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Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:43 am
by English Channel Union
The Atomic Alliance
Continental Communication to Neighbouring State
Purpose: Request for a meeting between the Heads of the Tribal Council of the Inuit People with the leaders of the Atomic Alliance

To Whom it may concern;
The Commandant of the Atomic Forces and General Secretary of the Atomic Council would like to Formally Request a seeing with the Tribal Council within their terms and territory, the Alliance will respect all customs and traditions for arrival and request a list of any requirements if the meeting is accepted.

This communication is delivered by hand. The Representative who delivered the envoy is awaiting a response to relay back to the Atomic Alliance.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:21 pm
by Alanston
The heads of the Tribal Council would agree to a meeting, inviting the leaders of the Atomic states to visit Yellowknife in person for the meeting. Meanwhile the various Tribal Heads would fly in to Yellowknife themselves.

The tribal heads are: Caroline Wawzonek, representing NWT; Ranj Pillai, representing Yukon; PJ Akeeagok, representing Nunavut; and Julie Kitka, representing Alaska.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:23 pm
by English Channel Union
The Commandant and General Secretary will be ecstatic about the acceptance of their invitation and will depart from Toronto to Yellowknife immediately. The Prime Ministers of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario would also depart fo Yellowknife. Once they arrive they will deboard their B737-BBJ2 with the Commandant and General Secretary will both be wearing Black Suits, with a Red Tie and an Atom Pin on their suit jacket, the Ministers will do the same.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:00 pm
by Alanston
Once all the leaders of the various Atomic states that comprise the alliance arrive, they would be greeted at the airport and taken to the local Legislative Assembly building, where the Tribal Leaders would be waiting for them. A smudging ceremony would start off the meeting, followed by a traditional dance and the sharing of a meal. Following that, Governor Wawzonek would speak first. "Welcome to the United Council of Inuit Peoples, what brings you to visit us here today?"

[Sorry if I wasn't clear enough here, but the tribal leaders wanted to meet with the heads of the various states - so Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, as well as your national leaders]

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:24 pm
by English Channel Union
Each representative from the Atomic Alliance will actively and interestingly participate in all of the ceremonies performed by the Council, carefully notating any cultural information they could from the History to Cultural Normalities so they could do their best to respect them through each stage.

General Secretary Peterson will be the first to respond
Thank you very much for having us Governor, we are looking to further the cooperation between our states in the likes of improving both our economies and overall condition of life. It is the belief of the Atomic Alliance that a more open North America is a more prosperous one! Therefore, we would like to discuss the current interests of your states to engage in cooperation with our states in regard to the reason for our visit.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:37 pm
by Alanston
Akeeagok frowns. "Secretary, I am not sure if you understand how things work here. We do not have an economy in the normal sense of the word... Our economies are more traditional. We do not have many exports to trade with, in the sense you are looking for, that is. Nor do we really import much in terms of resources. I would say that our people are sufficient in regards to our economy and standards of life. They could, of course, be better, but our people are mostly content." He would have a very strong Inuit accent as he speaks.

Julie Kitka would speak up quickly. "Not so fast there, just because our people are content and do not need for anything, does not mean we can't open discussions with your nation. Tell me, what sort of goods would you have to offer trade? What would you like your cooperation to look like? What does a 'good' condition of life look like to you?" She would then say a few quick words in Inuit to Akeeagok (which would be too quick for any of the Atomic delegates to catch).

Akeeagok shrugs with a smile, and nods encouragingly to the Atomic delegates. "I will hear you out."

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:24 am
by English Channel Union
Thank you, Representative Kitka and Akeeagok, the Atomic Alliance would be interested in possibly providing your nation with some of our new Portable-Reactor technology, these devices are intended to utilize low-weight shielding and small highly efficient enclosed reactors and be mobile on the bed of a truck, being towed behind it. These devices are planned to be transported initially by aircraft to remote regions with no/limited access to power and be capable of moving throughout where the demand is most prioritized. The Alliance would be interested in providing this technology to the Northern Council as an investment into its people, in exchange, you would allow for open travel between our states and the ability for some Alliance companies to operate (Such as Transport (Cargo/PAX), Food Suppliers) and conduct business with their local residents, our intention with this would be to lower any food/resource prices/barter costs for your people by allowing the importation of food from our central suppliers/producers in Ontario, Manitoba or Saskachewan without import taxation.
Peterson states, turning his attention to Harper

The Alliance would also be interested in participating with your nation's defensive organization to enhance both our nation's operational capabilities and cohesiveness in the event of defending our North American continent. We would also be interested in including your council in our Defensive Pact to defend the North American Continent.
Calming stated, he is primarily interested in observing the behavior of the Council

The Prime Minister of Saskatchewan, Arnold Beakly, would chime in as well
We would also like to begin working with your state in exploring the possibility of very close cooperation between our states, possibly some investments into housing and connections between each of our independent states, I know for a fact that many citizens of Saskatchewan would love to visit the Territories freely to either explore, volunteer or live in a new environment without restriction and some who have a heritage in the territories would also love to return to their roots, with the same availability for your people to visit the Alliance as well and explore the wonders across North America. Possibly the inclusion into our Medicaid system and Digital Government Services.
Fellow Ministers from each province will echo Minister Breakly's statement

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 10:13 pm
by Alanston
Akeeagok, who has more or less become the speaker for all present at the meeting currently, would take some time to ponder their responses, and discuss them in Inuit with the others, before replying again in English. "Tell me more about these reactors, will they provide effective power without the need to import coal, oil, and/or gas? Are they cheaper than the aforementioned systems? If you could build some throughout our land, we would be very much interested.

"As for our military... We could open discussions for your people to take over our defensive needs, if that is what you are suggesting? At present we rely on the fact that there is not much in our land worth taking for defense. After all, our land is not significantly arable, does not have (much) oil and gas, and is inaccessible to most forms of transportation for much of the year.

"We would be open to increasing tourism and foreign workers in our land, provided your nation pays for the medicaid and digital government services you are offering. You would also have to warn your people that flights between regions are expensive, as is food and housing. Our hospital infrastructure is also not up to the same standards as yours, either."

The tribal leaders would sit back and wait to see how the Atomic representatives respond.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:28 am
by English Channel Union
The Atomic Delegation will be observing Akeeagok expressions during the statement, Peterson will be the first to provide a response

Yes, these Reactors will be able to provide variable amounts of electricity based on local demand, however, we can assure you this will outmatch any pre-dating Coal/Oil/Gas generators, each has a 10-Year Operational cycle without requiring refueling and is transported by Trucks and can be mobile at any time to attend a region with higher demand. The First attachment is the Reactor and Confined Coolant System, the Secondary Trailer carries the Turbine System and the third carries the Condensor and Water Reserve/Pumps, Finally, the Fourth sector houses an Emergency Diesel Generator in the case of a Turbine Failure to ensure the coolant pumps remain online, the Generator is also used for initial start-up. The Alliance has begun projects to establish these reactors in remote regions of the Alliance and we would like to extend our investment to our northern neighbors.

Peterson will complete his statement, turning his direction to Harper, with a Smile across his face he would know the interest of the Territories was far greater than initially expected.
Aye, the Atomic Alliance would gratefully adopt the defensive needs of the Northern Territory as it is in the best interest to ensure the North American Castle is defended and our democratic institutions are capable of existing without threat from external forces. Your land, while it may not hold many minerals provides strategic defensive locations to intercept incoming hostilities that may intend to hurt our continent, however, upon this topic and your expressed interest in opening our borders closer, I believe General Secretary Peterson might have something of interest.
The General Secretary will reach into his Suit Shirt, retrieving an Act of the Council, formally recognizing the Northern Territories as Democratic Institutions and stating they are within all rights to join the Military and Economic Alliance between the states.
We would like to open the discussion for your Territories to become full members of the Council, this would, of course, result in our Militaries merging completely and the Alliance will assume all defensive operations for your state, with a shared cost across all member states. You will retain your ability to create/abolish criminal laws and elect your own government officials and will see the same investments to improve Quality-of-Life for all Alligents. Furthermore, your state will receive the same amount of representatives in the Council as all others who preside over our Foreign Affairs, Border Service, and Armed Forces.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:12 pm
by Alanston
"Full members of the Council? Well, we are already discussing you taking over our defensive operations, and your assistance in regards to our power grids, and healthcare. What would this mean in regards to our way of life, language and culture, and what sort of say would we have over your federal laws? What sort of protections would we have against being forcefully relocated, just so you can claim ownership over some islands in the north?"

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:47 pm
by English Channel Union
Currently, the Atomic Alliance recognizes English and French, however with the inclusion of the Inuit Confederation, the Council has already tabled a bill to abolish the Official Designation and require Government Services to provide assistance for all languages that are not considered "Extinct" by UN standards. This is the intention of the Alliance to become a more inclusive state and allow individuals to communicate their needs more effectively, as the Alliance has grown quickly and so has the body of our people.
Peterson states, with Prime Minister Ford from Ontario chiming in

The Atomic Alliance assures each state within has equal representation, these representatives are elected by the people of each State and are elected to be impartial, they represent the interests of the People for the Council and are not influenced by the states they are representing, each has one vote on a matter that is tabled in the Council and will have the opportunities to voice support or concern. The State itself retained the ability to elect its own regional representation and establish its own laws, they also decide on how much funding it will contribute to the yearly defensive budget for all the Council Services.
Prime Minister of Saskatchewan, Arnold Beakly will speak next
Since the Alliance is the foundation of our States, it must engage our Regional Governments in projects retaining the use of our land, if the project if of national emergence they may acquisition the land but must pay equal or greater value for the land and complete relocation costs of any residents, but the Alliance has shown a clear interest in avoiding any populated regions for their installments.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:26 pm
by Alanston
"If we are to agree to this, we must have a clear agreement that you will not forcefully relocate our people just to uphold your own land claims. Further, we must come to an agreement with regards to military installations in our lands. What will your military installations look like? Will they be near populated centres, or in the middle of nowhere? Will you be conducting sensitive, er, tests, in our land? What of nuclear weapons? We do not want our land becoming targets in the event of a global war.

"The terms in regards to representation and language supports are agreeable to us."

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 12:33 am
by English Channel Union
The Primary interest for Military Installations for the Alliance would be Deep Water Ports and Airbases, Ports will likely be located in Populated Areas for our Coast Guard Vessels in the Artic along with any Commercial Vessels during the warmer months. Military vessels docking in this port may be carrying Nuclear Arms and will most definitely be equipped with a Reactor.

Airbases are a bit different, the Alliance will likely establish Guard Bases in your International or Medium-Regional Airports to provide Security and Operational Support, these installations will primarily be Civilian with some hangers for the occasional arrival of a Military Aircraft. Primary Airbases will be targeted in unpopulated areas on more remote regions/islands that provide a strategic deployment/interception location for incoming threats from northern hostilities. The Alliance Airforce had a low priority for ICBM so you do not have to worry about any Silos, however, Battlefield-Weapons may be temporarily stored in your region if an Invasion Threat is present from a hostile within close proximity, however, these are typically stored in Central Ontario or Southern Saskatchewan for maintenance during DEFCON 3+. Each Facility will also house an MSR type of Reactor, similar to the Portable version.

Peterson will state, glancing at PM Ford

In regards to Land Acquisition and Relocation, Unpopulated areas or areas with a population of 100< can be requisitioned by a Popular vote in the Council. Regions with a population of 100-1000 may be requisitioned by the Council with a Popular Vote and requested to the Province, if declined the Council can vote to VETO and acquire regardless after an Impact Investigation is conducted with the people in the region. Regions of 1000+ Require Provincial Approval along with Council Approval (Cannot VETO) and an Impact Investigation. Each will receive Land Value+Relocation costs to a region of their choice. This agreement is similar to what each of our provinces has agreed to.

The others will nod happily, with the General Secretary remaining still with a pleased grin present.

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:47 pm
by Alanston
"I can accept the military terms. However I need assurances that you would inform our tribal governments if and when nuclear devices are held within our lands. I also want your personal assurances that you will do everything possible to prevent a nuclear disaster, and in the event of one, your people will fully pay for any and all cleanup procedures."

Akeeagok would shake his head. "I do not think you understand Mr Secretary. This is our traditional land. We will not agree to being relocated from it for any reason. Until you remove this needless clause with regards to relocation, we can not agree to joining the Alliance. It matters little what the other provinces have agreed to, these are our lands, and we will not leave them."

Re: Request a meeting with the Council

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:47 am
by English Channel Union
The Atomic Government and the CANDU Branch take Atomic Regulation and Safety extremely seriously, I can assure you that these facilities will be operated by trained personnel, and all measures are taken to prevent a disaster. If one is to occur, the CANDU Branch will take all means necessary to protect life in the regions above all.

Peterson will sigh, providing a response
As it is your state's right, we hope you may reconsider in the future as we encourage all provinces to adopt similar standard operations across the board to improve cooperation, possibly your involvement in our state may change your mind once you understand we have no intention for forcing your people out of your native land for no reason, only in the defense of our Alliance and Democracies.

The Alliance will place the agreement paperwork in front of the Council, showing them each section and ensuring they understand, offering the ability to take some time to translate the information for any representative into a separate agreement and sign each.