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Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:22 pm
by Alanston
Here you can find all the rules for the forums. If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask in the Rule Discussion Forum. An announcement will be made if any rules are changed or added, to ensure all players are made aware.

  • The history of your nation only applies to your nation and not to any other nation, claimed or otherwise.
  • It is at the discretion of those playing an NPC if the NPC's history matches your own. This is up to the discretion of the moderators if they believe an NPC is unreasonable.
  • You can claim that another nation's land once belonged to you, but other players are under no obligation to recognize your claims.
  • The forums are set in 1700.
  • Players are free to use any technologies up to 1700 that are proven to have existed.
  • Be respectful to other players and the moderators.
  • The forums are be considered to be at a pg13 level. This means no swear words in the titles and no excessive swearing in the topics themselves. What constitutes excessive is up to the discretion of the moderators.
  • Anything considered adult content is strictly forbidden and will be deleted on sight, with users responsible being given a warning.
  • If you have concerns about the content of any posts, please use the report function to report it to the moderators, rather than engaging with it directly.
  • Puppeteering, or taking control over another player's characters is strictly forbidden.
  • Metagaming, or having your nation or characters know more than they should is strictly forbidden.
Out of Character (OOC)
  • Avoid posting excessive OOC (Out of Character) content in RP posts. If it must be done, please use spoilers or square brackets at the bottom of the post.
  • OOC content relating to an RP belongs in the Roleplay Discussion board.
  • You may bump a thread, however the post must be deleted once the other player responds. A preferred alternative is to send a dm to the other player.
  • A claim must be approved by a moderator before you can begin roleplaying.
  • New nations must post a roleplay post within the first 7 days after their claim has been approved to be added to the map. If not their claim is voided.
  • If there is more than one claim for the same area of the map, the claim posted first will be favored and the second claimant will be asked to submit a new claim.
  • There is no limit on expansion save that it must be done through quality roleplay.
  • A nation may not give their land to other players for free. This is up to the discretion of the moderation team.
  • If a player wishes to give land to another player, they have two options: Nations may trade land to other nations at approximately a 1:1 ratio. OR Nations may roleplay the uprising of the area in question, in which case any other players who are interested have an opportunity to get involved in the uprising. Referendums for a part of one player controlled nation to join another nation are only permitted as a resolution to an uprising. Both options must be done to the standards of any other RP and can not be a free land grab for any nations involved. This is up to the discretion of the moderation team. Small portions of land (eg a few small islands) are exempt from this.
  • In the 1700s land often changed hands due to marriages, alliances, and inheritances, and other similar instances. These instances are permissible means of lands switching hands, but must be done via reasonable RP.
  • Multi-player nations are permitted (eg two or more players making claims and then joining into a larger nation), however if one player reclaims their lands will be removed from the nation. The only exception being if the player reclaiming wishes to first roleplay their area rebelling, in which case the remaining player has a chance to possibly keep the lands rebelling. This must be done to the standards of any other RP and can not be a free land grab for the nation involved. This is up to the discretion of the moderation team.
  • Player reclaims are to be granted at the discretion of the moderation team.
  • Players who lost land in a war must wait until after all other nations involved have made their land claims, and the RP has finished before making a new claim.
  • Negotiating a peace deal without actually fighting a war and losing land because of it is also considered losing a war, and those players must also wait until everyone else has made their land claims and the RP has finished before being allowed to make a reclaim.
  • Players can not reclaim during a war.
  • Nations will expire after 14 days (2 weeks) of inactivity.
  • If a player has posted in the absences board, their nation will expire after 28 days (4 weeks) of inactivity, starting from the time of posting. This is at the discretion of the moderation staff.
  • Any player may RP as an NPC.
  • When playing as an NPC for your own threads you must wait until either 12 hours have passed between posts if no one else is involved, or until everyone involved has had a chance to respond.
  • Replies for self-played NPCs must be fair and reasonable (eg no making easy wars or just giving yourself free land). This is up to the discretion of the moderation team.
  • Players requiring an NPC must post their request here.
  • When requesting an NPC you must list the lands you are requesting for. The NPC created for the request must include those lands, but could include more lands as well. Players playing an NPC should list the lands included in the NPC in spoilers in their first reply.
  • RPs with NPCs must be detailed, with each reply being at least 3 sentences long. This is to encourage quality roleplay.
  • The details of an NPC nation are at the discretion of the player playing the NPC. NPCs can have the same details as modern nations, or they can be alternate nations, but players are encouraged to be creative. In areas with large modern countries (eg Russia, USA, Canada, etc) the areas can be split into multiple smaller NPC nations, rather than one large nation. They must be considered reasonable. This is up to the discretion of the moderation team.
  • NPCs in colonial areas should be Indigenous nations.
  • NPCs should have reasonable military sizes for their size and region (eg an NPC in sub-Saharan Africa might have a smaller military than one in Europe).

Re: Rules

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:09 pm
by Alanston
Military Rules

  • All players have a grace period of 3 weeks. A player can not be attacked during their grace period, unless they specifically start a war themselves.
  • War can not be declared on players who have announced an absence from the forums, until they have returned (returning is defined as any RP post made after their absence post).
  • A nation can not be invaded if they have been inactive for more than 48 hours.
  • A nation can not be the target of a random moderator event during their grace period or while they are on absence.
  • Becoming involved in a military random moderator event by choice will void a players grace period.
  • A nation must have their military traits application approved before they can use their military.
  • Military interactions between players and NPCs must be done via detailed RP.
  • Moderators have the final say if players are unable to agree on their military interactions.
  • Specific military specs created by players are considered patented by that player.
  • No nation begins with border forts. These must be constructed in a detailed RP. Border forts are not considered to be the same as city fortifications.
  • A player can not invade beyond their means.
  • Invasions need to be specific (3 divisions enter Franch through location X and proceed towards location X, rather than 3 divisions enter France).
  • A player's military can only travel 960km in a 12 hour period when at peace.
  • A player's military can only travel 240km by land or sea, or 20km by foot or in difficult terrain (such as mountains) in a 12 hour period when at war. A response by another player is considered to have been a 12 hour period.
  • The player initiating will go first, with the player (or NPC) being attacked responding, and proceeding from there.
  • Players invading another nation must mention (@) the player they are invading, and send that player a PM, linking to the RP.
  • Players must state whether they are fortifying or defending their border through their RP, as well as which areas are fortified.
  • If the border is fortified or defended, the attacker will make the first attack, whereas if the defender is moving to intercept, they can make the first attack.
  • A player must wait 12 hours between military posts not involving another player, such as mobilization.
  • Other players (incl. NPCs) have 48 hours to respond to an action before it is considered that they lost the engagement in question.
  • When invading an NPC nation no further posts can be made after the initial request, until another player begins playing as the NPC. Even if the wait is longer than 48 hours.
  • Elements of an army destroyed in a war do not automatically regenerate, and must be done by an RP.
  • Invading armies are subject to supply lines, as they need to have food to eat. Players are expected to detail the supply lines to their army in RP.
  • Invasions are subject to the weather, as an invasion in winter can be much more devastating compared to one in summer, depending on location (there's a reason one should never start a land war in Asia...)
  • Many cities and towns in the 1700s are surrounded by walls and fortifications to various extents. When players are attacking, they must RP the laying siege of these towns and cities.
  • Sieges are affected by a variety of factors, ranging from supply lines, stored food and water, terrain, and the like.
  • Coastal cities or towns that are not blockaded can last a very long time during a siege, depending on their level of fortifications, as they can be readily supplied by sea. An example of this is the Siege of Ostend.

Naval Invasions
  • If doing a troop landing in places where there are no port cities players must use landing vessels.
  • You can attempt a beach landing anywhere (including port cities), but the defenders have a presumed advantage against your attack.
  • Attempted troop landings take one turn before the player can engage (eg 1 turn for approach, during which they might get attacked, 1 turn for their troops to disembark, during which they can fight back).