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Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:52 pm
by English Channel Union
In recent days the newly transitioned Northern Ontario to the Atomic Alliance would see an influx of travelers in Eastern Canada's land and air borders. Hundreds of Thousands (Or whatever the exact number is) would be waiting in the Returning Residents' line whether in a vehicle or airport checkpoint.

At land borders, some vehicles would have two persons in it, typically a Ford or an AtomCar, darker shade colors, perfect condition, these travelers would have all their documentation ready along with proof of sale from the Atomic Government showing they had sold their land (15 of this type will exist). Each would provide an answer which would appear identical to all other's responses (Story wise). Additionally, some would be Atomic Citizens in similar vehicles, their passports would be legitimate and their reason for travel would be "Tourism". Remainder are other returning persons. 4 cars with 1 person each would be holding Foreign Passports from European countries and acting very calm, each would have all their documentation ready for the inspector.

In the airports, some travelers would be seen wearing "Casual" attire and not interacting with anyone around them or just idling on their phones appearing distracted. Once they arrive at the Primary Inspection Booth they would have their Canadien passport ready in their right pocket, declaration card filled out, and proof of sale (25 of this type exist). These travelers would stand out primarily by how little luggage they would have on their persons. Additionally, some would be Atomic Citizens in similar fashion but with families, their passports would be legitimate and their reason for travel would be "Tourism".. 4 would be holding Foreign Passports from European countries and acting very calm, each would have all their documentation ready for the inspector. The remainder are other returning persons

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:09 pm
by Alanston
Due to the extreme number of people returning to Canada, the Canadien government would expedite their entrance into the country by calling in the military, temporarily expanding the road system, and simplifying the check procedure. This would mean that their passports would be checked, their proof of sale documents would be checked, but nothing beyond that would be checked. For Atomic citizens attempting to cross, they would all be turned around temporarily until the 'refugees' had been processed [for around 2 weeks, or 4 posts after this].

Those at the border (the 25) with very little luggage would each be asked (in French) where they were going, why they have so little luggage, and to provide proof of funds to support themselves. If their responses were not in French, or their French was not at fluency levels, they would be denied entry. If they had no funds, or could not provide proof of where they were going, they would be denied. The rest would be allowed to enter.

The tourists would not have any issue entering Canada by plane. However they would be informed that flights to Acadia [NB, NS, PEI, & Northern Maine] and Newfoundland [not including Labradour] are temporarily being rerouted to Montreal. No official reason is given for this. Those who had their flights rerouted would be provided hotel vouchers for hotels in Trois-Rivieres, Sherbrooke, and Gatineau, along with rental cars to get to those locations. Those with international passports would face the same restrictions.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:30 pm
by English Channel Union
The 15 Canadien Passport holders would immediately leave the checkpoint once they are provided the "All Clear" by the "Expedited" border measures 5 would go to Montreal and purchase a home in the city, 5 to Quebec City doing the same and 5 to Saint John doing the same. After some time (In the future) they would eventually attend a Drivetest center and attempt to obtain a License ID with their Passport and "Birth Certificate" (These would show various hospitals of birth throughout Eastern Canada)

The Atomic Citizens denied at the border would protest to the officers that with the newly loosed restrictions they should be allowed to cross, some refusing to turn around. No one would be violent and if threatened with arrest they would leave.

The 25 at the airport who had very little luggage, 15 would answer the questions flawlessly, once again almost as if it were practiced, and have documentation of their proof of finances, another 5 would appear a bit nervous and occasionally avoid eye contact while answering the questions, and the final 5 would struggle to speak french but demand they were citizens of Northern Ontario and did not repent their Canadien Citizenship.

The tourists told their flights would be redirected to Montreal would be furious and cause trouble in the airport terminal while they either await a connecting flight or a returning flight, they would harass border agents dealing with other Atomic Citizens or "Canadien" citizens. The Four Foreigners rerouted to Montreal would await patiently and quietly while they approach the checkpoint, accepting the vouchers.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:53 pm
by Alanston
Of the 15 Canadien passport holders, those heading to Saint John would be stopped at the Quebec/Acadien border, where they would be informed that entry in Acadia is temporarily prohibited. The only exception would be if they could provide proof of Acadien residency, with the only accepted forms of ID being a drivers license, lease/rent agreement, or utility bill. Birth certificates and passports alone would not be enough to prove residency, and with them being people identified as having sold land in Ontario, they would be flagged as not being locals to Acadia as soon as their passports were scanned (and thus being denied entrance anyways, even if they had the aforementioned proof of residency). Those in Montreal and Quebec City would face few obstacles to buying a house, provided they showed proof of sale in Ontario.

All of them, however, would encounter some issues getting a drivers license, with most being pulled aside for questioning, as they would be expected to have a local license from Ontario. When they are unable to provide one, or the ones they provide don't show up in the system, they would be asked to explain why that is. But would eventually just be provided with licenses.

The border guards would apologize, but inform the Atomic citizens that due to the influx of people returning to Canada, they can not accommodate tourists at this time. They would not be arrested, but would not be permitted to cross the border, being told to wait. If they did become violent, however, they would be threatened with arrest.

Of the 15 who answered the questions flawlessly, 8 would be pulled aside for further questioning, whilst the rest would be allowed to enter. The 5 that were nervous would also be pulled aside for further questioning. The final 5 would be refused entry, despite their claims.

The tourists harassing the guards and border agents would find themselves swiftly arrested. About half would be put on the next flight to the Alliance, wherever it is going [just to make things interesting, let's say it is to Churchill]. The other half would be placed in a holding cell and given a meal. The foreigners would be passed through the checkpoint without issue, given their vouchers, and sent to Montreal.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:21 am
by English Channel Union
5/15 would be headed to Acadia, once told they could not enter they would comply and purchase a Domestic Flight to Montreal. Those in Montreal and Quebec City who purchased a home would begin to settle in, meeting their neighbors and providing a backstory to their life in Ontario to create a life for themselves. Once they are at the DMV they will claim during their residency in Ontario they couldn't afford the licensing fees and insurance, or even the cost of the car itself. Furthermore, they would claim they had little interaction with services in Ontario, being apart of remote communities of course.

The Atomic Citizens would not fight, if the guards were watching the crowd they would notice an individual with a Black Face Mask and Hoodie would be watching the return line, once they see their last person enter they would begin going person to person, shortly after this interaction the guards would notice the Protestors dissipating back into the Alliance.

Of the 7 who were allowed to enter, they would make their way to smaller communities;
1. Windsor
2. Kingsey Falls
3. Roxton Falls
4. Notre-Dame-Des-Bois
5. Marston
6. Coaticook
7. East Broughton

the remaining 8 Would await to answer more questions, their answers would remain consistent and continue to sound rehearsed.
the 5 that were nervous would continue to appear a bit scared and intimidated, but overall their stories would sound okay excluding one, who accidentally stated he lived in Sudbury but later stated Elliot Lake. The Final 5 would, as soon as they are told they are denied, turn their attention to the other 8 who are acting confident and attack the questioning officers in secondary.

Those put back on the flight to Churchill would go screaming onto the aircraft, fighting as much as possible in the process. Those remaining would calm down in the holding cell. The foreigners would make their way into Montreal and stay the night in the Hotel, the next day they will pack up and go into the city looking for a bus station heading towards Rimouski.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:59 pm
by Alanston
With the status of affairs in Northern Ontario well known, the DMV employees would agree, and expedite their drivers license requests. However, because they have not had drivers licenses in the past, they would all be required to pass a drivers test. Due to the influx of people arriving from Northern Ontario, many in similar situations, there would be several instructors standing by to administer the test. The people would be told that they are lucky, since it normally takes more than to two weeks to get the tests scheduled for walk-in appointments.

The guards would not be watching the crowd, due to having enough other things to keep an eye on. Eventually, however, the influx of people would die down, and if the Atomic tourists are still waiting, the guards would call them over to begin processing their entry.

The tourists in Notre-Dame-Des-Bois and Marston would likely notice regular military and police movements through the nearby highways, all heading east towards Acadia. The tourist in Coaticook would likely notice occasional busloads of people arriving in the town, who would then be sneaking across the southern border at night.

Finding the answers by the remaining 8 too similar and too rehearsed, their entry would be denied. The 1 who changed his answer would be refused entry. Of the remaining 4, the guards would ask a couple more questions, including why they are so nervous. As soon as the other 5 become violent, security officers would step in and pull tasers, shouting for the men to drop to the ground. If they refuse, they would be tazed.

The guards would not care about the fighting and resistance, and would force the people onto the plane to Churchill. All regular passengers would be deplaned and put on a separate plane to Churchill. Those in the holding cell would wait an entire night without seeing anyone. The next morning they would be separated, and border agents would be brought in to each room where they are. They would individually be questioned about their behaviour, and told that they could be facing potential jail time, and being blacklisted from ever entering Canada again.

The foreign tourists would find that the bus to Gaspe that stops in Rimouski. The bus would be full of students returning to the Université du Québec à Rimouski after spending the weekend in Quebec City.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:01 pm
by English Channel Union
These persons would take their tests, each being able to pass and obtain their licenses.

The majority of the Atomic Citizens at the border would have returned to the Alliance, and some would be left and traveled into Canada but this would be in significantly smaller numbers than previously noticed.

In Notre-Dame-Des-Bois they would note the movement of Police and Military activity and transmit this information back to the Alliance on the Dark Web with an encrypted translation to ensure no one can intercept the information. While this may be public if observed by others and reported, the intention is to minimize the appearance of interaction between this person and the alliance. In Coaticook the tourist would approach one of the migrants before they could sneak across the border and ask why they are sneaking out of the country.

The 5 who were threatened to be tazed would calm down and would begin to comply, all others would comply with deportation. When questioned (Tazed aggressive individuals), each would state they suffer from mental health issues and occasionally become irrationally angry, they apologize profusely and ask to return home.

During the ride to Rimouski, he would ask the students about life in the area and any good locations to visit during his stay.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:11 pm
by Alanston
The guards would process the various Atomic citizens at the border, asking them routine questions, such as where they are going, how long they plan on staying, and that sort of thing. They would be asked these questions in French, though a translator would be present as well.

Some internet coders in Montreal would notice the interactions on the Dark Web and reach out to the people in Notre-Dame-Des-Bois under the screen name Gamer_Boy77.

Code: Select all


I noticed you sending information to the Atomic Alliance. This is highly suspicious. Give me a good reason why I should no report you to the police.
Gamer_Boy77 would be sending his message in English, also using the Dark Web.

One of the migrants sneaking out of the country would stop, look at the tourist with a strange look, and say "Where are you from? This place is breaking down! Ever since Blanchet's deal with the Alliance, things have gone down hill! Haven't you heard that he is on trial for treason? It's no longer safe here, people are being arrested haphazardly, and no one has heard anything from Acadia or Newfoundland in weeks. I've got to go!" The tourist would finish with a paranoid glance around, before rushing across the border.

The guards would state that mental health issues are no excuse for bad behaviour, and would mark down the information of these people, blacklisting them from entry into Canada. They would then be sent back to the Atomic Alliance, with Atomic officials being contacted and informed of this. Canadien officials would strongly recommend psychiatric care be made available for these people, due to their unstable mental conditions. The Alliance is also informed of their behaviour, and the reasoning behind their being blacklisted from visiting Canada again in the future.

The students would shrug, asking why the tourists want to visit Rimouski, stating that "it's a little town in the middle of no where. The only good thing it has going is the beach in the summer months. You'd be better off visiting Trois-Pistoles, Riviere-du-Loup, or Gaspe."

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:45 pm
by English Channel Union
These visitors would be routine, nothing special and answer the questions on a random basis dependent on the individual.

With a strange unencrypted message relayed on a private IP server transmitting an Encrypted Message intended for any individuals who have the decryption with no specified destination in its transmission, the host would capture the active IP connections to the server and then send flash encryption of a breach protocall before shutting the server down and booting it within a new configuration, with the recent breach of security the Atomic Alliance would issue a new rotation schedule for the IP on the new temporary IP that was flash issued where agents will be able to once again transmit securely. With the capture of the connected IPs, the ASIS team would begin to track the unknown IP address and attempt to locate its origin.

In Coaticook the tourist will just be completely shocked, not being able to get a response in before the migrant ran across the border, realizing the gravity of this information he will quickly acquire his Encrypted smartphone and open the communication DLink App but will be greeted by a final Flash Message and a currently inoperative server. During the downtime, the tourist in Coaticook would attempt to approach more migrants and obtain regional information about where they are coming from and what has caused them to flee

The atomic alliance would note the ban on their Passport File, along with recognizing the need for Mental Health Treatment, upon their arrival back into the Alliance they would be greeted by Medical Officers rather than a Security Force Officer.

They would inform the students they have already visited the major cities in Canada and were interested in seeing the smaller communities out east, they would continue to ask questions about the small towns and how many live (How is their livelihood) in this region.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:10 pm
by Alanston
With the visitors showing nothing unusual, they would be permitted to enter the country.

Gamer_Boy77, not receiving any response, would forward the information he intercepted to the Canadien Cyber Investigations Team. From there, the CCIT would begin monitoring the Dark Web for suspicious activity, including narrowing down where the first message originally originated. Police in Notre-Dame-Des-Bois would also begin investigating any foreigners in the city. The military movements would also shift, no longer travelling through the small towns and villages near Notre-Dame-Des-Bois, but avoiding that area entirely.

The IP tracing would lead to a random internet cafe in Montreal's city centre. There would be nothing interesting or worth noting about the place, and under that IP there would be anywhere from 20-50 different computers in use during any given day, with countless more cell phones. CCTV, if the Alliance managed to hack it, would only show the cash register, counter, and the door, with nothing showing the computer areas.

Nervous at the increased attempts at communication, those fleeing in Coaticook would start avoiding the tourist, suspecting him to be a government agent. Similarly, around this time, the military would arrive in the city, and begin arresting people near the border. If the tourist got too close, or is seen near those fleeing, he would also be arrested.

Most of the students shrug, pointing out that they are mostly in Rimouski because that university was cheaper then others in the area. Some would comment that their livelihood is nice, whilst others complain about the lack of a true nightlife in Rimouski. A few would also complain about the lack of services in Rimouski (such as a lack of high end stores or the kinds of things that can be found in bigger cities), stating that they wish they could be attending classes at McGill or the Universite de Quebec, but comment on high tuition prices or poor grades as their reason for not going there. Most wouldn't have anything of substance to say, and would find any available opportunity to ditch the tourists and go back to their own discussions (often involving the dating scene, parties, their classes, sports, and other college-esque discussions).

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:26 pm
by English Channel Union
The Cyber Security team would receive the same IP the hacker connected to, once they connect they will be greeted by a simple message;

This site is currently unused - server testing is in progress
Admin Login

Furthermore, once the team connects the old IP, their PC's security system would begin to indicate a program is attempting to access controlled files at the firewall (Attempting to connect, since you connected to the server and its immediate protocol is to send files to your IP and attempt to install itself.) Their IP will also be snapshotted to record in the ASIS database, as the Atomic Alliances IP is masked it is assumed this one is as well, but it is kept in the record regardless.

Seeing the empty cafe, the team would just log the situation and keep it on file for future occurrences.

When the Agent realizes the migrants are avoiding him, along with the arriving Military at the border he would begin to discreetly walk away attempting to avoid eye contact with the Military. This Agent would move away from the border and into the town more, taking mental notes of the infrastructure and looking for a blind alley so he can transmit some information, once found he will pull out his device and access the DLink App sending a brief encrypted message on a current rotations IP informing them of the Migrants statement, along with the Arrival of the Military, almost as if Quebec is going full Authoritarian.

Those goings to Rimouski would take a mental note of what the Students are saying and once they ditch him he will sit back and enjoy the ride, making sure to write it down when he was alone on the Long ride, taking note of the environment and city infrastructure as well. His notebook will be labeled "Travelers Adventures"

Once the Atomic Alliance hears about the large influx of Migrants fleeing from Eastern Canada and the almost Authoritarian-Like Measures deploying the Military to stop people from fleeing tyranny, they will begin to buy ads stating "Immigrant to the Alliance! All are welcome - Followed by a quick show of how to apply for citizenship (Online = Super easy (Pre-Approved), In Person = Easy (Go to a port of entry))". The Atomic Alliance will also contact the Canadien Government, requesting to meet with the Foreign Office either in person or via Video Chat regarding current affairs. Diplomat Shane will be representing the Alliance.

Re: Bonjour my friend! We are all Canucks here!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:12 pm
by Alanston
Canadien minister of foreign affairs, Genevieve Massicotte, would agree to the meeting, but inform Diplomat Shane that she has to meet via video call due to 'extenuating circumstances beyond her control'. She would be calling from Montreal.

The ads would not be too effective, as most people are fleeing towards the east, but there would be a noticeable increase in people trying to cross near Ottawa. Those who cross/flee would be very tight lipped about their experiences, however, and would be worried about being turned back. Those who do speak wouldn't reveal any new information.

Meanwhile, rumours of a pending referendum in Acadia and Newfoundland would emerge, but no further information would be available at this time.