The Labratory

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English Channel Union
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The Labratory


Post by English Channel Union »

Physicist Ballard will be summoned to the Atomic Federation regarding the development of a new facility the Atomic Alliance would like to contact him to be the Chief of Research at their new Laboratory, it is planned to be located in Northern Ontario and the Physicist will be asked to attend once the construction is completed, housing will be provided onsite as the facility is planned to conduct consistent operations, Ballard will work with a team of Scientists who will conduct 2-week rotations of the workload.

Meanwhile, the Atomic Alliance will begin working with the Ontario Government masking behind the Infrastructure Projects for improving Ontario's Conditions, Nimoosh Provincial Park will be its desired location, being built nearby Lake Superior and across from Michipicoten Island. Drilling equipment will be flown in by Super Stallions once again to begin constructing this Laboratory within the forest, it will find an opening nearby the coast and a mountain and drop the equipment with some drilling personnel.
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: The Labratory


Post by English Channel Union »

Deep in the Nimoosh Provincial Park, far away from the typical hiking walkways and camping locations - An area will be chosen that will soon be fenced off. The Super-Stallions will drop the Drilling Equipment and Personnel in a clear patch beside a mountain, they will begin to set up the equipment and drill into the side of the mountain, the next delivery by the Super-Stallions will be the Concrete and Labourers to construct the mine supports and entrance. This will be followed by Security Personnel and Fencing Equipment to secure the area around the planned laboratory.

Entrance & Laboratory Drilling: 5%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 0%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 0%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 0%
Equipment Installation (Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Particle Accelerators, Servers): 0%
Additional Drilling: N/A
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: The Labratory


Post by English Channel Union »

Deep in the Nimoosh Provincial Park, far away from the typical hiking walkways and camping locations - the "Laboratory" will be well under construction into the side of a mountain, the entire facility will be located underground with a small portion being the entrance located on the outside, this facility will feature primarily Security Forces and Camo'ed Cargo Containers to keep detection low. Work inside the mountain will be well underway, the Drilling is completed and the support structure is almost completed. Equipment for research has begun to arrive onsite and workers are consolidating it in storage areas alongside the entrance to conceal it from spies.

Entrance & Laboratory Drilling: 100%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 100%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 80%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 60%
Equipment Installation (Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Particle Accelerators, Servers): 0%
Additional Drilling: N/A
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: The Labratory


Post by English Channel Union »

Work on the mountain will continue, the concrete laying has been completed and the last of the supports are being erected. With the equipment arriving onsite, workers will begin to move it inside with electricians and IT Personnel arriving to install the base's communication structure with an antenna nearby the mountain the base is located within.

Entrance & Laboratory Drilling: 100%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 100%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 100%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 80%
Equipment Installation (Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Particle Accelerators, Servers): 10%
Electrical Infrastructure: 10%
Communications Infrastructure (Electronics, Telecommunications): 10%
Antenna: 0%

Further drilling will take place, creating a small circular room next to the main laboratory, which remains empty at this time. Currently, Drilling Workers will begin aligning their equipment to lay the groundwork for this new room.
Small Circular Room adjacent to Main Laboratory: 1%
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
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English Channel Union
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Re: The Labratory


Post by English Channel Union »

The Facility's supports have been completed along with the installation of the Electrical infrastructure. Work on installing the various Computers and Sensors within this facility is nearly complete but still underway, along with the Communication Structure that is nearly completed. The Antenna base has been constructed and the upper pre-fabricated part will soon arrive carried by a Heavy-Lift chopper.

Entrance & Laboratory Drilling: 100%
Entrance Steel Laying (Inner Support Structure): 100%
Concrete Pouring (Entrance): 100%
Tunnel/Interior Bunker Supports: 100%
Equipment Installation (Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Particle Accelerators, Servers): 80%
Electrical Infrastructure: 100%
Communications Infrastructure (Electronics, Telecommunications): 95%
Antenna: 50%

Drilling for the Ciruclar Room is almost completed, rock will be excavated out of the mountain and slowly shipped away for use in other products.
Small Circular Room adjacent to Main Laboratory: 75%

An additional area of the mountain has been selected for excavation, this room will be rectangular and feature extensive cooling systems and fire-prevention systems. A Main Communication and Electrical hookup will also be required.
Rectangular Room drilling: 10%
Democracy thrives with the Atom

The Atomic Seal
Moved from Statescraft to RP Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2024 4:37 pm by Alanston


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