to all residents and citizens of Taiwan, along with the Pacific Islands. Important to the Japanese Democratic Party was the inclusion of significant reforms to Japans education system and increased funding for Japanese Universities from the state. The Democratic party also insisted on strong deficit reduction efforts to call for a vote on the floor, the Deficit & Inflation Reduction act was merged with the New Japanese Century act. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan was unable to secure its hoped Article 9 interpretations as a part of this legislation, and a separate vote on Article 9 is expected to be announced at some point in the future.

The Prime Minister of Japan is expected to speak in support of this legislation directly in the house of Councilors, citing the New Japanese Century act as the "ultimate goal" of his administration, and has already in public speeches in favor of the legislation highlighted its potential to finally unify the people of Japan and Taiwan once again in a single administrative state which respects the unuiqe cultures of both involved groups, to finally end Japanese stagnation and stimulate economic growth, to address Japans demographic crisis by enabling more immigration from other Pacific nations, and to promote development critical for the continued stability and harmony of Japan and the broader Pacific region.
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California Republic
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Re: Japanese National Diet will hold vote on New Japanese Century act


Post by California Republic »

The vote will be held shortly, the New Japanese Century act is the largest proposed legislation in the history of the Japanese constitutional Republic. The act will do the following things to address the following concerns.

In regards to Japanese Economic Stagnation

The Proposed legislation will create 700 billion in new tax invectives and grant programs in the Shipbuilding, Aerospace, Semi-conductor and Micro-Processor manufacturing, specifically in the areas of acquiring tooling at zero cost zero interest loans provided to able suppliers. Japan will further invest 200 billion into stock purchases, gaining a controlling share in Mitshibishi Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and Japan Steal Works. The effect of this policy will be to grow the Japanese manufacturing sector in these areas by as much as 20% in the next two years, furthermore the interests of Mitshibishi and Kawasaki will be more aligned with the national interest via the state being a controlling shareholder, thus allowing for Japan to have a greater capacity to pivot to national needs with these key industries of national prosperity.

Furthermore this proposed legislation will add over 20 million new workers to the Japanese Economy by formally recognizing the citizenship status of the people of the autonomous territories of Taiwan, The Pacific Islands, and the Sakhalin Island. A primary cause of stagnation has been a shrinking workforce due to an aging Japan, these new young workers will fortify the Japanese Economy while also allowing for growth.

Finally, in this area, Japan will invest 100 billion in the creation of new universities, where the Japanese language, Japanese history, and relevant skills for the civilian or military work sectors will be taught, this will allow the new Japanese citizens in Taiwan and the other new regions to have a zero cost option for further integration with Japan, should they choose. This legislation in no way requires the Autonomous territories to loose any civil decision making policy in terms of official language, or domesestic legislation in social matters, it will however maintain the requirement that all citizens of Japans territories, including its autonomous regions, are entitled to the rights protected by the Japanese Constitution, regardless of proximity to the Home Island Chain.

In regards to Japans demographic crisis

Japan will allow foreign workers to work in Japan under a two year permit program, the permit will allow workers who do not meet Japanese citizenship requirements to work in Japan, these workers will be no income tax, and instead only sales tax and other similar fees. Foreign workers under this program will be allowed to participate in study at one of Japans new Universities for no cost, should they meet the basic language and civics standards for citizenship they will be allowed to apply, and if they pass will be granted Japanese Citizenship, Workers under this program may apply to take a test after 1 year working in Japan, and may re-apply every 6 months. There is no limit on how many times a work permit may be extended an additional 2 years as the permit is approved based on the needs of the Japanese labor market.

In response to Japans new security situation

Japan will change its current interpretation of article 9, Japanese assets working in coordination with international allies will be allowed to defend allied assets as this principle is considered in line with self defense in the context of todays day. Furthermore Japan will now retain the right to engage in hostilities not just to defend the Home Island Chain, but additionally all Japanese territories including the Autonomous Regions of Taiwan, The Pacific Islands, and the Sakhalin island, along with all other foreign holdings of Japan. Finally, Japan may engage in the defense of allies which hold mutual defensive treaties with Japan. Japan recognizes alliances as being critical for self defense and recognizes that in order to participate fully in one Japan must make these revisions.

Finally, to address Japans now larger area of responsibility, it will need to increase the size of the total aircraft fleet by 24 aircraft, this will be two new squadrons of air defense platforms which can respond to threats to long shipping lanes between the home islands and the outer pacific territories, the defense of shipping lanes critical to Japan is part of self defense, there is no timeline for when these aircraft will be operational beyond a statement of intent to do so.

The total fiscal impact of this legislation will be to increase Japans debt by 1 trillion dollars, the recognition of the new areas as integrated with Japan will increase Japans economic output by 984 billion dollars. As a result Japans debt as a percentage of GDP will shift by a minor amount from 233% (11.51 trillion) to 12.51 Trillion making up now only 194% of GDP.
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