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Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:45 am
by PLC
The PLC announce to invite the Majapahit on an meeting in Poznaz to improve there relations and trade

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:27 am
by Alanston
Given recent events by the PLC, the Nusantaran government is weary of travelling to their lands in Europe. Instead, the representative from the PLC is invited to Kuala Lumpur for the meeting.

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:11 am
by PLC
*PLC accepts and sends delegation by plane to Majapahit to discuss further, a deputy of the king told the press at warsaw airport* "of course we want things to go well and just because the location is now being relocated doesn't mean that things will go worse" *with these words the delegation boarded the plane and is on the way to Majaphahit*

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:56 pm
by Alanston
The PLC delegation would be met at the Kuala Lumpur airport with some fanfare, before being taken to the Petronas Towers, where Deputy Prime Minister Slamet would meet the PLC representative. Slamet would greet the PLC delegate with a polite bow, before addressing him.

"Welcome to Majapahit, my friend. I am glad you decided to come. I apologize for the change of venue, but given recent statements and events surrounding your nation, we felt it best to meet here, rather than in Europe. That said, we remain open to hearing what you have to say. Please, have a seat, and tell me why you wished for this meeting today." He gestures to the conference table, before taking a seat himself.

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:16 am
by PLC
*the delegation takes a seat and the minister spoke* "Well, we definitely want to improve our relations, Mayapahit is a great country and of course our two nations can support each other, both are economically powerful and I think we can definitely do one or the other act, I would also like to talk about a relaxation that both nations can send their ships cheaper into the waters of the other, for example cargo ships 25% cheaper while military ships are only 8% cheaper and of course we want to offer your nation to buy our weapons can if you want"

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:52 pm
by Alanston
"We can discuss loosening restrictions for trade vessels to travel through our waters, that is no problem. But why do you wish to send military vessels through Nusantaran waters? Your nation is thousands of kilometres away, why would you have any military desires in East Asia, unless you were planning on establishing colonies? Which, if I might add, would be an extremely bad idea. There should be no reason for you to send your military vessels through our waters.

"As for economic support for each other, what were you thinking in those regards?"

Slamet pauses to take a drink from a cup of coffee, before continuing. "As for the offer to purchase your weapons, I thank you for it, however I must decline. We tend to produce our own military equipment, or purchase from local sources such as Japan, Dayue, or Australia."

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:05 am
by PLC
"Now our offer will remain and you can always ask us, what concerns the other is the PLC in a military and economic alliance with the BDR, that's why we have to support them militarily and that's exactly why we want to talk about the ships of our Navy cheaper their waters can, the long detour through international waters costs fuel and also nerves of the crews"

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:16 am
by Alanston
"Of course, you are welcome to send your vessels through out waters, but you must abide by the Strait Regulations, a copy of which I have here." Slamet would open a folder and pull out a copy of the Strait Regulations. "Personally, I do not see any reason why you would need to send your vessels through our waters. But if you so wish to do so, you must abide by these regulations."

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:22 am
by PLC
*the minister skimmed. the regulations* "everything looks good i accept this, as long as our ships are faster in korea it should be fine with me, i mean we have nothing to hide from the other nations, well the other thing is that we also like to talk about would like to talk trade you have a big coast with lots of fish stocks and that is what we need we would like to talk about a trade with you that revolves around seafood you can decide the price as long as it is fair the PLC would agree happy if we can start this trade"

Re: Relation Improvement with Majapahit

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:37 am
by Alanston
Slamet shakes his head after a moment, "I'm afraid that we must decline your offer of trade. Due to the distance between our nations, trade in perishable resources just would not be feasible. In my opinion you are much better off trading for seafood with some of your more immediate neighbours, such as Sweden-Finland or Denmark."