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Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:01 am
by Alanston
While Defense Minister Damarwulan travels to North America to meet with the Atomic Alliance, Innovation, Science, and Industry Minister Cahaya Sucianty Indrajaya would initiate funding on several projects at home. The first of these projects includes funding exploratory mines in Sumatra and West Borneo. Specifically Nanga Kalan, Ketapang, Bangka Belitung Islands, Singkep, and Katingan, among other locations. Similarly, Minister Indrajaya has secured funding for the construction of several research facilities, one at Pontianak, one at Jambi, and one at Bandung. These research facilities will be designed to facilitate scientific research, nuclear research, technological research and applications, and environment and forestry research. There are also plans for a large scale hadron collider to be constructed as well, although those plans are currently undergoing feasibility studies.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:00 pm
by Alanston
After a short period has passed, several exploratory mines have been established in the various locations previously mentioned. The goal of these exploratory mines would be to identify any potential uranium or thorium deposits, as well as the potential sizes of these deposits. Miners and scientists are starting work on investigating the explorations, with preliminary results expected in the near future.

Meanwhile, land has been purchased for the construction of the various research facilities throughout the nation. However the nuclear research facilities will be located on a compound roughly 30km away from the city of Pontianak, due to the more volatile nature of the research. An astronomy research facility will also be constructed, located near Jambi, to assist in potential research and development for a future space program. The Nusantaran government has pledged around 250 billion dollars, or roughly 1.8% of the Nusantaran GDP, yearly towards the research and development for various projects at these centres. With the purchase of the land, ground is set to be broken in the near future on the various research centres, with all being built in a traditional Nusantaran style.

A sample of the building style is available for anyone who goes digging through the government files.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:00 am
by Alanston
Preliminary results from the exploratory mines have been collected, and show potential uranium deposits, especially in Nanga Kalan, Ketapang, and the Bangka Belitung Islands. Exploration in Singkep and Katingan is still ongoing. With uranium deposits confirmed, work is commissioned for full fledged mines in the locations where it has been confirmed. Funding has been set aside, and work has begun on the various mines.

Meanwhile, construction has started at a standard pace for the new research facilities, with ground having been broken and the foundations poured. The various buildings will be built simultaneously wherever possible, however the nuclear facility is receiving priority currently. The official reason given is to invest in research to further facilitate the development of nuclear energy throughout the archipelago.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:00 pm
by Alanston
The beginning stages of the full mines has been competed, with work on the second stage underway. Once the second stage has been completed, extraction will be able to begin. Following the extraction, the uranium and thorium deposits will be refined, and subsequently become available for use. The remaining exploratory mines have also proven fruitful, although with less deposits then the first mines, and at a higher cost to extract. Due to this expansion of those locations is put on hold for the time being.

Construction on the various buildings is continuing at a steady pace, with work well underway. The nuclear facility being constructed near Pontianak will also include a refinery for uranium and thorium, in order to maximize the usefulness of the minerals. Because the nuclear facility is roughly 30km away from Pontianak, a maglev line will connect the facility to one of the main lrt stations in the city, alongside the main road to the facility. A particle accelerator is also being constructed on peninsular Malaysia, near Kuala Lumpur. Majority of this facility will be underground, however it will have an above ground component connected to it as well. Work has begun on the accelerator as well, but is expected to take longer then the other projects, due to the costly nature of the accelerator itself.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:59 am
by Alanston
After continued work, the second stage of the mines has been completed. With this stage complete, work can begin on extraction of the resources. Although there is not an overly significant amount of uranium and thorium, it is enough for the government's purposes.

As construction continues, the government has begun recruiting and hiring various scientists and engineers from throughout the country. Work on the maglev line has also commenced, although it is not expected to be completed in tandem with the nuclear facility. That said, construction on the nuclear facility is proceeding at a steady pace, and expected to be completed in the near future. The uranium refinery that is connected to the facility is also proceeding at a steady pace, and is similarly expected to be completed soon. Work on the other buildings is also continuing, but due to prioritizing the nuclear facility, they are expected to be completed after the nuclear facility has been completed.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:33 pm
by Alanston
Extraction from the various mines continues with few setbacks, with the resources being collected and stored in nearby storage facilities.

Meanwhile, the list of potential scientists and engineers has been shortened, and final interviews are being held. Work on the maglev line is proceeding at a slow pace, with the lines beginning to be laid. Work on the nuclear facility and refinery has almost been completed, with the final tests being all that remains. Work on the other buildings is nearing completion as well, with work expected to be completed soon.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:23 am
by Alanston
Finally, after much work, the nuclear facility and refinery have been completed. With scientists already hired, and unrefined uranium already being mined, research and refining can begin immediately. Researchers have already begun setting up their offices and researching the various aspects of the atom, include preparing simulations and practical tests in the facility.

Work on the maglev is continuing, with most of the initial lines having been laid. Work on the other scientific buildings has almost been completed, with only the final inspections remaining. Providing they pass the inspections, the various scientific buildings are expected to open for official use in the near future.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 10:57 pm
by Alanston
Work at the nuclear facility is continuing at a steady pace, with the refinery receiving its first shipment of uranium, and the refining process already well underway. Research on simulations would be commencing already, with effort being spend to investigate various nuclear scenarios.

The various other scientific buildings have passed their inspections, and have officially opened for scientific research. Work on the maglev continues, with the lines having been laid and initial testing beginning.

Re: Operation Krakatoa: Exploration

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2023 11:22 am
by Alanston
Research into nuclear capabilities and uses continues at a steady pace, with work being done to investigate weapons and other applications for uranium and nuclear technology. The refining process for the uranium is also well underway, with the raw uranium being processed and then refined.

After successfully passing the initial tests, the maglev lines have officially been opened, allowing for increased connectivity between the nuclear facility and one of the major transit hubs in Pontianak.